Bud Harrelson Stats

Harrelson has recorded a walk 662 times while being called out on strikes on 676 occasions. His on-base percentage sits at .329 and he has earned a career OPS of .457. He has accumulated 565 runs and also has 276 runs batted in. He has gone deep 8 times, with 1,425 total bases and also a .128 slugging percentage. In the 4,924 at-bats in his MLB career, Harrelson has accrued an average at the plate of .237 in addition to having 1,169 hits.

Harrelson has earned 49 hits out of 180 at-bats for an average of .272. He has gotten a free base 29 times and has recorded an on-base percentage of .373. On the year, Harrelson has compiled 26 runs, recorded 9 RBI and has 1 home runs. He has recorded an OPS of 0.695 as well as a slugging % of .322. He has been struck out 23 times while amassing 58 bases in total.

Bud Harrelson Stats

Career .236 7 1,120 633 539 267 .327 5,516 4,744 .616 76 136 45 1,533 .288 127 60 1,367 653
1980 TEX .272 1 49 29 26 9 .373 219 180 .695 97 6 0 87 .322 4 4 58 23
1979 PHI .282 0 20 13 7 7 .395 87 71 .762 107 6 0 53 .366 3 3 26 14
1978 PHI .214 0 22 18 16 9 .331 127 103 .554 58 1 0 71 .223 5 2 23 21
1977 NYM .178 1 48 27 25 12 .255 305 269 .482 34 6 2 107 .227 5 4 61 28
1976 NYM .234 1 84 63 34 26 .351 432 359 .649 92 12 4 118 .298 9 3 107 56
1975 NYM .219 0 16 12 5 3 .329 87 73 .576 66 2 0 34 .247 0 0 18 13
1974 NYM .227 1 75 71 48 13 .366 412 331 .632 80 10 0 106 .266 9 4 88 39
1973 NYM .258 0 92 48 35 20 .348 408 356 .657 86 12 3 106 .309 5 1 110 49
1972 NYM .215 1 90 58 54 24 .313 490 418 .578 68 10 4 115 .266 12 4 111 57
1971 NYM .252 0 138 53 55 32 .319 618 547 .622 79 16 6 142 .303 28 7 166 59
1970 NYM .243 1 137 95 72 42 .351 682 564 .659 79 18 8 157 .309 23 4 174 74
1969 NYM .248 0 98 54 42 24 .341 457 395 .647 82 11 6 123 .306 1 3 121 54
1968 NYM .219 0 88 29 38 14 .273 437 402 .524 59 7 3 111 .251 4 5 101 68
1967 NYM .254 1 137 48 59 28 .317 603 540 .621 81 16 4 151 .304 12 13 164 64
1966 NYM .222 0 22 13 20 4 .313 113 99 .636 80 2 4 33 .323 7 3 32 23
1965 NYM .108 0 4 2 3 0 .154 39 37 .343 -2 1 1 19 .189 0 0 7 11