Clyde Drexler Stats

Clyde Drexler has participated in 1,086 games during his NBA career and tallied 37,537 minutes in those games. Drexler has started in 950 matchups, and in those games he sports an average of 20.4 points per contest and has recorded 22,195 points. He earns 21.3 points per 36 minutes, as well as snagging 6.4 rebounds and tallying 5.9 dimes in his pro basketball career. By putting in 8,335 shots of 17,673 tries, Drexler has tallied a 47.2% shooting %. By burying 827 of 2,603 shots from beyond the perimeter, he has a 3pt percentage of 31.8%. By making 7,508 of 15,070 2pt tries, he has earned a rate of 49.8%. Drexler has knocked down 4,698 out of his 5,962 attempts from the free throw line, putting him at a clip of 78.8%. With an effective FG percentage of 49.5%, he has additionally earned 3,285 fouls and 2,977 turnovers. Having collected 4,062 defensive boards and 2,615 offensive, Drexler has accounted for 6,677 boards in total in his NBA career. He is sitting with 2,207 steals, in addition to 719 blocks and 6,125 assists. When discussing stats per game, Drexler is averaging 5.6 assists and 6.1 boards.

Clyde Drexler Stats