Adolis Garcia vs Randy Arozarena Stats

Adolis Garcia vs Randy Arozarena

Garcia has raked .239 in his time in baseball in addition to 344 runs scored and an OPS of .749. In his time in the Majors, he stepped up to bat 2,572 times and came through with a base base hit 560 times. His career slugging percentage is .451 in addition to racking up 1,057 bases. In his pro baseball career, Garcia has hit 122 balls out of the park while driving in 384 runs. He has fanned 740 times and has taken a walk on 183 occasions, contributing to a .298 OBP.

In the 2,299 official at-bats in his baseball career, Arozarena is sitting with a batting average of .254 in addition to 583 base hits. He has gone deep 91 times, with 1,002 total bases and a .436 slugging percentage. Arozarena has drawn a free base 263 times while striking out on 677 plate appearances. He has accrued 357 runs in addition to having earned 314 RBIs. His on-base percentage is .346 and he has earned a career OPS of .782.

Adolis Garcia vs Randy Arozarena Stats

Adolis Garcia Career Randy Arozarena
631 Games Played 641
2,572 Plate Appearances 2,650
2,344 At-Bats 2,299
344 Runs 357
560 Hits 583
117 Doubles 128
7 Triples 9
122 Home Runs 91
384 Runs Batted In 314
61 Stolen Bases 100
17 Caught Stealing 43
183 Walks 263
740 Strikeouts 677
.239 Batting Average .254
.298 On-Base Percentage .346
.451 Slugging Percentage .436
0.749 OPS 0.782
1,057 Total Bases 1,002
48 Grounded Into Double Plays 45
23 Hit By Pitch 71

So far this year, Garcia has tallied 68 runs, accounted for 85 RBI and has 25 home runs. He has taken a walk 45 times and has an on-base percentage of .284. Garcia has 130 base hits out of 580 at-bats for a batting average of .224. He has fanned 177 times while amassing 232 total bases. He has accrued an OPS of 0.684 in addition to a slugging % of .400.

Arozarena has a total of 120 base knocks out of 549 at-bats for an average at the plate of .219. He has gotten a free base 73 times and has accumulated an OBP of .332. This season, Arozarena has compiled 77 runs, recorded 60 RBI and has 20 home runs. He has recorded an OPS of 0.720 with a slugging percentage of .388. He has gone down on strikes 169 times while accumulating 213 total bases.

Adolis Garcia (2024) Stat Randy Arozarena (2024)
154 Games Played 154
637 Plate Appearances 648
580 At-Bats 549
68 Runs Scored 77
130 Hits 120
27 Doubles 33
0 Triples 0
25 Home Runs 20
85 Runs Batted In 60
11 Stolen Bases 20
5 Caught Stealing 10
45 Walks 73
177 Strikeouts 169
.224 Batting Average .219
.284 On-Base Percentage .332
.400 Slugging Percentage .388
0.684 OPS 0.720
94 OPS+ 109
232 Total Bases 213
12 Grounded Into Double Play 7
6 Hit By Pitch 22