Antonio Gates Stats

In his NFL career, Gates grabbed 116 TDs and had a long catch of 72 yards. His catches per contest and yards per outing average were 4.0 and 50.2 yards. He earned 11,841 yards with an average of 12.4 yards/catch. His catch percentage was 65.5% and he got there by pulling in 955 of the 1,459 passes that went his way. Antonio Gates took the field in 236 games for his career.

Gates accounted for 333 yds in his last year. His receptions per contest and yards per game average were 1.8 and 20.8 yards. During his final year, Gates had 2 TDs and his long reception of the year was 27 yards. He tallied 333 yards in his last season and had an average of 11.9 yards per reception. His percentage of caught passes during his final season wsa 60.6% and he earned that by grabbing 28 of the 46 passes that went his way. Gates stepped onto the field in 16 games in his final season.

Antonio Gates Stats

Year Team Rec Yards Y/R G GS TD 1D Lng R/G Y/G Fmb
Career 955 11,841 12.4 236 190 116 652 72 4.0 50.2 0
2018 LAC 28 333 11.9 16 1 2 25 27 1.8 20.8 1
2017 LAC 30 316 10.5 16 4 3 16 27 1.9 19.8 0
2016 SDG 53 548 10.3 14 9 7 34 27 3.8 39.1 1
2015 SDG 56 630 11.3 11 4 5 33 40 5.1 57.3 0
2014 SDG 69 821 11.9 16 14 12 44 34 4.3 51.3 1
2013 SDG 77 872 11.3 16 15 4 49 56 4.8 54.5 2
2012 SDG 49 538 11.0 15 15 7 30 34 3.3 35.9 0
2011 SDG 64 778 12.2 13 13 7 45 38 4.9 59.8 0
2010 SDG 50 782 15.6 10 10 10 42 48 5.0 78.2 0
2009 SDG 79 1,157 14.6 16 16 8 61 56 4.9 72.3 1
2008 SDG 60 704 11.7 16 16 8 39 34 3.8 44.0 1
2007 SDG 75 984 13.1 16 16 9 55 49 4.7 61.5 0
2006 SDG 71 924 13.0 16 16 9 49 57 4.4 57.8 0
2005 SDG 89 1,101 12.4 15 15 10 62 38 5.9 73.4 0
2004 SDG 81 964 11.9 15 15 13 55 72 5.4 64.3 0
2003 SDG 24 389 16.2 15 11 2 19 48 1.6 25.9 1

2018 Stats for Antonio Gates

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 78th
Games Started 1 344th
Receptions 28 146th
Receiving Yards 333 133rd
Yards Per Reception 11.9 164th
Receiving Touchdowns 2 143rd
1st Down Catches 25 92nd
Longest Reception 27 238th
Receptions Per Game 1.8 191st
Receiving Yards Per Game 20.8 174th
Fumbles 1 1057th

2017 Stats for Antonio Gates

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 73rd
Games Started 4 218th
Receptions 30 138th
Receiving Yards 316 139th
Yards Per Reception 10.5 222nd
Receiving Touchdowns 3 93rd
1st Down Catches 16 130th
Longest Reception 27 252nd
Receptions Per Game 1.9 182nd
Receiving Yards Per Game 19.8 186th
Fumbles 0 62nd

2016 Stats for Antonio Gates

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 14 218th
Games Started 9 128th
Receptions 53 76th
Receiving Yards 548 90th
Yards Per Reception 10.3 230th
Receiving Touchdowns 7 23rd
1st Down Catches 34 63rd
Longest Reception 27 228th
Receptions Per Game 3.8 69th
Receiving Yards Per Game 39.1 90th
Fumbles 1 1047th

2015 Stats for Antonio Gates

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 11 296th
Games Started 4 225th
Receptions 56 56th
Receiving Yards 630 65th
Yards Per Reception 11.3 184th
Receiving Touchdowns 5 46th
1st Down Catches 33 54th
Longest Reception 40 158th
Receptions Per Game 5.1 26th
Receiving Yards Per Game 57.3 40th
Fumbles 0 14th

2014 Stats for Antonio Gates

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 24th
Games Started 14 61st
Receptions 69 34th
Receiving Yards 821 44th
Yards Per Reception 11.9 157th
Receiving Touchdowns 12 7th
1st Down Catches 44 37th
Longest Reception 34 166th
Receptions Per Game 4.3 44th
Receiving Yards Per Game 51.3 54th
Fumbles 1 1020th

