Andrew Robertson Career Stats
The defenseman averages 0.275 pts per outing and has totaled 77 helpers. Andrew averages 0.04 goals scored per 90, has attained a 12.41% SoT rate, and has amassed 113 points. Thus far in his professional soccer career, Robertson has accumulated 171 shots and collected 145 SoT. Robertson has compiled 36,975 minutes on the pitch, if you’re looking at his ability to get PT. If you look at his ability to take his shots, Andrew is averaging 0.42 shots and 90.01 minutes on the pitch per 90 minutes.
Trent Alexander-Arnold Career Stats
He had an average of 0.07 goals scored per 90 minutes when analyzing his goal scoring prowess and amassed 114 points. On top of averaging 0.283 assists per 90, Trent Alexander-Arnold amassed 24,766 minutes on the pitch. If you analyze his point scoring capabilities, Trent was weak, averaging 0.413 pts per outing. Arnold was average if you’re looking at his ability to take shots at the net, averaging 1.40 shots and 89.70 minutes on the pitch per ninety minutes. In terms of his ability to take shots at the net, Arnold has accumulated 386 shots and recorded 149 shots on target.
Andrew Robertson vs Trent Alexander-Arnold Stats
Andrew Robertson | Career | Trent Alexander-Arnold |
443 | Games Played | 307 |
18 | Goals Scored | 18 |
77 | Assists | 78 |
113 | Points Scored | 114 |
0.04 | Goals Per 90 | 0.07 |
0.19 | Assists Per 90 | 0.28 |
0.28 | Points Per 90 | 0.41 |
145 | Shots on Target | 149 |
12.4% | Shot on Target Percentage | 12.1% |
171 | Shots | 386 |
0.42 | Shots Per 90 | 1.40 |
0.35 | Shots on Target Per 90 | 0.54 |
410.8 | 90’s | 276.1 |
Andrew Robertson Last 5 Games
When you look at his ability to put the ball in the net, Andrew Robertson is averaging 0.0 goals scored and 0.0 helpers per game. In his last five outings, Andrew Robertson has accumulated 0 helpers and recorded 360 minutes on the pitch. He has tallied 0 shots on target if you analyze his shooting accuracy and collected 0 pts. Robertson is averaging 0.0 shots on target per contest and has collected 0 shots. He is averaging 0.0% if you look at his shooting percentage.
Trent Alexander-Arnold Last 5 Games
Arnold is averaging 0.0 goals and 0.4 helpers per contest for the year. Trent Alexander-Arnold has tallied 2 helpers and collected 424 minutes on the pitch. If you analyze his ability to shoot at the goal, Trent Alexander-Arnold has accumulated 1 SoT and collected 2 pts. In his last 5 matchups, Trent Alexander-Arnold averages 0.200 shots on target per outing. If you analyze his shot percentage, Trent Alexander-Arnold is averaging 0.0%.
Andrew Robertson Last 10 Games
When you look at his expertise in getting his shot off, Andrew has tallied 3 shots. Andrew Robertson averages 0.0% if you look at his shots on target percentage in his last 10 matchups. The defenseman has amassed 0 goals scored, is converting a goal on 0.0% of his shots, and averages 0.3 shots per outing. When you look at his ability to put the ball in the net, he is averaging 0.0 goals scored and 0.0 helpers per game. In his last 10 games, Andrew has accumulated 0 helpers and recorded 788 minutes on the pitch. In terms of his shooting accuracy, Andrew Robertson has totaled 0 shots on target and contributed 0 gls + asts.
Trent Alexander-Arnold Last 10 Games
Trent Alexander-Arnold has tallied 1 goal and is averaging 2.0 shots per game in his last 10 outings. If you look at his shooting accuracy, Trent Alexander-Arnold has totaled 3 shots on target and contributed 4 goals plus assists. If you analyze his ability to take shots at the goal, he has been remarkable, earning 20 shots. The defenseman has tallied 3 assists and amassed 844 minutes. Trent averages 15.0% when analyzing his shooting on target rate. If you’re looking at his goal scoring capabilities, Trent Alexander-Arnold has been middle of the pack, averaging 0.1 goals and 0.3 helpers per game.