Chris Chambliss Stats

Chambliss has recorded a free base 647 times while striking out on 950 plate appearances. His on-base percentage sits at .335 and he is the owner of a lifetime OPS of .374. He has accrued 925 runs in addition to having 986 runs batted in. He has hit a home run 187 times, with 3,192 total bases and a .039 slugging percentage. Over the course of the 7,693 at-bats in his baseball career, Chambliss has hit .279 with 2,147 base hits.

This year, Chambliss has scored 13 runs, knocked in 14 RBI and has hit 2 home runs. He has earned a free base 15 times and holds an on-base percentage of .384. Chambliss has a total of 38 base hits out of 122 at-bats and has a batting average of .311. He has gone down swinging 24 times while earning 52 bases in total. He has tallied an OPS of 0.810 in addition to a slugging percentage of .426.

Career .279 185 2,109 632 912 972 .334 8,314 7,571 .749 109 392 42 2,175 .415 40 35 3,140 926
1988 NYY .000 0 0 0 0 0 .000 1 1 .000 -100 0 0 1 .000 0 0 0 1
1986 ATL .311 2 38 15 13 14 .384 138 122 .810 119 8 0 97 .426 0 2 52 24
1985 ATL .235 3 40 18 16 21 .307 189 170 .636 75 7 0 101 .329 0 0 56 22
1984 ATL .257 9 100 58 47 44 .350 455 389 .713 96 14 0 135 .362 1 2 141 54
1983 ATL .280 20 125 63 59 78 .366 514 447 .847 126 24 3 131 .481 2 7 215 68
1982 ATL .270 20 144 57 57 86 .337 598 534 .773 112 25 2 157 .436 7 3 233 57
1981 ATL .272 8 110 44 44 51 .343 455 404 .746 109 25 2 107 .403 4 1 163 41
1980 ATL .282 18 170 49 83 72 .338 663 602 .779 114 37 2 158 .440 7 3 265 73
1979 NYY .280 18 155 34 61 63 .324 599 554 .761 106 27 3 149 .437 3 2 242 53
1978 NYY .274 12 171 41 81 90 .321 677 625 .703 100 26 3 162 .382 2 1 239 60
1977 NYY .287 17 172 45 90 90 .336 653 600 .781 112 32 6 157 .445 4 0 267 73
1976 NYY .293 17 188 27 79 96 .323 676 641 .765 124 32 6 156 .441 1 0 283 80
1975 NYY .304 9 171 29 66 72 .336 603 562 .770 118 38 4 150 .434 0 1 244 50
1974 TOT .255 6 119 28 46 50 .296 499 467 .645 86 20 3 127 .349 0 1 163 48
1974 CLE .328 0 22 5 8 7 .375 72 67 .763 122 4 0 17 .388 0 1 26 5
1974 NYY .243 6 97 23 38 43 .282 427 400 .625 80 16 3 110 .343 0 0 137 43
1973 CLE .273 11 156 58 70 53 .342 636 572 .732 105 30 2 155 .390 4 8 223 76
1972 CLE .292 6 136 26 51 44 .327 499 466 .724 112 27 2 121 .397 3 4 185 63
1971 CLE .275 9 114 40 49 48 .341 459 415 .749 104 20 4 111 .407 2 0 169 83

1988 Stats for Chris Chambliss

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 1 843rd
Plate Appearances 1 797th
At-Bats 1 789th
Runs Scored 0 724th
Hits 0 736th
Doubles 0 639th
Triples 0 416th
Home Runs 0 519th
Runs Batted In 0 687th
Stolen Bases 0 455th
Caught Stealing 0 464th
Walks 0 683rd
Strikeouts 1 733rd
Batting Average .000 736th
On-Base Percentage .000 758th
Slugging Percentage .000 736th
OPS .000 757th
OPS+ -100 1660th
Total Bases 0 736th
Grounded Into Double Plays 0 595th
Hit By Pitch 0 437th
Sacrifice Hits 0 527th
Sacrifice Flies 0 503rd
Intentional Walks 0 433rd

