Andre Johnson Stats

Andre Johnson stepped onto the field in 193 games in his career. His caught pass percentage sat at 61.1% and he got there by pulling in 1,062 out of the 1,739 throws that went his way. He earned 14,185 yards with an average of 13.4 yards per catch. In his career, Johnson had 70 receiving touchdowns and had a long catch of 77 yards. His catches per contest and yards per outing average were 5.5 and 73.5 yards.

Johnson was responsible for 85 yards in his last year. His receptions per game and yards per game average were 1.1 and 10.6 yards. In his last season, Johnson pulled in 2 TDs and had a long reception of 99 yards. He earned a total of 85 yards in his last year and had 9.4 yards per reception. His percentage of passes caught in his final season was 61.7% and he got there by grabbing 9 out of the 15 passes that went his way. Johnson stepped onto the field in 8 games in his last season.

Andre Johnson Stats

Year Team Rec Yards Y/R G GS TD 1D Lng R/G Y/G Fmb
Career 1,062 14,185 13.4 193 187 70 701 77 5.5 73.5 0
2016 TEN 9 85 9.4 8 4 2 4 20 1.1 10.6 0
2015 IND 41 503 12.3 16 14 4 32 35 2.6 31.4 0
2014 HOU 85 936 11.0 15 15 3 50 35 5.7 62.4 3
2013 HOU 109 1,407 12.9 16 16 5 69 62 6.8 87.9 0
2012 HOU 112 1,598 14.3 16 16 4 79 60 7.0 99.9 0
2011 HOU 33 492 14.9 7 7 2 23 50 4.7 70.3 0
2010 HOU 86 1,216 14.1 13 13 8 59 60 6.6 93.5 1
2009 HOU 101 1,569 15.5 16 16 9 70 72 6.3 98.1 1
2008 HOU 115 1,575 13.7 16 16 8 79 65 7.2 98.4 1
2007 HOU 60 851 14.2 9 9 8 39 77 6.7 94.6 1
2006 HOU 103 1,147 11.1 16 16 5 56 53 6.4 71.7 1
2005 HOU 63 688 10.9 13 13 2 42 53 4.8 52.9 1
2004 HOU 79 1,142 14.5 16 16 6 53 54 4.9 71.4 1
2003 HOU 66 976 14.8 16 16 4 46 46 4.1 61.0 0

2016 Stats for Andre Johnson

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 8 374th
Games Started 4 235th
Receptions 9 289th
Receiving Yards 85 290th
Yards Per Reception 9.4 270th
Receiving Touchdowns 2 169th
1st Down Catches 4 285th
Longest Reception 20 290th
Receptions Per Game 1.1 269th
Receiving Yards Per Game 10.6 271st
Fumbles 0 149th

2015 Stats for Andre Johnson

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 53rd
Games Started 14 56th
Receptions 41 99th
Receiving Yards 503 87th
Yards Per Reception 12.3 139th
Receiving Touchdowns 4 68th
1st Down Catches 32 61st
Longest Reception 35 197th
Receptions Per Game 2.6 130th
Receiving Yards Per Game 31.4 119th
Fumbles 0 32nd

2014 Stats for Andre Johnson

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 15 184th
Games Started 15 45th
Receptions 85 15th
Receiving Yards 936 29th
Yards Per Reception 11.0 198th
Receiving Touchdowns 3 78th
1st Down Catches 50 22nd
Longest Reception 35 159th
Receptions Per Game 5.7 11th
Receiving Yards Per Game 62.4 27th
Fumbles 3 1163rd

2013 Stats for Andre Johnson

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 3rd
Games Started 16 2nd
Receptions 109 3rd
Receiving Yards 1,407 7th
Yards Per Reception 12.9 121st
Receiving Touchdowns 5 39th
1st Down Catches 69 3rd
Longest Reception 62 46th
Receptions Per Game 6.8 5th
Receiving Yards Per Game 87.9 9th
Fumbles 0 1st

