Cavaliers vs Lakers Injury Report 4/6/2024

Cavaliers vs Lakers Injury Report 4/6/2024

Spectrum Sportsnet is where you can take in the Cavaliers vs Lakers game on Saturday, April 6, 2024 at 3:30 PM EST. Los Angeles has been all right if you examine shooting the ball, averaging 56.5% on shots inside the arc so far this year. When examining distributing the basketball, the Cavaliers average 28.1 assists per contest, putting them 8th in the league so far this season.

How to Watch the Cavaliers vs the Lakers

  • Where to Watch?: Spectrum Sportsnet
  • When to Watch?: Saturday, April 6, 2024
  • Where to Attend?: Arena
  • Cleveland Cavaliers Offense Rank: 19th
  • Los Angeles Lakers Offense Rank: 7th
  • Cleveland Cavaliers Defense Rank: 7th
  • Los Angeles Lakers Defense Rank: 23rd

Cleveland Cavaliers Latest Injury Updates

No key injuries to report

Los Angeles Lakers Latest Injury Updates

No key injuries to report

Cavaliers vs Lakers Offensive Comparison

Cleveland Cavaliers Team Offense 2023-24 Los Angeles Lakers
77 Games Played 77
3,213 Field Goals 3,362
6,700 Field Goal Attempts 6,749
48.0% Field Goal Percentage 49.8%
1,042 3-Pointers Made 906
2,849 3-Point Attempts 2,403
36.6% 3-Point Percentage 37.7%
2,171 2-Pointers Made 2,456
3,851 2-Point Attempts 4,346
56.4% 2-Point Percentage 56.5%
1,204 Free Throws 1,449
1,571 Free Throw Attempts 1,859
76.6% Free Throw Percentage 77.9%
754 Offensive Rebounds 633
2,452 Defensive Rebounds 2,538
3,206 Total Rebounds 3,171
2,163 Assists 2,195
560 Steals 559
362 Blocks 428
981 Turnovers 1,022
1,372 Personal Fouls 1,213
8,672 Points Scored 9,079
41.7 Field Goals Per Game 43.7
87.0 Field Goal Attempts Per Game 87.6
13.5 3-Pointers Per Game 11.8
37.0 3-Point Attempts Per Game 31.2
28.2 2-Pointers Made Per Game 31.9
50.0 2-Point Attempts Per Game 56.4
15.6 Free Throws Per Game 18.8
20.4 Free Throw Attempts Per Game 24.1
9.8 Offensive Rebounds Per Game 8.2
31.8 Defensive Rebounds Per Game 33.0
41.6 Total Rebounds Per Game 41.2
28.1 Assists Per Game 28.5
7.3 Steals Per Game 7.3
4.7 Blocks Per Game 5.6
12.7 Turnovers Per Game 13.3
17.8 Personal Fouls Per Game 15.8
112.6 Points Per Game 117.9

Cleveland Cavaliers Offensive Highlights

  • They are averaging 112.6 pts per contest and have compiled 3,206 total rebounds so far this year.
  • The Cleveland Cavaliers average 37.0 3-point attempts per outing and have accumulated 1,042 3-point shots on the year.
  • The Cavaliers average 20.4 attempts from the foul line per game and have totaled 1,204 FTs on the season.
  • The Cavaliers have recorded 981 TOs and average 13.5 3’s per contest this year.
  • The Cavaliers have notched 754 boards on the offensive end and are averaging 41.6 total rebounds per game so far this year.
  • Cleveland is shooting 48.0% for field goal% (3213 of 6700) and 18.0% for their FT per FGA rate this year.
  • Cleveland has been decent if you take a look at shooting, as they average 36.6% on shots from beyond the arc on the season.

Los Angeles Lakers Offensive Highlights

  • The Los Angeles Lakers have accumulated 1,449 foul shots and average 31.2 3-point shots per outing on the year.
  • The Lakers have notched 3,362 FGs and are averaging 28.5 assists per game so far this year.
  • Los Angeles is making 56.5% for their effective FG% and 49.8% for FG% (3362 of 6749) this season.
  • The Los Angeles Lakers average 41.2 total rebounds per game and have notched 559 steals this season.
  • Los Angeles is making 37.7% on three-point shots (906 of 2403) and 77.9% from the foul line this season.
  • The Lakers have notched 2,195 assists and average 117.9 pts per contest so far this season.
  • The Lakers are averaging 8.2 2nd chance boards per game and have notched 428 blocked shots over the course of the season.
  • When it comes to collecting boards, the Lakers average 41.2 boards per outing, ranking them 20th in the league on the year.

