Alexander Isak Career Stats
When you look at his ability to score, Alexander Isak is averaging 1.178 points per game. If you’re looking at his ability to beat the goalkeeper, Alexander averages 0.54 goals per ninety and has totaled 224 pts. He has compiled 520 shots and notched 210 SoT. Apart from averaging 0.105 helpers per ninety minutes, he has compiled 15,688 minutes on the pitch. He averages 2.74 shots per 90 minutes, has 102 goals scored, and 82.52 minutes per 90 minutes.
Callum Wilson Career Stats
Carles averaged 0.47 goals per 90 minutes and collected 316 points, along with having a 52.26% SoT percentage. Callum Wilson produced 26,606 minutes on the pitch in his soccer career. In terms of his point scoring capabilities, the forward had an average of 1.069 pts per outing. If you analyze his ability to take shots at the goal, he was mid-tier, averaging 1.42 shots and 90.01 mins per 90 minutes. In his pro soccer career, the forward tallied 420 shots and collected 266 shots on target.
Alexander Isak vs Callum Wilson Stats
Alexander Isak | Career | Callum Wilson |
267 | Games Played | 364 |
102 | Goals Scored | 139 |
20 | Assists | 38 |
224 | Points Scored | 316 |
0.54 | Goals Per 90 | 0.47 |
0.11 | Assists Per 90 | 0.13 |
1.18 | Points Per 90 | 1.07 |
210 | Shots on Target | 266 |
48.6% | Shot on Target Percentage | 52.3% |
520 | Shots | 420 |
2.74 | Shots Per 90 | 1.42 |
1.10 | Shots on Target Per 90 | 0.90 |
190.1 | 90’s | 295.6 |
Alexander Isak Last 5 Games
Isak has compiled 6 SoT and notched 11 pts. Alexander Isak averages 1.0 goal and 0.2 helpers per game. Alexander Isak averages 50.0% if you analyze his shooting rate. He has tallied 1 assist and collected 421 minutes on the pitch. Alexander is averaging 1.2 SoT per contest if you’re looking at his ability to shoot at the goal.
Callum Wilson Last 5 Games
On top of collecting 0.4 points per contest, the forward is averaging 0.2 goals scored and 0.0 helpers per game. Carles has tallied 0 assists and amassed 383 minutes on the year. In his last 5 outings, Callum Wilson has compiled 2 SoT and notched 2 pts. In terms of his ability to put the ball on the goal, Wilson is averaging 0.4 shots on target per outing. In terms of his shot percentage, he averages 14.3%.
Alexander Isak Last 10 Games
Isak has tallied 19 SoT and amassed 14 gls + asts. Isak has tallied 2 assists and collected 834 minutes on the pitch. Alexander Isak is averaging 1.2 goals and 0.2 helpers per contest in his last 10 outings. Alexander Isak has amassed 12 goals scored and averages 2.9 shots per outing, apart from putting one in the back of the net on 41.4% of his shots. The forward is averaging 65.5% when you look at his taking shots on target. The forward has compiled 29 shots.
Callum Wilson Last 10 Games
If you look at his ability to take his shots, Wilson has collected 12 shots. The forward is averaging 33.3% if you look at his taking shots on target, along with recording 3 points. The forward has tallied 1 goal when you look at his ability to score and is averaging 1.2 shots per game. When you look at his goal scoring prowess, Wilson averages 0.1 goals scored and 0.1 assists per contest. The forward has totaled 1 helper, averages 0.3 pts per outing, and has contributed 833 minutes on the pitch. In his last 10 games, he has accumulated 4 shots on target and recorded 1 goals plus assists.