2012 Stats for Andre Johnson

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 4th
Games Started 16 3rd
Receptions 112 4th
Receiving Yards 1,598 2nd
Yards Per Reception 14.3 83rd
Receiving Touchdowns 4 57th
1st Down Catches 79 2nd
Longest Reception 60 46th
Receptions Per Game 7.0 4th
Receiving Yards Per Game 99.9 2nd
Fumbles 0 1st

2011 Stats for Andre Johnson

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 7 382nd
Games Started 7 171st
Receptions 33 126th
Receiving Yards 492 92nd
Yards Per Reception 14.9 72nd
Receiving Touchdowns 2 124th
1st Down Catches 23 95th
Longest Reception 50 90th
Receptions Per Game 4.7 31st
Receiving Yards Per Game 70.3 20th
Fumbles 0 56th

2010 Stats for Andre Johnson

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 13 260th
Games Started 13 61st
Receptions 86 6th
Receiving Yards 1,216 6th
Yards Per Reception 14.1 70th
Receiving Touchdowns 8 18th
1st Down Catches 59 6th
Longest Reception 60 50th
Receptions Per Game 6.6 4th
Receiving Yards Per Game 93.5 1st
Fumbles 1 1020th

2009 Stats for Andre Johnson

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 2nd
Games Started 16 1st
Receptions 101 3rd
Receiving Yards 1,569 1st
Yards Per Reception 15.5 41st
Receiving Touchdowns 9 10th
1st Down Catches 70 3rd
Longest Reception 72 19th
Receptions Per Game 6.3 4th
Receiving Yards Per Game 98.1 1st
Fumbles 1 1014th

2008 Stats for Andre Johnson

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 1st
Games Started 16 1st
Receptions 115 1st
Receiving Yards 1,575 1st
Yards Per Reception 13.7 84th
Receiving Touchdowns 8 9th
1st Down Catches 79 1st
Longest Reception 65 36th
Receptions Per Game 7.2 2nd
Receiving Yards Per Game 98.4 2nd
Fumbles 1 1017th

2007 Stats for Andre Johnson

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 9 340th
Games Started 9 133rd
Receptions 60 40th
Receiving Yards 851 32nd
Yards Per Reception 14.2 60th
Receiving Touchdowns 8 18th
1st Down Catches 39 36th
Longest Reception 77 11th
Receptions Per Game 6.7 4th
Receiving Yards Per Game 94.6 1st
Fumbles 1 1030th

2006 Stats for Andre Johnson

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 1st
Games Started 16 1st
Receptions 103 1st
Receiving Yards 1,147 11th
Yards Per Reception 11.1 160th
Receiving Touchdowns 5 36th
1st Down Catches 56 8th
Longest Reception 53 57th
Receptions Per Game 6.4 1st
Receiving Yards Per Game 71.7 15th
Fumbles 1 1017th

2005 Stats for Andre Johnson

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 13 259th
Games Started 13 90th
Receptions 63 38th
Receiving Yards 688 48th
Yards Per Reception 10.9 181st
Receiving Touchdowns 2 91st
1st Down Catches 42 35th
Longest Reception 53 59th
Receptions Per Game 4.8 26th
Receiving Yards Per Game 52.9 37th
Fumbles 1 1041st

2004 Stats for Andre Johnson

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 20th
Games Started 16 14th
Receptions 79 20th
Receiving Yards 1,142 17th
Yards Per Reception 14.5 83rd
Receiving Touchdowns 6 33rd
1st Down Catches 53 18th
Longest Reception 54 57th
Receptions Per Game 4.9 25th
Receiving Yards Per Game 71.4 18th
Fumbles 1 1006th

2003 Stats for Andre Johnson

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 19th
Games Started 16 14th
Receptions 66 27th
Receiving Yards 976 16th
Yards Per Reception 14.8 53rd
Receiving Touchdowns 4 39th
1st Down Catches 46 22nd
Longest Reception 46 83rd
Receptions Per Game 4.1 34th
Receiving Yards Per Game 61.0 19th
Fumbles 0 10th