Cavaliers vs Lakers Defensive Comparison

Cleveland Cavaliers Team Defense 2023-24 Los Angeles Lakers
3,112 Field Goals Allowed 3,423
6,748 Field Goal Attempts Allowed 7,239
46.1% Field Goal Percentage Allowed 47.3%
957 3-Pointers Allowed 1,086
2,597 3-Point Attempts Allowed 2,918
36.9% 3-Point Percentage Allowed 37.2%
2,155 2-Pointers Allowed 2,337
4,151 2-Point Attempts Allowed 4,321
51.9% 2-Point Percentage Allowed 54.1%
1,283 Free Throws Allowed 1,112
1,632 Free Throw Attempts Allowed 1,394
78.6% Free Throw Percentage Allowed 79.8%
779 Offensive Rebounds Allowed 839
2,331 Defensive Rebounds Allowed 2,424
3,110 Total Rebounds Allowed 3,263
1,921 Assists Allowed 2,181
980 Turnovers Forced 967
1,453 Personal Fouls 1,527
8,464 Points Allowed 9,044
40.4 Field Goals Allowed Per Game 44.5
87.6 Field Goal Attempts Allowed Per Game 94.0
12.4 3-Pointers Allowed Per Game 14.1
33.7 3-Point Attempts Allowed Per Game 37.9
28.0 2-Pointers Allowed Per Game 30.4
53.9 2-Point Attempts Allowed Per Game 56.1
16.7 Free Throws Allowed Per Game 14.4
21.2 Free Throw Attempts Allowed Per Game 18.1
10.1 Offensive Rebounds Allowed Per Game 10.9
30.3 Defensive Rebounds Allowed Per Game 31.5
40.4 Total Rebounds Allowed Per Game 42.4
24.9 Assists Allowed Per Game 28.3
12.7 Turnovers Forced Per Game 12.6
18.9 Personal Fouls Per Game 19.8
109.9 Points Per Game Allowed 117.5

Cleveland Cavaliers Defensive Highlights

  • The Cleveland Cavaliers have surrendered 1,283 foul shots and 33.7 3-point shots per outing on the year.
  • The Cleveland Cavaliers have allowed 3,112 FGs and 24.9 assists per game so far this year.
  • Cleveland is allowing 53.2% for their eFG% and 46.1% for field goal% (3112 of 6748) this year.
  • Cleveland has been pretty impressive if you take a look at stopping the ball, conceding 51.9% on two-pointers on the season.
  • They concede 40.4 total rebounds per game and have granted 589 STLs on the season.
  • Cleveland is surrendering 36.9% on three-point shots (957 of 2597) and 78.6% from the foul line this season.
  • They have given up 1,921 assists and 109.9 pts per game on the season.
  • The Cleveland Cavaliers relinquish 10.1 offensive boards per contest and have yielded 377 blocked shots so far this year.
  • When analyzing defending the opposition, the Cleveland Cavaliers grant 40.4 boards per game, ranking them 8th in the Association so far this year.

Los Angeles Lakers Defensive Highlights

  • Los Angeles has been fine when you look at defending the opposition, granting 37.2% on shots from 3-point land so far this season.
  • They concede 117.5 points per contest and have allowed 3,263 boards this year.
  • The Lakers relinquish 37.9 3-point attempts per contest and have yielded 1,086 shots from downtown so far this year.
  • The Lakers allow 18.1 attempts from the charity stripe per outing and have conceded 1,112 foul shots on the year.
  • The Lakers have surrendered 967 TOs and 14.1 3-point shots per outing on the year.
  • The Los Angeles Lakers have yielded 839 offensive boards and 42.4 total rebounds per contest so far this season.
  • Los Angeles is relinquishing 47.3% for field goal% (3423 of 7239) and 15.4% for their free throw to field goal attempt rate so far this year.
  • In terms of stopping their opponent, they allow 28.3 assists per contest, ranking them 26th in the NBA so far this season.