Adam Eaton Stats

Eaton has accrued an average at the plate of .271 for his baseball career in addition to 604 scored runs and an OPS of .392. He has been struck out 750 times and earned a walk on 368 at-bats, contributing to a .349 on-base percentage. For his professional baseball career, Eaton has drilled 72 baseballs over the fence while knocking in 349 runs. He has earned a slugging percentage of .043 and he has a total of 1,490 bases. For his time in baseball, he came to bat 4,198 times and has come through with a hit 1,001 times.

Over the course of this season, Adam Eaton has batted in 30 runs and has accrued a slugging percentage of .327. He has accumulated an on-base percentage of .282 with 22 walks and 71 strikeouts. Eaton has a total of 83 bases in total with 51 base knocks out of 254 at-bats. He has recorded a batting average of .201 with an OPS of .608. He has racked up 38 runs so far this year and has drilled 6 balls over the fence.

Adam Eaton Stats

Career .271 72 1,001 368 604 349 .349 4,198 3,693 .392 N/A 177 48 997 .043 90 32 1,490 750
2021 TOT .201 6 51 22 38 30 .282 288 254 .608 67 10 2 83 .327 3 0 83 71
2021 CHW .201 5 38 20 33 28 .298 219 189 .642 76 8 2 58 .344 2 0 65 55
2021 LAA .200 1 13 2 5 2 .232 69 65 .509 39 2 0 25 .277 1 0 18 16
2020 WSN .226 4 36 12 22 17 .285 176 159 .669 79 11 1 41 .384 3 0 61 32
2019 WSN .279 15 158 65 103 49 .365 656 566 .792 105 25 7 151 .428 15 3 242 106
2018 WSN .301 5 96 38 55 33 .394 370 319 .805 114 18 1 95 .411 9 1 131 64
2017 WSN .297 2 27 14 24 13 .393 107 91 .854 120 7 1 23 .462 3 1 42 18
2016 CHW .284 14 176 63 91 59 .362 706 619 .790 117 29 9 157 .428 14 5 265 115
2015 CHW .287 14 175 58 98 56 .361 689 610 .792 122 28 9 153 .431 18 8 263 131
2014 CHW .300 1 146 43 76 35 .362 538 486 .763 120 26 10 123 .401 15 9 195 83
2013 ARI .252 3 63 17 40 22 .314 277 250 .674 86 10 4 66 .360 5 2 90 44
2012 ARI .259 2 22 14 19 5 .382 103 85 .794 114 3 2 22 .412 2 3 35 15