Brendan Rodgers Stats

Rodgers has earned a free base 105 times while fanning on 366 attempts. His OBP sits at .318 and he is the owner of a career OPS of .333. He has tallied 210 runs in addition to having earned 193 RBIs. He has gone yard 45 times, in addition to having 675 bases in total and a .015 slugging percentage. Over the course of the 1,631 at-bats in his professional career, Rodgers has accrued an average at the plate of .268 and has racked up 437 hits.

So far this year, Rodgers has compiled 59 runs, amassed 50 runs batted in and has hit 13 home runs. He has gotten a free base 25 times and has earned an OBP of .319. Rodgers has a tally of 122 base hits in 442 AB’s for an average at the plate of .276. He has struck out 107 times while amassing 187 total bases. He is sitting with an OPS of 0.742 as well as a SLG of .423.

Career .268 45 437 105 210 193 .318 1,763 1,631 .333 N/A 87 8 435 .015 1 0 675 366
2024 COL 107.000 1 59 0 442 13 .276 118 473 .423 1 122 24 1 .319 50 1 100 25
2023 COL .258 4 46 11 21 20 .313 192 178 .700 82 9 1 46 .388 0 0 69 41
2022 COL .266 13 140 46 72 63 .325 581 527 .733 96 30 3 137 .408 0 0 215 101
2021 COL .284 15 110 19 49 51 .328 415 387 .798 102 21 3 102 .470 0 0 182 84
2020 COL .095 0 2 0 1 2 .095 21 21 .238 -40 1 0 7 .143 0 0 3 6
2019 COL .224 0 17 4 8 7 .272 81 76 .522 30 2 0 25 .250 0 0 19 27

2024 Stats for Brendan Rodgers

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 1 209th
Plate Appearances 118 119th
At-Bats 473 106th
Runs Scored 442 92nd
Hits 59 95th
Doubles 122 63rd
Triples 24 72nd
Home Runs 1 177th
Runs Batted In 13 142nd
Stolen Bases 50 127th
Caught Stealing 1 397th
Walks 0 393rd
Strikeouts 25 217th
Batting Average 107.000 92nd
On-Base Percentage .276 83rd
Slugging Percentage .319 214th
OPS .423 163rd
OPS+ 1 170th
Total Bases 100 223rd
Grounded Into Double Plays 0 175th
Hit By Pitch 99 233rd
Sacrifice Hits 187 86th
Sacrifice Flies 11 62nd
Intentional Walks 4 163rd

2023 Stats for Brendan Rodgers

2023 Stats for Brendan Rodgers

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 46 420th
Plate Appearances 192 368th
At-Bats 178 365th
Runs Scored 21 367th
Hits 46 349th
Doubles 9 342nd
Triples 1 254th
Home Runs 4 367th
Runs Batted In 20 366th
Stolen Bases 0 486th
Caught Stealing 0 430th
Walks 11 400th
Strikeouts 41 383rd
Batting Average .258 189th
On-Base Percentage .313 283rd
Slugging Percentage .388 301st
OPS .700 302nd
OPS+ 82 366th
Total Bases 69 357th
Grounded Into Double Plays 6 249th
Hit By Pitch 3 273rd
Sacrifice Hits 0 427th
Sacrifice Flies 0 454th
Intentional Walks 0 366th

2022 Stats for Brendan Rodgers

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 137 97th
Plate Appearances 581 74th
At-Bats 527 68th
Runs Scored 72 68th
Hits 140 56th
Doubles 30 48th
Triples 3 55th
Home Runs 13 152nd
Runs Batted In 63 89th
Stolen Bases 0 507th
Caught Stealing 0 393rd
Walks 46 102nd
Strikeouts 101 148th
Batting Average .266 148th
On-Base Percentage .325 211th
Slugging Percentage .408 221st
OPS .733 214th
OPS+ 96 307th
Total Bases 215 83rd
Grounded Into Double Plays 25 2nd
Hit By Pitch 3 241st
Sacrifice Hits 0 267th
Sacrifice Flies 5 51st
Intentional Walks 0 220th

2021 Stats for Brendan Rodgers

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 102 241st
Plate Appearances 415 181st
At-Bats 387 172nd
Runs Scored 49 196th
Hits 110 140th
Doubles 21 154th
Triples 3 90th
Home Runs 15 151st
Runs Batted In 51 161st
Stolen Bases 0 1405th
Caught Stealing 0 1379th
Walks 19 352nd
Strikeouts 84 208th
Batting Average .284 135th
On-Base Percentage .328 313th
Slugging Percentage .470 166th
OPS .798 183rd
OPS+ 102 299th
Total Bases 182 144th
Grounded Into Double Plays 8 179th
Hit By Pitch 7 103rd
Sacrifice Hits 0 1386th
Sacrifice Flies 2 262nd
Intentional Walks 0 1370th

2020 Stats for Brendan Rodgers

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 7 575th
Plate Appearances 21 541st
At-Bats 21 533rd
Runs Scored 1 591st
Hits 2 580th
Doubles 1 510th
Triples 0 572nd
Home Runs 0 646th
Runs Batted In 2 531st
Stolen Bases 0 601st
Caught Stealing 0 580th
Walks 0 671st
Strikeouts 6 545th
Batting Average .095 601st
On-Base Percentage .095 629th
Slugging Percentage .143 599th
OPS .238 617th
OPS+ -40 1692nd
Total Bases 3 573rd
Grounded Into Double Plays 0 645th
Hit By Pitch 0 616th
Sacrifice Hits 0 558th
Sacrifice Flies 0 598th
Intentional Walks 0 566th

2019 Stats for Brendan Rodgers

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 25 776th
Plate Appearances 81 530th
At-Bats 76 522nd
Runs Scored 8 550th
Hits 17 514th
Doubles 2 606th
Triples 0 1255th
Home Runs 0 1314th
Runs Batted In 7 545th
Stolen Bases 0 1269th
Caught Stealing 0 1254th
Walks 4 596th
Strikeouts 27 513th
Batting Average .224 517th
On-Base Percentage .272 613th
Slugging Percentage .250 706th
OPS .522 667th
OPS+ 30 703rd
Total Bases 19 562nd
Grounded Into Double Plays 2 482nd
Hit By Pitch 1 481st
Sacrifice Hits 0 1260th
Sacrifice Flies 0 1267th
Intentional Walks 0 1241st