Aaron Nola Stats

Nola (102-77 career win-loss mark) is the owner of a FIP of 3.62 while he has gone up against 6,515 hitters in the majors. His ERA is 3.68 (651 ER’s allowed) and his WHIP is 1.132. He has given up 1,389 hits (7.8 hits per 9 innings) and has 414 walks. Nola has taken the mound for 1,593 innings and has earned 1,744 strikeouts in his career.

Aaron Nola Stats

Career 263 1593.4 102 77 1.132 3.68 1,389 414 1,744 3.62 0 263 193 651 687 6,515 4.21 7.8 9.9
2024 PHI 28 172.1 12 6 1.149 3.29 155 43 162 3.91 0 28 24 63 67 700 3.77 8.1 8.5
2023 PHI 32 193.2 12 9 1.151 4.46 178 45 202 4.03 0 32 32 96 105 793 4.49 8.3 9.4
2022 PHI 32 205.0 11 13 0.961 3.25 168 29 235 2.58 0 32 19 74 75 807 8.10 7.4 10.3
2021 PHI 32 180.2 9 9 1.129 4.63 165 39 223 3.37 0 32 26 93 95 749 5.72 8.2 11.1
2020 PHI 12 71.1 5 5 1.079 3.28 54 23 96 3.19 0 12 9 26 31 289 4.17 6.8 12.1
2019 PHI 34 202.1 12 7 1.265 3.87 176 80 229 4.03 0 34 27 87 91 852 2.86 7.8 10.2
2018 PHI 33 212.1 17 6 0.975 2.37 149 58 224 3.01 0 33 17 56 57 831 3.86 6.3 9.5
2017 PHI 27 168.0 12 11 1.208 3.54 154 49 184 3.27 0 27 18 66 67 693 3.76 8.3 9.9
2016 PHI 20 111.0 6 9 1.306 4.78 116 29 121 3.08 0 20 10 59 68 483 4.17 9.4 9.8
2015 PHI 13 77.2 6 2 1.197 3.59 74 19 68 4.04 0 13 11 31 31 318 3.58 8.6 7.9

2024 Stats for Aaron Nola

Stat Total MLB Rank
Wins 12 11th
Losses 6 94th
Win-Loss Percentage .667 289th
Earned Run Average (ERA) 3.29 640th
Games Played 28 222nd
Games Started 28 5th
Games Finished 0 548th
Complete Games 1 6th
Shutouts 1 2nd
Saves 0 399th
Innings Pitched 172 4th
Hits Allowed 155 10th
Runs Allowed 67 45th
Earned Runs Allowed 63 45th
Home Runs Allowed 24 9th
Walks 43 47th
Intentional Walks 0 401st
Strikeouts 162 16th
Hit Batters 3 180th
Balks 0 175th
Wild Pitches 2 388th
Batters Faced 700 3rd
ERA+ 126 192nd
FIP 3.91 507th
WHIP 1.149 783rd
Hits Allowed Per 9 Innings 8.1 488th
Home Runs Allowed Per 9 Innings 1.3 437th
Walks Per 9 Innings 2.2 774th
Strikeouts Per 9 Innings 8.5 348th
Strikeout to Walk Ratio 3.8 142nd

2023 Stats for Aaron Nola

2023 Stats for Aaron Nola

Stat Total MLB Rank
Wins 12 24th
Losses 9 42nd
Win-Loss Percentage .571 240th
Earned Run Average (ERA) 4.46 837th
Games Played 32 228th
Games Started 32 13th
Games Finished 0 651st
Complete Games 0 29th
Shutouts 0 23rd
Saves 0 225th
Innings Pitched 193 11th
Hits Allowed 178 11th
Runs Allowed 105 6th
Earned Runs Allowed 96 8th
Home Runs Allowed 32 7th
Walks 45 73rd
Intentional Walks 0 284th
Strikeouts 202 14th
Hit Batters 1 426th
Balks 0 156th
Wild Pitches 2 245th
Batters Faced 793 13th
ERA+ 98 395th
FIP 4.03 543rd
WHIP 1.151 675th
Hits Allowed Per 9 Innings 8.3 502nd
Home Runs Allowed Per 9 Innings 1.5 255th
Walks Per 9 Innings 2.1 717th
Strikeouts Per 9 Innings 9.4 276th
Strikeout to Walk Ratio 4.5 73rd

