Cookie Lavagetto Stats

For his pro baseball career, Lavagetto has hit 43 balls out of the park while driving in 497 runs. For his time in baseball, he approached the plate 4,122 times and has come through with a hit 963 times. He has earned a slugging percentage of .058 and he has racked up 1,350 bases. He has struck out 249 times and has taken a walk on 497 occasions, which contributes in part to a .360 OBP. Lavagetto has accrued an average at the plate of .269 for his baseball career with 493 scored runs and an OPS of .418.

Lavagetto has tallied 28 total bases with 18 hits out of 69 at-bats. He has accounted for an on-base percentage of .370 as well as 12 walks and 5 K’s. Over the course of this year, Cookie Lavagetto has knocked in 11 runs and has tallied a slugging percentage of .406. He has a total of 6 runs for the season and has drilled 3 balls out of the park. He has a batting average at the plate of .261 in addition to having an OPS of .776.

Career .269 40 945 485 487 486 .360 4,040 3,509 .737 99 183 37 1,043 .377 63 35 1,322 244
1947 BRO .261 3 18 12 6 11 .370 82 69 .776 103 1 0 41 .406 0 0 28 5
1946 BRO .236 3 57 38 36 27 .339 287 242 .657 86 9 1 88 .318 3 1 77 17
1941 BRO .277 1 122 80 75 78 .388 523 441 .757 110 24 7 132 .370 7 4 163 21
1940 BRO .257 4 115 70 56 43 .361 523 448 .705 90 21 3 118 .344 4 7 154 32
1939 BRO .300 10 176 78 93 87 .387 678 587 .802 111 28 5 153 .416 14 7 244 30
1938 BRO .273 6 133 68 68 79 .364 562 487 .769 109 34 6 137 .405 15 6 197 31
1937 BRO .282 8 142 74 64 70 .375 587 503 .781 111 26 6 149 .406 13 5 204 41
1936 PIT .244 2 48 15 21 26 .300 213 197 .671 78 15 2 60 .371 0 2 73 13
1935 PIT .290 0 67 18 27 19 .341 249 231 .705 87 9 4 78 .364 1 2 84 15
1934 PIT .220 3 67 32 41 46 .295 336 304 .617 63 16 3 87 .322 6 1 98 39

1947 Stats for Cookie Lavagetto

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 41 289th
Plate Appearances 82 339th
At-Bats 69 343rd
Runs Scored 6 390th
Hits 18 319th
Doubles 1 485th
Triples 0 647th
Home Runs 3 153rd
Runs Batted In 11 290th
Stolen Bases 0 631st
Caught Stealing 0 579th
Walks 12 261st
Strikeouts 5 390th
Batting Average .261 316th
On-Base Percentage .370 185th
Slugging Percentage .406 211th
OPS .776 190th
OPS+ 103 223rd
Total Bases 28 301st
Grounded Into Double Plays 1 332nd
Hit By Pitch 0 597th
Sacrifice Hits 1 432nd
Sacrifice Flies 0 471st
Intentional Walks 3 111th

1946 Stats for Cookie Lavagetto

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 88 140th
Plate Appearances 287 155th
At-Bats 242 167th
Runs Scored 36 127th
Hits 57 189th
Doubles 9 176th
Triples 1 287th
Home Runs 3 132nd
Runs Batted In 27 161st
Stolen Bases 3 123rd
Caught Stealing 1 197th
Walks 38 83rd
Strikeouts 17 227th
Batting Average .236 458th
On-Base Percentage .339 278th
Slugging Percentage .318 397th
OPS .657 355th
OPS+ 86 353rd
Total Bases 77 186th
Grounded Into Double Plays 7 103rd
Hit By Pitch 0 665th
Sacrifice Hits 6 109th
Sacrifice Flies 0 550th
Intentional Walks 0 673rd