1986 Stats for Chris Chambliss

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 97 248th
Plate Appearances 138 379th
At-Bats 122 382nd
Runs Scored 13 382nd
Hits 38 343rd
Doubles 8 302nd
Triples 0 404th
Home Runs 2 339th
Runs Batted In 14 354th
Stolen Bases 0 468th
Caught Stealing 2 223rd
Walks 15 333rd
Strikeouts 24 372nd
Batting Average .311 63rd
On-Base Percentage .384 70th
Slugging Percentage .426 187th
OPS .810 112th
OPS+ 119 122nd
Total Bases 52 350th
Grounded Into Double Plays 2 389th
Hit By Pitch 0 399th
Sacrifice Hits 0 516th
Sacrifice Flies 1 297th
Intentional Walks 4 106th

1985 Stats for Chris Chambliss

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 101 231st
Plate Appearances 189 319th
At-Bats 170 316th
Runs Scored 16 347th
Hits 40 322nd
Doubles 7 310th
Triples 0 424th
Home Runs 3 280th
Runs Batted In 21 285th
Stolen Bases 0 448th
Caught Stealing 0 454th
Walks 18 288th
Strikeouts 22 353rd
Batting Average .235 391st
On-Base Percentage .307 344th
Slugging Percentage .329 400th
OPS .636 385th
OPS+ 75 392nd
Total Bases 56 329th
Grounded Into Double Plays 5 246th
Hit By Pitch 0 388th
Sacrifice Hits 0 541st
Sacrifice Flies 1 296th
Intentional Walks 4 112th

1984 Stats for Chris Chambliss

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 135 121st
Plate Appearances 455 152nd
At-Bats 389 164th
Runs Scored 47 160th
Hits 100 160th
Doubles 14 189th
Triples 0 422nd
Home Runs 9 131st
Runs Batted In 44 144th
Stolen Bases 1 292nd
Caught Stealing 2 219th
Walks 58 50th
Strikeouts 54 164th
Batting Average .257 289th
On-Base Percentage .350 161st
Slugging Percentage .362 297th
OPS .713 239th
OPS+ 96 266th
Total Bases 141 166th
Grounded Into Double Plays 10 107th
Hit By Pitch 1 174th
Sacrifice Hits 0 511th
Sacrifice Flies 6 48th
Intentional Walks 12 13th

1983 Stats for Chris Chambliss

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 131 137th
Plate Appearances 514 128th
At-Bats 447 134th
Runs Scored 59 119th
Hits 125 114th
Doubles 24 77th
Triples 3 120th
Home Runs 20 36th
Runs Batted In 78 43rd
Stolen Bases 2 247th
Caught Stealing 7 70th
Walks 63 38th
Strikeouts 68 98th
Batting Average .280 167th
On-Base Percentage .366 106th
Slugging Percentage .481 74th
OPS .847 69th
OPS+ 126 100th
Total Bases 215 74th
Grounded Into Double Plays 8 169th
Hit By Pitch 0 420th
Sacrifice Hits 0 539th
Sacrifice Flies 3 150th
Intentional Walks 15 7th

1982 Stats for Chris Chambliss

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 157 31st
Plate Appearances 598 82nd
At-Bats 534 83rd
Runs Scored 57 128th
Hits 144 79th
Doubles 25 69th
Triples 2 151st
Home Runs 20 49th
Runs Batted In 86 43rd
Stolen Bases 7 122nd
Caught Stealing 3 166th
Walks 57 59th
Strikeouts 57 131st
Batting Average .270 218th
On-Base Percentage .337 197th
Slugging Percentage .436 136th
OPS .773 145th
OPS+ 112 152nd
Total Bases 233 64th
Grounded Into Double Plays 11 84th
Hit By Pitch 0 370th
Sacrifice Hits 0 528th
Sacrifice Flies 6 41st
Intentional Walks 13 13th

1981 Stats for Chris Chambliss

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 107 11th
Plate Appearances 455 17th
At-Bats 404 20th
Runs Scored 44 80th
Hits 110 32nd
Doubles 25 10th
Triples 2 109th
Home Runs 8 66th
Runs Batted In 51 36th
Stolen Bases 4 132nd
Caught Stealing 1 249th
Walks 44 38th
Strikeouts 41 105th
Batting Average .272 172nd
On-Base Percentage .343 163rd
Slugging Percentage .403 157th
OPS .746 158th
OPS+ 109 180th
Total Bases 163 30th
Grounded Into Double Plays 11 26th
Hit By Pitch 1 130th
Sacrifice Hits 2 217th
Sacrifice Flies 3 72nd
Intentional Walks 10 6th

