Correa has accumulated a batting average of .275 for his career in baseball in addition to 623 runs scored and an OPS of .826. He has fanned 973 times and has been walked on 507 occasions, contributing to a .354 on-base percentage. In his career, Correa has hit 187 baseballs out of the park while driving in 672 runs. He has compiled a slugging percentage of .472 in addition to earning 1,972 bases. Over the course of his pro career, he stepped up to the plate 4,760 times and has delivered a hit 1,150 times.
Over the course of the 4,568 official at-bats in his baseball career, Turner has hit .296 with 1,352 hits. His on-base percentage is .348 and he is the owner of a career OPS of .829. He has tallied 776 runs in addition to having earned 572 RBIs. Turner has drawn a walk 340 times while going down on strikes on 921 occasions. He has hit a home run 171 times, with 2,198 total bases and also a .481 slugging percentage.
Carlos Correa vs Trea Turner Stats
Carlos Correa | Career | Trea Turner |
1,109 | Games Played | 1,125 |
4,760 | Plate Appearances | 4,967 |
4,179 | At-Bats | 4,568 |
623 | Runs | 776 |
1,150 | Hits | 1,352 |
235 | Doubles | 251 |
13 | Triples | 41 |
187 | Home Runs | 171 |
672 | Runs Batted In | 572 |
33 | Stolen Bases | 279 |
9 | Caught Stealing | 46 |
507 | Walks | 340 |
973 | Strikeouts | 921 |
.275 | Batting Average | .296 |
.354 | On-Base Percentage | .348 |
.472 | Slugging Percentage | .481 |
0.826 | OPS | 0.829 |
1,972 | Total Bases | 2,198 |
132 | Grounded Into Double Plays | 76 |
29 | Hit By Pitch | 36 |
Correa has tallied 165 bases in total with 99 hits out of 319 at-bats. He has scored 55 runs on the campaign and has knocked 14 balls out of the park. He has accounted for a batting average at the plate of .310 while having an OPS of .905. He has recorded an OBP of .388 in addition to 40 walks and 61 strikeouts. So far this season, Carlos Correa has hit in 54 runs and has tallied a slugging percentage of .517.
Since the start of the campaign, Trea Turner has knocked in 62 runs and also has recorded a slugging percentage of .469. He has earned an on-base percentage of .338 as well as 27 walks and 98 K’s. Turner has earned 237 bases in total with 149 base knocks in 505 at-bats. He has earned a batting average of .295 in addition to having an OPS of .807. He has notched 88 runs over the course of the season and has drilled 21 balls out of the park.
Carlos Correa (2024) | Stat | Trea Turner (2024) |
86 | Games Played | 121 |
367 | Plate Appearances | 539 |
319 | At-Bats | 505 |
55 | Runs Scored | 88 |
99 | Hits | 149 |
20 | Doubles | 25 |
2 | Triples | 0 |
14 | Home Runs | 21 |
54 | Runs Batted In | 62 |
0 | Stolen Bases | 19 |
0 | Caught Stealing | 4 |
40 | Walks | 27 |
61 | Strikeouts | 98 |
.310 | Batting Average | .295 |
.388 | On-Base Percentage | .338 |
.517 | Slugging Percentage | .469 |
0.905 | OPS | 0.807 |
152 | OPS+ | 124 |
165 | Total Bases | 237 |
5 | Grounded Into Double Play | 10 |
3 | Hit By Pitch | 6 |