2013 Stats for Antonio Gates

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 21st
Games Started 15 34th
Receptions 77 24th
Receiving Yards 872 34th
Yards Per Reception 11.3 182nd
Receiving Touchdowns 4 57th
1st Down Catches 49 25th
Longest Reception 56 70th
Receptions Per Game 4.8 36th
Receiving Yards Per Game 54.5 48th
Fumbles 2 1127th

2012 Stats for Antonio Gates

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 15 180th
Games Started 15 58th
Receptions 49 77th
Receiving Yards 538 86th
Yards Per Reception 11.0 195th
Receiving Touchdowns 7 30th
1st Down Catches 30 69th
Longest Reception 34 162nd
Receptions Per Game 3.3 92nd
Receiving Yards Per Game 35.9 97th
Fumbles 0 33rd

2011 Stats for Antonio Gates

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 13 260th
Games Started 13 78th
Receptions 64 37th
Receiving Yards 778 45th
Yards Per Reception 12.2 156th
Receiving Touchdowns 7 29th
1st Down Catches 45 25th
Longest Reception 38 146th
Receptions Per Game 4.9 22nd
Receiving Yards Per Game 59.8 36th
Fumbles 0 15th

2010 Stats for Antonio Gates

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 10 333rd
Games Started 10 123rd
Receptions 50 67th
Receiving Yards 782 37th
Yards Per Reception 15.6 43rd
Receiving Touchdowns 10 12th
1st Down Catches 42 25th
Longest Reception 48 92nd
Receptions Per Game 5.0 21st
Receiving Yards Per Game 78.2 9th
Fumbles 0 21st

2009 Stats for Antonio Gates

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 13th
Games Started 16 10th
Receptions 79 16th
Receiving Yards 1,157 11th
Yards Per Reception 14.6 56th
Receiving Touchdowns 8 17th
1st Down Catches 61 9th
Longest Reception 56 60th
Receptions Per Game 4.9 18th
Receiving Yards Per Game 72.3 13th
Fumbles 1 1019th

2008 Stats for Antonio Gates

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 31st
Games Started 16 19th
Receptions 60 38th
Receiving Yards 704 46th
Yards Per Reception 11.7 156th
Receiving Touchdowns 8 10th
1st Down Catches 39 39th
Longest Reception 34 151st
Receptions Per Game 3.8 49th
Receiving Yards Per Game 44.0 55th
Fumbles 1 1032nd

2007 Stats for Antonio Gates

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 18th
Games Started 16 11th
Receptions 75 24th
Receiving Yards 984 25th
Yards Per Reception 13.1 84th
Receiving Touchdowns 9 12th
1st Down Catches 55 17th
Longest Reception 49 75th
Receptions Per Game 4.7 31st
Receiving Yards Per Game 61.5 31st
Fumbles 0 5th

2006 Stats for Antonio Gates

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 19th
Games Started 16 14th
Receptions 71 24th
Receiving Yards 924 26th
Yards Per Reception 13.0 106th
Receiving Touchdowns 9 8th
1st Down Catches 49 22nd
Longest Reception 57 45th
Receptions Per Game 4.4 30th
Receiving Yards Per Game 57.8 29th
Fumbles 0 6th

2005 Stats for Antonio Gates

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 15 166th
Games Started 15 40th
Receptions 89 6th
Receiving Yards 1,101 15th
Yards Per Reception 12.4 130th
Receiving Touchdowns 10 6th
1st Down Catches 62 7th
Longest Reception 38 132nd
Receptions Per Game 5.9 8th
Receiving Yards Per Game 73.4 13th
Fumbles 0 2nd

2004 Stats for Antonio Gates

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 15 171st
Games Started 15 39th
Receptions 81 16th
Receiving Yards 964 29th
Yards Per Reception 11.9 152nd
Receiving Touchdowns 13 4th
1st Down Catches 55 15th
Longest Reception 72 13th
Receptions Per Game 5.4 18th
Receiving Yards Per Game 64.3 24th
Fumbles 0 3rd

2003 Stats for Antonio Gates

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 15 211th
Games Started 11 121st
Receptions 24 151st
Receiving Yards 389 104th
Yards Per Reception 16.2 33rd
Receiving Touchdowns 2 119th
1st Down Catches 19 107th
Longest Reception 48 75th
Receptions Per Game 1.6 173rd
Receiving Yards Per Game 25.9 115th
Fumbles 1 1065th