Billy Williams vs Ernie Banks Stats

Billy Williams vs Ernie Banks

Williams has accumulated a batting average of .287 for his baseball career with 1,446 scored runs and an OPS of .356. He has gone down on strikes 1,090 times and earned a walk on 1,103 occasions, contributing to a .360 on-base percentage. In his career, Williams has hit 437 balls out of the park while driving in 1,516 runs. His slugging percentage sits at -.004 and he has totaled 4,718 bases. Over the course of his time in the league, he approached the plate 10,932 times and has notched a hit 2,785 times.

In the 9,504 at-bats in his career, Banks has hit .273 in addition to having 2,599 base knocks. He has gone deep 515 times, in addition to having 4,733 total bases and a -.037 slugging percentage. Banks has recorded a walk 769 times while fanning on 1,250 tries. He has accrued 1,309 runs in addition to having earned 1,642 RBIs. His OBP sits at .329 and he has earned a career OPS of .292.

Billy Williams vs Ernie Banks Stats

Billy Williams Career Ernie Banks
2,608 Games Played 2,567
10,932 Plate Appearances 10,488
9,701 At-Bats 9,504
1,446 Runs 1,309
2,785 Hits 2,599
446 Doubles 409
88 Triples 90
437 Home Runs 515
1,516 Runs Batted In 1,642
94 Stolen Bases 50
51 Caught Stealing 53
1,103 Walks 769
1,090 Strikeouts 1,250
.287 Batting Average .273
.360 On-Base Percentage .329
-.004 Slugging Percentage -.037
0.356 OPS 0.292
4,718 Total Bases 4,733
204 Grounded Into Double Plays 230
43 Hit By Pitch 70

On the campaign, Williams has tallied 36 runs, knocked in 41 RBI and has hit 11 home runs. He has walked 58 times and has accumulated an OBP of .320. Williams has 74 base hits out of 351 at-bats for an average of .211. He has fanned 44 times while tallying 119 total bases. He has tallied an OPS of 0.659 with a SLG of .339.

Banks has earned 27 total bases with 16 base hits in 83 at-bats. He has accounted for an on-base percentage of .247 in addition to 6 walks and 14 K’s. Over the course of this year, Ernie Banks has batted in 6 runs and is sitting with a slugging percentage of .325. He has a total of 4 runs for the season and has knocked 3 balls out of the park. He has compiled a batting average at the plate of .193 while having an OPS of .572.

Billy Williams (1976) Stat Ernie Banks (1971)
120 Games Played 39
413 Plate Appearances 92
351 At-Bats 83
36 Runs Scored 4
74 Hits 16
12 Doubles 2
0 Triples 0
11 Home Runs 3
41 Runs Batted In 6
4 Stolen Bases 0
2 Caught Stealing 0
58 Walks 6
44 Strikeouts 14
.211 Batting Average .193
.320 On-Base Percentage .247
.339 Slugging Percentage .325
0.659 OPS 0.572
98 OPS+ 53
119 Total Bases 27
4 Grounded Into Double Play 1
0 Hit By Pitch 0