Alex Ovechkin vs Gordie Howe Stats

During his pro hockey career, Alex Ovechkin has tallied 1,550 pts during his 1,426 games played. Shooting 12.9%, he has taken aim at the opposing net 6,627 times during his pro hockey career. Alex Ovechkin has visited the sin bin for a total of 817 minutes while his career plus/minus is 45. As well as his 853 goals, Alex Ovechkin has been of service to his teammates 697 times with an apple.

With a career points mark of 1,850, he has also earned a shooting rate of 21.1%. Howe has been of service to his team 1,049 times with an apple, but he has harmed his team by spending 1,685 mins in the penalty box. Having made his way onto the ice 1,767 times over the course of his NHL career, Gordie Howe has a plus/minus of 160 during those matchups. Over the course of his NHL career, he has a total of 801 goals on 3,803 shots at the net.

Alex Ovechkin vs Gordie Howe Stats

Alex Ovechkin Career Gordie Howe
1,426 Games Played 1,767
853 Goals Scored 801
697 Assists 1,049
1,550 Points Scored 1,850
45 Plus/Minus (+/-) 160
817 Penalty Minutes 1,685
536 Even Strength Goals 566
312 Power Play Goals 211
5 Short-Handed Goals 24
129 Game-Winning Goals 121
6,627 Shots on Goal 3,803
12.9% Shooting Percentage 21.1%
1.1 Points Per Game 1.0

Alex Ovechkin has a total of 31 goals and has earned a +/- of -22. He averages 0.8 points/G with 34 apples. Ovechkin has played 79 times and he has 65 pts so far this season. He has a shooting % of 11.4% (272 shots at the goal) and has registered 20 mins in the sin bin.

Howe has accumulated 94 shots while averaging 0.5 points per contest in his 80 times on the ice. He has done 42 minutes in the box and he has a total of 15 goals for the year. Howe has tallied a plus/minus of 9 while having 41 points. He has 26 helpers and has a shooting rate of 16.0%.

Alex Ovechkin – 2023-24 Most Recent Season Gordie Howe – 1979-80
79 Games Played 80
31 Goals Scored 15
34 Assists 26
65 Points Scored 41
-22 Plus/Minus (+/-) 9
20 Penalty Minutes 42
18 Even Strength Goals 13
13 Power Play Goals 2
0 Short-Handed Goals 0
5 Game-Winning Goals 0
272 Shots on Goal 94
11.4% Shooting Percentage 16.0%
0.8 Points Per Game 0.5