Jackson has accumulated a batting average of .252 for his career with 364 runs scored and an OPS of .268. He has gone down on strikes 913 times and has taken a walk on 220 occasions, contributing to a .312 on-base %. In his career, Jackson has hit 154 balls over the fence while knocking in 458 runs. His slugging percentage is -.044 and he has racked up 1,237 bases. For his time in the league, he came to the plate 2,850 times and came through with a base base hit 654 times.
Thomas has tallied a walk 1,695 times while fanning on 1,441 chances. His on-base percentage comes in at .418 and he has a lifetime OPS of .348. He has tallied 1,514 runs and racked up 1,723 runs batted in. He has hit a home run 526 times, in addition to having 4,622 total bases and a -.070 slugging percentage. During the 8,385 at-bats in his professional career, Thomas has a batting average of .300 in addition to having 2,517 hits.
Bo Jackson vs Frank Thomas Stats
Bo Jackson | Career | Frank Thomas |
769 | Games Played | 2,377 |
2,850 | Plate Appearances | 10,292 |
2,594 | At-Bats | 8,385 |
364 | Runs | 1,514 |
654 | Hits | 2,517 |
93 | Doubles | 501 |
14 | Triples | 13 |
154 | Home Runs | 526 |
458 | Runs Batted In | 1,723 |
83 | Stolen Bases | 32 |
32 | Caught Stealing | 23 |
220 | Walks | 1,695 |
913 | Strikeouts | 1,441 |
.252 | Batting Average | .300 |
.312 | On-Base Percentage | .418 |
-.044 | Slugging Percentage | -.070 |
0.268 | OPS | 0.348 |
1,237 | Total Bases | 4,622 |
42 | Grounded Into Double Plays | 232 |
15 | Hit By Pitch | 89 |
On the campaign, Jackson is sitting with 23 runs, accrued 43 RBI and has earned 13 home runs. He has taken a base 20 times and sports an OBP of .344. Jackson is sitting with 56 base hits in 201 at-bats for an average at the plate of .279. He has gone down swinging 72 times while having 102 total bases. He has recorded an OPS of 0.851 and a slugging % of .507.
Thomas has 49 base hits in 186 at-bats for an average at the plate of .263. He has gotten a free base 28 times and has accrued an OBP of .364. This season, Thomas has tallied 20 runs, recorded 19 runs batted in and has earned 5 home runs. He has an OPS of 0.751 as well as a slugging percentage of .387. He has gone down swinging 44 times while racking up 72 total bases.
Bo Jackson (1994) | Stat | Frank Thomas (2008) |
75 | Games Played | 55 |
224 | Plate Appearances | 217 |
201 | At-Bats | 186 |
23 | Runs Scored | 20 |
56 | Hits | 49 |
7 | Doubles | 6 |
0 | Triples | 1 |
13 | Home Runs | 5 |
43 | Runs Batted In | 19 |
1 | Stolen Bases | 0 |
0 | Caught Stealing | 0 |
20 | Walks | 28 |
72 | Strikeouts | 44 |
.279 | Batting Average | .263 |
.344 | On-Base Percentage | .364 |
.507 | Slugging Percentage | .387 |
0.851 | OPS | 0.751 |
117 | OPS+ | 106 |
102 | Total Bases | 72 |
2 | Grounded Into Double Play | 6 |
1 | Hit By Pitch | 2 |