Al Kaline vs Hank Greenberg Stats

Al Kaline vs Hank Greenberg

For his career, Kaline has slapped 412 balls over the fence while driving in 1,646 runs. Over the course of his pro career, he came to the plate 12,227 times and has delivered with a base hit 3,153 times. He has compiled a slugging percentage of .017 and he has totaled 5,069 bases. He has struck out 1,095 times and has been walked on 1,342 at-bats, which has contributed to a .374 on-base percentage. Kaline has a batting average of .295 for his baseball career in addition to 1,693 scored runs and an OPS of .391.

Over the course of the 5,595 at-bats in his professional career, Greenberg is sitting with a batting average of .309 in addition to having 1,728 base hits. He has gone deep 356 times, as well as 3,334 total bases and also a -.118 slugging %. Greenberg has drawn a walk 956 times while being called out on strikes on 917 occasions. He is sitting with 1,117 runs and also has 1,348 runs batted in. His on-base percentage is .412 and he also has a lifetime OPS of .293.

Al Kaline vs Hank Greenberg Stats

Al Kaline Career Hank Greenberg
2,981 Games Played 1,519
12,227 Plate Appearances 6,608
10,674 At-Bats 5,595
1,693 Runs 1,117
3,153 Hits 1,728
526 Doubles 392
77 Triples 73
412 Home Runs 356
1,646 Runs Batted In 1,348
139 Stolen Bases 58
67 Caught Stealing 34
1,342 Walks 956
1,095 Strikeouts 917
.295 Batting Average .309
.374 On-Base Percentage .412
.017 Slugging Percentage -.118
0.391 OPS 0.293
5,069 Total Bases 3,334
283 Grounded Into Double Plays 82
56 Hit By Pitch 20

Over the course of the season, Kaline has compiled 71 runs, accounted for 64 RBI and has 13 home runs. He has struck out 75 times while accumulating 217 total bases. He has earned an OPS of 0.726 as well as a slugging % of .389. He has earned a walk 65 times and sports an on-base percentage of .337. Kaline has recorded 146 hits in 558 at-bats for an average at the plate of .262.

Greenberg has accumulated 192 total bases with 100 base hits in 402 at-bats. He has scored 71 runs this season and has knocked 25 balls out of the park. He has compiled a batting average of .249 in addition to having an OPS of .885. He has accounted for an on-base percentage of .408 with 104 walks and 73 K’s. So far this year, Hank Greenberg has hit in 74 runs and has compiled a slugging percentage of .478.

Al Kaline (1974) Stat Hank Greenberg (1947)
147 Games Played 125
630 Plate Appearances 510
558 At-Bats 402
71 Runs Scored 71
146 Hits 100
28 Doubles 13
2 Triples 2
13 Home Runs 25
64 Runs Batted In 74
2 Stolen Bases 0
2 Caught Stealing 4
65 Walks 104
75 Strikeouts 73
.262 Batting Average .249
.337 On-Base Percentage .408
.389 Slugging Percentage .478
0.726 OPS 0.885
107 OPS+ 132
217 Total Bases 192
12 Grounded Into Double Play 16
1 Hit By Pitch 4