Chuck Muncie Stats

Muncie coughed up the ball 57 times in his career and his longest run was 73 yards. He gained 60.9 yards per contest and crossed the goal line 71 different times as a runner. He carried the football 1,561 different times for an average of 4.3 yards per attempt. During his NFL career, Muncie played in 110 games and accumulated 6,702 yards carrying the ball.

Muncie averaged 51.0 yds on the ground per game. He rushed for 0 touchdowns in his final season for 11 yds. His average yards per carry sat at 3.6 and he toted the ball 14 different times in his final season. Muncie ran for 51 yds on the ground in 1 games played in his final season.

Chuck Muncie Stats

Year Team Att Yards TD G GS Lng Y/A Y/G Fmb
Career 1,561 6,702 71 110 92 73 4.3 60.9 57
1984 SDG 14 51 0 1 1 11 3.6 51.0 1
1983 SDG 235 886 12 15 12 34 3.8 59.1 8
1982 SDG 138 569 8 9 9 27 4.1 63.2 4
1981 SDG 251 1,144 19 15 14 73 4.6 76.3 9
1980 2TM 175 827 6 15 8 53 4.7 55.1 11
1979 NOR 238 1,198 11 16 15 69 5.0 74.9 8
1978 NOR 160 557 7 13 11 28 3.5 42.8 7
1977 NOR 201 811 6 14 11 36 4.0 57.9 3
1976 NOR 149 659 2 12 11 51 4.4 54.9 6

1984 Stats for Chuck Muncie

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 1 290th
Games Started 1 185th
Rushing Attempts 14 148th
Rushing Yards 51 141st
Rushing Touchdowns 0 169th
Longest Run 11 161st
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 3.6 152nd
Rushing Yards Per Game 51.0 22nd
Fumbles 1 152nd

1983 Stats for Chuck Muncie

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 15 136th
Games Started 12 76th
Rushing Attempts 235 16th
Rushing Yards 886 17th
Rushing Touchdowns 12 6th
Longest Run 34 46th
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 3.8 152nd
Rushing Yards Per Game 59.1 22nd
Fumbles 8 19th

1982 Stats for Chuck Muncie

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 9 13th
Games Started 9 12th
Rushing Attempts 138 15th
Rushing Yards 569 13th
Rushing Touchdowns 8 4th
Longest Run 27 32nd
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 4.1 82nd
Rushing Yards Per Game 63.2 17th
Fumbles 4 28th

1981 Stats for Chuck Muncie

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 15 151st
Games Started 14 65th
Rushing Attempts 251 13th
Rushing Yards 1,144 9th
Rushing Touchdowns 19 1st
Longest Run 73 4th
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 4.6 84th
Rushing Yards Per Game 76.3 9th
Fumbles 9 15th

1980 Stats for Chuck Muncie

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 15 161st
Games Started 8 116th
Rushing Attempts 175 23rd
Rushing Yards 827 13th
Rushing Touchdowns 6 16th
Longest Run 53 13th
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 4.7 76th
Rushing Yards Per Game 55.1 15th
Fumbles 11 7th

1979 Stats for Chuck Muncie

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 9th
Games Started 15 46th
Rushing Attempts 238 13th
Rushing Yards 1,198 7th
Rushing Touchdowns 11 7th
Longest Run 69 10th
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 5.0 64th
Rushing Yards Per Game 74.9 9th
Fumbles 8 20th

1978 Stats for Chuck Muncie

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 13 219th
Games Started 11 104th
Rushing Attempts 160 37th
Rushing Yards 557 46th
Rushing Touchdowns 7 21st
Longest Run 28 61st
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 3.5 174th
Rushing Yards Per Game 42.8 37th
Fumbles 7 24th

1977 Stats for Chuck Muncie

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 14 12th
Games Started 11 75th
Rushing Attempts 201 13th
Rushing Yards 811 12th
Rushing Touchdowns 6 11th
Longest Run 36 35th
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 4.0 92nd
Rushing Yards Per Game 57.9 15th
Fumbles 3 72nd

1976 Stats for Chuck Muncie

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 12 190th
Games Started 11 91st
Rushing Attempts 149 32nd
Rushing Yards 659 27th
Rushing Touchdowns 2 62nd
Longest Run 51 17th
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 4.4 97th
Rushing Yards Per Game 54.9 20th
Fumbles 6 30th