Alessio Romagnoli Career Stats
The defenseman is averaging 0.04 goals scored per ninety and has tallied 37 points. Romagnoli has earned 31,533 mins, if you’re looking at his ability to get on the pitch. When you look at his ability to score points, Alessio Romagnoli has been terrible, averaging 0.106 points per contest. He averages 0.37 shots per 90 minutes, has 15 goals scored, and 89.99 minutes on the pitch per 90 minutes. Alessio has tallied 128 shots, averages 0.063 gls plus asts per outing, and has collected 36 shots on target.
John Stones Career Stats
John is averaging 0.130 pts per outing and has compiled 7 helpers. Stones averages 0.05 goals scored per 90 and has amassed 41 points, apart from sitting with a 44.74% SoT rate. Stones has earned 114 shots and contributed 38 SoT. He has totaled 28,182 minutes on the pitch so far in his career. Apart from tallying 17 goals, he averages 0.36 shots and 89.44 minutes on the pitch per 90 mins.
Alessio Romagnoli vs John Stones Stats
Alessio Romagnoli | Career | John Stones |
371 | Games Played | 369 |
15 | Goals Scored | 17 |
7 | Assists | 7 |
37 | Points Scored | 41 |
0.04 | Goals Per 90 | 0.05 |
0.02 | Assists Per 90 | 0.02 |
0.11 | Points Per 90 | 0.13 |
36 | Shots on Target | 38 |
41.7% | Shot on Target Percentage | 44.7% |
128 | Shots | 114 |
0.37 | Shots Per 90 | 0.36 |
0.10 | Shots on Target Per 90 | 0.12 |
350.4 | 90’s | 315.1 |
Alessio Romagnoli Last 5 Games
Alessio has totaled 1 shot on target and contributed 0 points, along with averaging 0.370 shots per contest. As well as producing 0.0 pts per outing, Romagnoli averages 0.0 goals scored and 0.0 helpers per outing. Along with accumulating 0 goals, he averages 0.0% if you look at his shot%. Alessio Romagnoli has tallied 0 helpers and collected 385 minutes on the pitch over the course of the season. Romagnoli averages 0.2 SoT per outing for the year.
John Stones Last 5 Games
John averages 100.0% if you look at his shot%. John Stones averages 0.2 SoT per contest. If you analyze his ability to kick the ball on goal, John Stones has compiled 1 SoT and notched 2 pts. John Stones has accumulated 0 helpers and collected 307 mins. In his last 5 outings, John is averaging 0.2 goals and 0.0 assists per contest.
Alessio Romagnoli Last 10 Games
Romagnoli has been pretty solid if you analyze his ability to take shots at the net, tallying 6 shots. Alessio Romagnoli was below average when analyzing his shooting on target rate, averaging 33.3%. He has produced 0 goals scored if you analyze his ability to score goals and averages 0.6 shots per outing. The defenseman averages 0.0 goals scored per contest, has 8.44 nineties played on the pitch, and 0.0 assists per contest. The defenseman has accumulated 0 helpers if you’re looking at his assisting abilities and collected 760 mins. When you look at his ability to kick the ball on goal, Alessio has tallied 2 SoT and amassed 0 gls + asts.
John Stones Last 10 Games
John Stones has accumulated 2 shots on target when you look at his shooting accuracy and amassed 2 gls plus asts. John has accumulated 0 helpers if you’re looking at his assisting abilities and collected 750 mins. John averages 0.2 goals and 0.0 helpers per game. He has earned 2 goals if you’re looking at his ability to score goals and is averaging 0.3 shots per contest. The defenseman averages 66.7% when analyzing his shooting on target rate. Stones has produced 3 shots.