Austin Hays vs Eloy Jimenez Stats

Austin Hays vs Eloy Jimenez

Hays has accumulated a batting average of .261 in his time in baseball in addition to 277 runs scored and an OPS of .745. He has gone down on strikes 475 times and earned a walk on 126 occasions, which contributes in part to a .313 OBP. In his MLB career, Hays has slapped 68 balls out of the park while knocking in 248 runs. He has earned a slugging percentage of .432 and he has racked up 876 bases. Over the course of his time in the league, he approached the plate 2,204 times and has come through with a hit 530 times.

For the 1,966 at-bats in his pro career, Jimenez is sitting with a batting average of .269 in addition to having 528 base knocks. His OBP sits at .318 and he also has a lifetime OPS of .780. He has accrued 233 runs in addition to having earned 298 RBIs. Jimenez has drawn a free base 138 times while going down on strikes on 482 occasions. He has gone deep 95 times, in addition to having 908 total bases and also a .462 slugging %.

Austin Hays vs Eloy Jimenez Stats

Austin Hays Career Eloy Jimenez
579 Games Played 534
2,204 Plate Appearances 2,126
2,028 At-Bats 1,966
277 Runs 233
530 Hits 528
126 Doubles 91
8 Triples 2
68 Home Runs 95
248 Runs Batted In 298
17 Stolen Bases 3
13 Caught Stealing 0
126 Walks 138
475 Strikeouts 482
.261 Batting Average .269
.313 On-Base Percentage .318
.432 Slugging Percentage .462
0.745 OPS 0.780
876 Total Bases 908
36 Grounded Into Double Plays 57
32 Hit By Pitch 11

Hays has 93 total bases with 60 base knocks in 235 at-bats. He has earned an on-base percentage of .303 with 9 free passes and 59 strikeouts. So far this season, Austin Hays has knocked in 20 runs and also is sitting with a slugging percentage of .396. He has notched 26 runs on the season and has hit 5 balls out of the park. He is sitting with a batting average at the plate of .255 with an OPS of .699.

So far this season, Jimenez has scored 25 runs, accounted for 23 runs batted in and has earned 6 home runs. He has gone down on strikes 70 times while accruing 109 bases in total. He has amassed an OPS of 0.626 as well as a slugging % of .336. He has taken a base 22 times and has accumulated an on-base percentage of .289. Jimenez has earned 77 hits in 324 AB’s for an average of .238.

Austin Hays (2024) Stat Eloy Jimenez (2024)
85 Games Played 98
255 Plate Appearances 349
235 At-Bats 324
26 Runs Scored 25
60 Hits 77
18 Doubles 14
0 Triples 0
5 Home Runs 6
20 Runs Batted In 23
2 Stolen Bases 3
2 Caught Stealing 0
9 Walks 22
59 Strikeouts 70
.255 Batting Average .238
.303 On-Base Percentage .289
.396 Slugging Percentage .336
0.699 OPS 0.626
101 OPS+ 81
93 Total Bases 109
2 Grounded Into Double Play 13
8 Hit By Pitch 2