Chad Johnson Stats

Johnson (67 receiving TD’s) compiled an average of 66.6 yds per game receiving and he averages 4.6 receptions per game throughout his career. His longest catch of his career went for 82 yards and he was able to snag 55.8% of the passes thrown in his direction. He hauled in 766 passes thrown his way for an average of 14.4 YPC. Johnson hauled in 11,059 yards as a receiver in 166 games throughout his career.

Johnson accounted for 276 yds during his final season. His receptions per contest and yards per game average were 1.0 and 18.4 yards. In his last year, Johnson ended up with 1 touchdown and his longest catch of the year was 82 yards. He totaled 276 yards in his final season and finished the season with an average of 18.4 yards per catch. His percentage of passes caught in his final year was 61.7% and he had that by grabbing 15 of the 24 throws that went his way. Johnson stepped onto the gridiron in 15 games during his final year.

Chad Johnson Stats

Year Team Rec Yards Y/R G GS TD 1D Lng R/G Y/G Fmb
Career 766 11,059 14.4 166 135 67 575 82 4.6 66.6 0
2011 NWE 15 276 18.4 15 3 1 13 53 1.0 18.4 0
2010 CIN 67 831 12.4 14 12 4 47 42 4.8 59.4 0
2009 CIN 72 1,047 14.5 16 15 9 55 50 4.5 65.4 2
2008 CIN 53 540 10.2 13 10 4 35 26 4.1 41.5 0
2007 CIN 93 1,440 15.5 16 16 8 74 70 5.8 90.0 2
2006 CIN 87 1,369 15.7 16 16 7 67 74 5.4 85.6 1
2005 CIN 97 1,432 14.8 16 16 9 74 70 6.1 89.5 1
2004 CIN 95 1,274 13.4 16 16 9 63 53 5.9 79.6 1
2003 CIN 90 1,355 15.1 16 14 10 67 82 5.6 84.7 0
2002 CIN 69 1,166 16.9 16 14 5 58 72 4.3 72.9 0
2001 CIN 28 329 11.8 12 3 1 22 28 2.3 27.4 0

2011 Stats for Chad Johnson

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 15 195th
Games Started 3 256th
Receptions 15 224th
Receiving Yards 276 155th
Yards Per Reception 18.4 22nd
Receiving Touchdowns 1 192nd
1st Down Catches 13 166th
Longest Reception 53 74th
Receptions Per Game 1.0 257th
Receiving Yards Per Game 18.4 177th
Fumbles 0 107th

2010 Stats for Chad Johnson

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 14 221st
Games Started 12 91st
Receptions 67 28th
Receiving Yards 831 31st
Yards Per Reception 12.4 123rd
Receiving Touchdowns 4 61st
1st Down Catches 47 16th
Longest Reception 42 121st
Receptions Per Game 4.8 27th
Receiving Yards Per Game 59.4 31st
Fumbles 0 9th

2009 Stats for Chad Johnson

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 23rd
Games Started 15 39th
Receptions 72 26th
Receiving Yards 1,047 20th
Yards Per Reception 14.5 58th
Receiving Touchdowns 9 11th
1st Down Catches 55 17th
Longest Reception 50 79th
Receptions Per Game 4.5 30th
Receiving Yards Per Game 65.4 23rd
Fumbles 2 1109th

2008 Stats for Chad Johnson

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 13 241st
Games Started 10 126th
Receptions 53 57th
Receiving Yards 540 72nd
Yards Per Reception 10.2 205th
Receiving Touchdowns 4 47th
1st Down Catches 35 48th
Longest Reception 26 210th
Receptions Per Game 4.1 39th
Receiving Yards Per Game 41.5 62nd
Fumbles 0 18th

2007 Stats for Chad Johnson

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 12th
Games Started 16 8th
Receptions 93 13th
Receiving Yards 1,440 3rd
Yards Per Reception 15.5 30th
Receiving Touchdowns 8 16th
1st Down Catches 74 2nd
Longest Reception 70 18th
Receptions Per Game 5.8 17th
Receiving Yards Per Game 90.0 6th
Fumbles 2 1114th

2006 Stats for Chad Johnson

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 10th
Games Started 16 8th
Receptions 87 11th
Receiving Yards 1,369 1st
Yards Per Reception 15.7 39th
Receiving Touchdowns 7 17th
1st Down Catches 67 3rd
Longest Reception 74 17th
Receptions Per Game 5.4 12th
Receiving Yards Per Game 85.6 1st
Fumbles 1 1023rd

2005 Stats for Chad Johnson

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 3rd
Games Started 16 3rd
Receptions 97 5th
Receiving Yards 1,432 3rd
Yards Per Reception 14.8 62nd
Receiving Touchdowns 9 10th
1st Down Catches 74 1st
Longest Reception 70 18th
Receptions Per Game 6.1 7th
Receiving Yards Per Game 89.5 6th
Fumbles 1 1029th

2004 Stats for Chad Johnson

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 4th
Games Started 16 3rd
Receptions 95 3rd
Receiving Yards 1,274 6th
Yards Per Reception 13.4 113th
Receiving Touchdowns 9 12th
1st Down Catches 63 6th
Longest Reception 53 61st
Receptions Per Game 5.9 4th
Receiving Yards Per Game 79.6 7th
Fumbles 1 999th

2003 Stats for Chad Johnson

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 7th
Games Started 14 76th
Receptions 90 8th
Receiving Yards 1,355 4th
Yards Per Reception 15.1 45th
Receiving Touchdowns 10 6th
1st Down Catches 67 4th
Longest Reception 82 3rd
Receptions Per Game 5.6 8th
Receiving Yards Per Game 84.7 5th
Fumbles 0 3rd

2002 Stats for Chad Johnson

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 25th
Games Started 14 77th
Receptions 69 31st
Receiving Yards 1,166 15th
Yards Per Reception 16.9 22nd
Receiving Touchdowns 5 42nd
1st Down Catches 58 14th
Longest Reception 72 23rd
Receptions Per Game 4.3 38th
Receiving Yards Per Game 72.9 15th
Fumbles 0 8th

2001 Stats for Chad Johnson

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 12 288th
Games Started 3 224th
Receptions 28 123rd
Receiving Yards 329 111th
Yards Per Reception 11.8 140th
Receiving Touchdowns 1 145th
1st Down Catches 22 82nd
Longest Reception 28 174th
Receptions Per Game 2.3 115th
Receiving Yards Per Game 27.4 102nd
Fumbles 0 44th