1980 Stats for Chris Chambliss

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 158 19th
Plate Appearances 663 28th
At-Bats 602 23rd
Runs Scored 83 36th
Hits 170 29th
Doubles 37 10th
Triples 2 176th
Home Runs 18 39th
Runs Batted In 72 56th
Stolen Bases 7 123rd
Caught Stealing 3 171st
Walks 49 81st
Strikeouts 73 56th
Batting Average .282 158th
On-Base Percentage .338 205th
Slugging Percentage .440 121st
OPS .779 144th
OPS+ 114 148th
Total Bases 265 24th
Grounded Into Double Plays 11 96th
Hit By Pitch 4 33rd
Sacrifice Hits 2 275th
Sacrifice Flies 4 110th
Intentional Walks 6 69th

1979 Stats for Chris Chambliss

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 149 69th
Plate Appearances 599 74th
At-Bats 554 62nd
Runs Scored 61 119th
Hits 155 59th
Doubles 27 57th
Triples 3 127th
Home Runs 18 67th
Runs Batted In 63 102nd
Stolen Bases 3 190th
Caught Stealing 2 229th
Walks 34 160th
Strikeouts 53 143rd
Batting Average .280 191st
On-Base Percentage .324 306th
Slugging Percentage .437 149th
OPS .761 189th
OPS+ 106 185th
Total Bases 242 58th
Grounded Into Double Plays 9 150th
Hit By Pitch 5 25th
Sacrifice Hits 1 371st
Sacrifice Flies 5 77th
Intentional Walks 4 131st

1978 Stats for Chris Chambliss

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 162 3rd
Plate Appearances 677 20th
At-Bats 625 12th
Runs Scored 81 39th
Hits 171 22nd
Doubles 26 62nd
Triples 3 115th
Home Runs 12 88th
Runs Batted In 90 23rd
Stolen Bases 2 243rd
Caught Stealing 1 289th
Walks 41 122nd
Strikeouts 60 114th
Batting Average .274 155th
On-Base Percentage .321 278th
Slugging Percentage .382 219th
OPS .703 236th
OPS+ 100 221st
Total Bases 239 45th
Grounded Into Double Plays 6 214th
Hit By Pitch 5 37th
Sacrifice Hits 1 395th
Sacrifice Flies 5 80th
Intentional Walks 3 136th

1977 Stats for Chris Chambliss

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 157 22nd
Plate Appearances 653 39th
At-Bats 600 26th
Runs Scored 90 37th
Hits 172 30th
Doubles 32 26th
Triples 6 48th
Home Runs 17 73rd
Runs Batted In 90 34th
Stolen Bases 4 166th
Caught Stealing 0 471st
Walks 45 116th
Strikeouts 73 94th
Batting Average .287 149th
On-Base Percentage .336 230th
Slugging Percentage .445 144th
OPS .781 168th
OPS+ 112 161st
Total Bases 267 43rd
Grounded Into Double Plays 22 6th
Hit By Pitch 2 131st
Sacrifice Hits 0 563rd
Sacrifice Flies 5 72nd
Intentional Walks 5 87th

1976 Stats for Chris Chambliss

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 156 23rd
Plate Appearances 676 18th
At-Bats 641 7th
Runs Scored 79 28th
Hits 188 9th
Doubles 32 14th
Triples 6 32nd
Home Runs 17 29th
Runs Batted In 96 8th
Stolen Bases 1 288th
Caught Stealing 0 422nd
Walks 27 206th
Strikeouts 80 44th
Batting Average .293 74th
On-Base Percentage .323 238th
Slugging Percentage .441 71st
OPS .765 98th
OPS+ 124 92nd
Total Bases 283 6th
Grounded Into Double Plays 11 86th
Hit By Pitch 3 72nd
Sacrifice Hits 1 371st
Sacrifice Flies 3 152nd
Intentional Walks 1 256th

