Billy Wiles College Stats

Billy Wiles has connected on 164 of his attempted career 305 tosses for a completion percentage of 53.8%. His average YPC thrown during his time in college football was 12.0 yds, and he’s rushed for 21 yds. For his career, Wiles has passed for a total of 1,971 yds with 12 touchdowns and 7 picks. He has a quarterback rating of 125.6 with a TD percentage of 3.9% and an interception percentage of 2.3%. Over the course of his time in college, he tallied 1 touchdown and rushed for an average of 0.4 yards per rush attempt.

In his 11 contests this year, Wiles has completed 162 of his 301 attempts for a total of 1,940 yards. He is averaging 176.4 yds per contest through the air with a 115.4 QB rating. Wiles has passed for 11 touchdowns this season while tossing 7 interceptions and his yards per attempt throwing sits at 6.4 yds. He has run for a total of 19 yds while recording an average of 0.3 yds per attempt. His TD percentage when attempting a pass is 3.7% and his interception percentage is 2.3%.

Billy Wiles College Stats

Billy Wiles Stats

Year Games TD TD% Cmp Att Cmp% Pass Yds QB Rate Y/A AY/A Y/C Y/G Int Int% Rush Att Rush Yds Rush Avg
Career 12 3.9% 164 305 53.8% 1,971 125.6 6.5 8.3 12.0 7 2.3% 58 21 0.4
2023 11 11 3.7% 162 301 53.8% 1,940 115.4 6.4 6.1 12.0 176.4 7 2.3% 57 19 0.3

2023 Stats for Billy Wiles

Stat Value NCAA Rank
Games 11 75th
Completions 162 77th
Passing Attempts 301 63rd
Completion Percentage 54% 121st
Passing Yards 1,940 76th
Touchdown Passes 11 87th
TD Percentage 3.7% 112th
Interceptions 7 55th
Interception Percentage 2.3% 84th
Yards Per Pass Attempt 6.4 110th
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt 6.1 101st
Yards Per Completion 12.0 64th
Passing Yards Per Game 176.4 87th
QB Rate 115.4 113th
Rushing Attempts 57 79th
Rushing Yards 19 108th
Rushing Average 0.3 116th
Rushing Touchdowns 1 111th