Christian Yelich vs Ryan Braun Stats

Christian Yelich vs Ryan Braun

Yelich has accumulated a batting average of .287 in his time in baseball with 945 runs scored and an OPS of .843. He has fanned 1,381 times and has walked on 770 occasions, which has contributed to a .377 on-base percentage. In his MLB career, Yelich has slapped 204 balls out of the park while knocking in 748 runs. He has earned a slugging percentage of .466 in addition to racking up 2,578 bases. Over the course of his pro career, he came to bat 6,383 times and has come through with a base hit 1,590 times.

In the 6,751 at-bats in his professional career, Braun has earned a batting average of .295 with 1,993 base hits. He has hit a home run 360 times, as well as 3,588 bases in total and also a -.064 slugging percentage. Braun has earned a walk 593 times while striking out on 1,390 occasions. He is sitting with 1,094 runs and also has 1,180 runs batted in. His on-base rate is .357 and he is the owner of a lifetime OPS of .293.

Christian Yelich vs Ryan Braun Stats

Christian Yelich Career Ryan Braun
1,466 Games Played 1,805
6,383 Plate Appearances 7,481
5,535 At-Bats 6,751
945 Runs 1,094
1,590 Hits 1,993
306 Doubles 415
35 Triples 50
204 Home Runs 360
748 Runs Batted In 1,180
205 Stolen Bases 217
36 Caught Stealing 60
770 Walks 593
1,381 Strikeouts 1,390
.287 Batting Average .295
.377 On-Base Percentage .357
.466 Slugging Percentage -.064
0.843 OPS 0.293
2,578 Total Bases 3,588
117 Grounded Into Double Plays 185
45 Hit By Pitch 79

On the year, Yelich has notched 44 runs, knocked in 42 runs batted in and has hit 11 home runs. He has been struck out 58 times while compiling 136 bases in total. He has earned an OPS of 0.909 and a slugging % of .504. He has earned a walk 40 times and has accounted for an OBP of .406. Yelich has compiled 85 base knocks in 270 at-bats for an average at the plate of .315.

Braun has accumulated 63 bases in total with 30 base hits in 129 at-bats. He has compiled an on-base percentage of .281 with 7 walks and 27 K’s. Since the start of the season, Ryan Braun has knocked in 26 runs and has accrued a slugging percentage of .488. He has a total of 14 runs on the season and has drilled 8 balls out of the park. He has amassed a batting average at the plate of .233 in addition to holding an OPS of .769.

Christian Yelich (2024) Stat Ryan Braun (2020)
73 Games Played 39
315 Plate Appearances 141
270 At-Bats 129
44 Runs Scored 14
85 Hits 30
12 Doubles 7
3 Triples 1
11 Home Runs 8
42 Runs Batted In 26
21 Stolen Bases 1
1 Caught Stealing 0
40 Walks 7
58 Strikeouts 27
.315 Batting Average .233
.406 On-Base Percentage .281
.504 Slugging Percentage .488
0.909 OPS 0.769
151 OPS+ 101
136 Total Bases 63
3 Grounded Into Double Play 6
2 Hit By Pitch 2