Anthony Rendon vs Nolan Arenado Stats

Anthony Rendon vs Nolan Arenado

Rendon has raked .280 for his career in baseball with 683 scored runs and an OPS of .829. He has fanned 779 times and has walked on 547 attempts at the plate, contributing to a .364 OBP. For his professional baseball career, Rendon has drilled 158 balls out of the park while knocking in 671 runs. He has compiled a slugging percentage of .464 and he has totaled 2,019 bases. Over the course of his pro career, he came to bat 5,022 times and came through with a base hit 1,218 times.

Over the course of the 6,406 at-bats in his baseball career, Arenado has accumulated a batting average of .285 in addition to having 1,826 base hits. He has homered 341 times, with 3,302 total bases and also a .515 slugging percentage. Arenado has tallied a walk 549 times while striking out on 1,045 occasions. He has accumulated 944 runs and racked up 1,132 RBIs. His OBP is .342 and he has earned a career OPS of .857.

Anthony Rendon vs Nolan Arenado Stats

Anthony Rendon Career Nolan Arenado
1,173 Games Played 1,680
5,022 Plate Appearances 7,078
4,350 At-Bats 6,406
683 Runs 944
1,218 Hits 1,826
295 Doubles 387
16 Triples 33
158 Home Runs 341
671 Runs Batted In 1,132
55 Stolen Bases 28
17 Caught Stealing 23
547 Walks 549
779 Strikeouts 1,045
.280 Batting Average .285
.364 On-Base Percentage .342
.464 Slugging Percentage .515
0.829 OPS 0.857
2,019 Total Bases 3,302
94 Grounded Into Double Plays 192
64 Hit By Pitch 40

Rendon has accounted for 55 total bases with 45 base hits out of 206 at-bats. He is sitting with an on-base percentage of .307 as well as 23 walks and 35 K’s. For the current season, Anthony Rendon has knocked in 14 runs and has earned a slugging percentage of .267. He has a total of 21 runs so far this year and has drilled 0 balls out of the park. He has compiled a batting average when batting of .218 in addition to having an OPS of .574.

Arenado has a tally of 228 bases in total with 157 hits out of 578 at-bats. He has racked up 70 runs over the course of the season and has hit 16 balls over the fence. He has tallied a batting average of .272 in addition to having an OPS of .719. He has earned an on-base percentage of .325 as well as 44 walks and 92 strikeouts. So far this year, Nolan Arenado has knocked in 71 runs and also has accrued a slugging percentage of .394.

Anthony Rendon (2024) Stat Nolan Arenado (2024)
57 Games Played 152
238 Plate Appearances 635
206 At-Bats 578
21 Runs Scored 70
45 Hits 157
10 Doubles 23
0 Triples 0
0 Home Runs 16
14 Runs Batted In 71
6 Stolen Bases 2
1 Caught Stealing 2
23 Walks 44
35 Strikeouts 92
.218 Batting Average .272
.307 On-Base Percentage .325
.267 Slugging Percentage .394
0.574 OPS 0.719
66 OPS+ 101
55 Total Bases 228
4 Grounded Into Double Play 15
5 Hit By Pitch 5