2022 Stats for Aaron Nola

Stat Total MLB Rank
Wins 11 40th
Losses 13 6th
Win-Loss Percentage .458 378th
Earned Run Average (ERA) 3.25 596th
Games Played 32 249th
Games Started 32 14th
Games Finished 0 647th
Complete Games 2 3rd
Shutouts 1 4th
Saves 0 311th
Innings Pitched 205 2nd
Hits Allowed 168 22nd
Runs Allowed 75 38th
Earned Runs Allowed 74 32nd
Home Runs Allowed 19 49th
Walks 29 169th
Intentional Walks 1 194th
Strikeouts 235 4th
Hit Batters 9 32nd
Balks 0 307th
Wild Pitches 2 288th
Batters Faced 807 4th
ERA+ 125 208th
FIP 2.58 406th
WHIP 0.961 407th
Hits Allowed Per 9 Innings 7.4 608th
Home Runs Allowed Per 9 Innings 0.8 543rd
Walks Per 9 Innings 1.3 795th
Strikeouts Per 9 Innings 10.3 155th
Strikeout to Walk Ratio 8.1 9th

2021 Stats for Aaron Nola

Stat Total MLB Rank
Wins 9 66th
Losses 9 59th
Win-Loss Percentage .500 396th
Earned Run Average (ERA) 4.64 664th
Games Played 32 282nd
Games Started 32 17th
Games Finished 0 1057th
Complete Games 1 30th
Shutouts 1 19th
Saves 0 828th
Innings Pitched 180 17th
Hits Allowed 165 20th
Runs Allowed 95 9th
Earned Runs Allowed 93 7th
Home Runs Allowed 26 20th
Walks 39 104th
Intentional Walks 1 365th
Strikeouts 223 8th
Hit Batters 9 30th
Balks 1 93rd
Wild Pitches 0 988th
Batters Faced 749 20th
ERA+ 90 586th
FIP 3.37 282nd
WHIP 1.129 306th
Hits Allowed Per 9 Innings 8.2 645th
Home Runs Allowed Per 9 Innings 1.3 546th
Walks Per 9 Innings 1.9 993rd
Strikeouts Per 9 Innings 11.1 178th
Strikeout to Walk Ratio 5.7 42nd

2020 Stats for Aaron Nola

Stat Total MLB Rank
Wins 5 31st
Losses 5 22nd
Win-Loss Percentage .500 287th
Earned Run Average (ERA) 3.29 654th
Games Played 12 290th
Games Started 12 25th
Games Finished 0 711th
Complete Games 2 3rd
Shutouts 1 13th
Saves 0 579th
Innings Pitched 71 13th
Hits Allowed 54 47th
Runs Allowed 31 41st
Earned Runs Allowed 26 63rd
Home Runs Allowed 9 55th
Walks 23 28th
Intentional Walks 2 31st
Strikeouts 96 5th
Hit Batters 2 199th
Balks 0 546th
Wild Pitches 1 303rd
Batters Faced 289 15th
ERA+ 137 223rd
FIP 3.19 570th
WHIP 1.079 556th
Hits Allowed Per 9 Innings 6.8 592nd
Home Runs Allowed Per 9 Innings 1.1 460th
Walks Per 9 Innings 2.9 535th
Strikeouts Per 9 Innings 12.1 129th
Strikeout to Walk Ratio 4.2 109th

2019 Stats for Aaron Nola

Stat Total MLB Rank
Wins 12 40th
Losses 7 128th
Win-Loss Percentage .632 235th
Earned Run Average (ERA) 3.87 483rd
Games Played 34 243rd
Games Started 34 4th
Games Finished 0 935th
Complete Games 0 660th
Shutouts 0 656th
Saves 0 726th
Innings Pitched 202 13th
Hits Allowed 176 29th
Runs Allowed 91 30th
Earned Runs Allowed 87 21st
Home Runs Allowed 27 38th
Walks 80 6th
Intentional Walks 3 75th
Strikeouts 229 15th
Hit Batters 11 14th
Balks 0 698th
Wild Pitches 3 271st
Batters Faced 852 7th
ERA+ 115 291st
FIP 4.03 477th
WHIP 1.265 492nd
Hits Allowed Per 9 Innings 7.8 739th
Home Runs Allowed Per 9 Innings 1.2 623rd
Walks Per 9 Innings 3.6 525th
Strikeouts Per 9 Innings 10.2 264th
Strikeout to Walk Ratio 2.9 311th