1975 Stats for Chris Chambliss

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 150 46th
Plate Appearances 603 65th
At-Bats 562 40th
Runs Scored 66 82nd
Hits 171 24th
Doubles 38 7th
Triples 4 68th
Home Runs 9 109th
Runs Batted In 72 51st
Stolen Bases 0 425th
Caught Stealing 1 267th
Walks 29 193rd
Strikeouts 50 147th
Batting Average .304 76th
On-Base Percentage .336 218th
Slugging Percentage .434 97th
OPS .770 128th
OPS+ 118 123rd
Total Bases 244 31st
Grounded Into Double Plays 19 10th
Hit By Pitch 1 209th
Sacrifice Hits 4 163rd
Sacrifice Flies 6 36th
Intentional Walks 9 36th

1974 Stats for Chris Chambliss

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 127 144th
Plate Appearances 499 134th
At-Bats 467 113th
Runs Scored 46 156th
Hits 119 122nd
Doubles 20 88th
Triples 3 93rd
Home Runs 6 156th
Runs Batted In 50 118th
Stolen Bases 0 420th
Caught Stealing 1 257th
Walks 28 188th
Strikeouts 48 161st
Batting Average .255 251st
On-Base Percentage .296 378th
Slugging Percentage .349 273rd
OPS .645 314th
OPS+ 86 296th
Total Bases 163 132nd
Grounded Into Double Plays 10 113th
Hit By Pitch 0 384th
Sacrifice Hits 2 238th
Sacrifice Flies 2 195th
Intentional Walks 2 183rd

1974 Stats for Chris Chambliss

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 17 592nd
Plate Appearances 72 438th
At-Bats 67 426th
Runs Scored 8 376th
Hits 22 358th
Doubles 4 316th
Triples 0 396th
Home Runs 0 447th
Runs Batted In 7 378th
Stolen Bases 0 421st
Caught Stealing 1 258th
Walks 5 416th
Strikeouts 5 538th
Batting Average .328 46th
On-Base Percentage .375 72nd
Slugging Percentage .388 183rd
OPS .763 121st
OPS+ 122 94th
Total Bases 26 374th
Grounded Into Double Plays 1 430th
Hit By Pitch 0 385th
Sacrifice Hits 0 517th
Sacrifice Flies 0 446th
Intentional Walks 1 262nd

1974 Stats for Chris Chambliss

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 110 195th
Plate Appearances 427 168th
At-Bats 400 160th
Runs Scored 38 188th
Hits 97 162nd
Doubles 16 136th
Triples 3 94th
Home Runs 6 157th
Runs Batted In 43 148th
Stolen Bases 0 422nd
Caught Stealing 0 413th
Walks 23 218th
Strikeouts 43 186th
Batting Average .243 321st
On-Base Percentage .282 431st
Slugging Percentage .343 286th
OPS .625 355th
OPS+ 80 345th
Total Bases 137 169th
Grounded Into Double Plays 9 139th
Hit By Pitch 0 386th
Sacrifice Hits 2 239th
Sacrifice Flies 2 196th
Intentional Walks 1 263rd

1973 Stats for Chris Chambliss

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 155 31st
Plate Appearances 636 44th
At-Bats 572 39th
Runs Scored 70 69th
Hits 156 44th
Doubles 30 16th
Triples 2 134th
Home Runs 11 102nd
Runs Batted In 53 110th
Stolen Bases 4 130th
Caught Stealing 8 32nd
Walks 58 64th
Strikeouts 76 72nd
Batting Average .273 170th
On-Base Percentage .342 180th
Slugging Percentage .390 207th
OPS .732 177th
OPS+ 105 184th
Total Bases 223 66th
Grounded Into Double Plays 14 51st
Hit By Pitch 3 67th
Sacrifice Hits 1 332nd
Sacrifice Flies 2 188th
Intentional Walks 8 46th

1972 Stats for Chris Chambliss

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 121 130th
Plate Appearances 499 102nd
At-Bats 466 84th
Runs Scored 51 94th
Hits 136 55th
Doubles 27 24th
Triples 2 118th
Home Runs 6 141st
Runs Batted In 44 96th
Stolen Bases 3 137th
Caught Stealing 4 85th
Walks 26 188th
Strikeouts 63 79th
Batting Average .292 81st
On-Base Percentage .327 217th
Slugging Percentage .397 154th
OPS .724 168th
OPS+ 112 163rd
Total Bases 185 72nd
Grounded Into Double Plays 8 132nd
Hit By Pitch 0 414th
Sacrifice Hits 3 189th
Sacrifice Flies 4 60th
Intentional Walks 2 211th

1971 Stats for Chris Chambliss

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played