2018 Stats for Aaron Nola

Stat Total MLB Rank
Wins 17 10th
Losses 6 153rd
Win-Loss Percentage .739 134th
Earned Run Average (ERA) 2.38 326th
Games Played 33 272nd
Games Started 33 10th
Games Finished 0 886th
Complete Games 0 658th
Shutouts 0 655th
Saves 0 707th
Innings Pitched 212 5th
Hits Allowed 149 66th
Runs Allowed 57 129th
Earned Runs Allowed 56 116th
Home Runs Allowed 17 106th
Walks 58 40th
Intentional Walks 3 121st
Strikeouts 224 9th
Hit Batters 7 62nd
Balks 1 102nd
Wild Pitches 4 187th
Batters Faced 831 9th
ERA+ 173 88th
FIP 3.01 354th
WHIP 0.975 283rd
Hits Allowed Per 9 Innings 6.3 871st
Home Runs Allowed Per 9 Innings 0.7 728th
Walks Per 9 Innings 2.5 749th
Strikeouts Per 9 Innings 9.5 295th
Strikeout to Walk Ratio 3.9 133rd

2017 Stats for Aaron Nola

Stat Total MLB Rank
Wins 12 45th
Losses 11 45th
Win-Loss Percentage .522 277th
Earned Run Average (ERA) 3.54 546th
Games Played 27 375th
Games Started 27 73rd
Games Finished 0 841st
Complete Games 0 619th
Shutouts 0 614th
Saves 0 676th
Innings Pitched 168 50th
Hits Allowed 154 64th
Runs Allowed 67 109th
Earned Runs Allowed 66 94th
Home Runs Allowed 18 111th
Walks 49 87th
Intentional Walks 2 246th
Strikeouts 184 22nd
Hit Batters 2 375th
Balks 0 654th
Wild Pitches 1 564th
Batters Faced 693 57th
ERA+ 122 251st
FIP 3.27 442nd
WHIP 1.208 523rd
Hits Allowed Per 9 Innings 8.3 583rd
Home Runs Allowed Per 9 Innings 1.0 583rd
Walks Per 9 Innings 2.6 680th
Strikeouts Per 9 Innings 9.9 218th
Strikeout to Walk Ratio 3.8 131st

2016 Stats for Aaron Nola

Stat Total MLB Rank
Wins 6 157th
Losses 9 79th
Win-Loss Percentage .400 459th
Earned Run Average (ERA) 4.78 818th
Games Played 20 471st
Games Started 20 129th
Games Finished 0 813th
Complete Games 0 603rd
Shutouts 0 592nd
Saves 0 657th
Innings Pitched 111 137th
Hits Allowed 116 136th
Runs Allowed 68 106th
Earned Runs Allowed 59 122nd
Home Runs Allowed 10 224th
Walks 29 196th
Intentional Walks 3 122nd
Strikeouts 121 94th
Hit Batters 6 84th
Balks 0 630th
Wild Pitches 2 390th
Batters Faced 483 135th
ERA+ 87 516th
FIP 3.08 422nd
WHIP 1.306 645th
Hits Allowed Per 9 Innings 9.4 384th
Home Runs Allowed Per 9 Innings 0.8 634th
Walks Per 9 Innings 2.4 698th
Strikeouts Per 9 Innings 9.8 176th
Strikeout to Walk Ratio 4.2 99th

2015 Stats for Aaron Nola

Stat Total MLB Rank
Wins 6 155th
Losses 2 431st
Win-Loss Percentage .750 117th
Earned Run Average (ERA) 3.61 638th
Games Played 13 578th
Games Started 13 169th
Games Finished 0 800th
Complete Games 0 606th
Shutouts 0 596th
Saves 0 645th
Innings Pitched 77 180th
Hits Allowed 74 192nd
Runs Allowed 31 238th
Earned Runs Allowed 31 220th
Home Runs Allowed 11 163rd
Walks 19 311th
Intentional Walks 1 432nd
Strikeouts 68 200th
Hit Batters 2 316th
Balks 0 628th
Wild Pitches 0 797th
Batters Faced 318 186th
ERA+ 107 326th
FIP 4.04 747th
WHIP 1.197 570th
Hits Allowed Per 9 Innings 8.6 502nd
Home Runs Allowed Per 9 Innings 1.3 286th
Walks Per 9 Innings 2.2 696th
Strikeouts Per 9 Innings 7.9 392nd
Strikeout to Walk Ratio 3.6 157th