1941 Stats for Cookie Lavagetto

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 132 72nd
Plate Appearances 523 79th
At-Bats 441 89th
Runs Scored 75 50th
Hits 122 89th
Doubles 24 71st
Triples 7 43rd
Home Runs 1 241st
Runs Batted In 78 36th
Stolen Bases 7 48th
Caught Stealing 4 70th
Walks 80 23rd
Strikeouts 21 150th
Batting Average .277 243rd
On-Base Percentage .388 116th
Slugging Percentage .370 241st
OPS .757 172nd
OPS+ 110 187th
Total Bases 163 91st
Grounded Into Double Plays 6 130th
Hit By Pitch 0 579th
Sacrifice Hits 2 320th
Sacrifice Flies 0 506th
Intentional Walks 4 61st

1940 Stats for Cookie Lavagetto

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 118 97th
Plate Appearances 523 79th
At-Bats 448 88th
Runs Scored 56 91st
Hits 115 96th
Doubles 21 90th
Triples 3 145th
Home Runs 4 133rd
Runs Batted In 43 107th
Stolen Bases 4 97th
Caught Stealing 7 32nd
Walks 70 27th
Strikeouts 32 101st
Batting Average .257 360th
On-Base Percentage .361 209th
Slugging Percentage .344 359th
OPS .705 303rd
OPS+ 90 304th
Total Bases 154 101st
Grounded Into Double Plays 12 42nd
Hit By Pitch 3 38th
Sacrifice Hits 2 298th
Sacrifice Flies 0 498th
Intentional Walks 3 94th

1939 Stats for Cookie Lavagetto

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 153 7th
Plate Appearances 678 12th
At-Bats 587 17th
Runs Scored 93 29th
Hits 176 18th
Doubles 28 40th
Triples 5 77th
Home Runs 10 58th
Runs Batted In 87 22nd
Stolen Bases 14 15th
Caught Stealing 7 18th
Walks 78 16th
Strikeouts 30 96th
Batting Average .300 213th
On-Base Percentage .387 141st
Slugging Percentage .416 210th
OPS .802 181st
OPS+ 111 189th
Total Bases 244 28th
Grounded Into Double Plays 19 9th
Hit By Pitch 5 12th
Sacrifice Hits 8 107th
Sacrifice Flies 0 514th
Intentional Walks 0 600th

1938 Stats for Cookie Lavagetto

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 137 57th
Plate Appearances 562 57th
At-Bats 487 67th
Runs Scored 68 70th
Hits 133 71st
Doubles 34 21st
Triples 6 58th
Home Runs 6 84th
Runs Batted In 79 40th
Stolen Bases 15 10th
Caught Stealing 6 36th
Walks 68 29th
Strikeouts 31 94th
Batting Average .273 334th
On-Base Percentage .364 236th
Slugging Percentage .405 236th
OPS .769 222nd
OPS+ 109 206th
Total Bases 197 72nd
Grounded Into Double Plays 12 26th
Hit By Pitch 2 89th
Sacrifice Hits 5 114th
Sacrifice Flies 0 545th
Intentional Walks 3 70th

1937 Stats for Cookie Lavagetto

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 149 28th
Plate Appearances 587 52nd
At-Bats 503 60th
Runs Scored 64 70th
Hits 142 64th
Doubles 26 58th
Triples 6 71st
Home Runs 8 61st
Runs Batted In 70 50th
Stolen Bases 13 21st
Caught Stealing 5 62nd
Walks 74 23rd
Strikeouts 41 61st
Batting Average .282 297th
On-Base Percentage .375 199th
Slugging Percentage .406 252nd
OPS .781 228th
OPS+ 111 203rd
Total Bases 204 64th
Grounded Into Double Plays 17 5th
Hit By Pitch 1 176th
Sacrifice Hits 9 40th
Sacrifice Flies 0 541st
Intentional Walks 4 54th

1936 Stats for Cookie Lavagetto

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 60 184th
Plate Appearances 213 175th
At-Bats 197 172nd
Runs Scored 21 218th
Hits 48 189th
Doubles 15 131st
Triples 2 185th
Home Runs 2 180th
Runs Batted In 26 183rd
Stolen Bases 0 501st
Caught Stealing 2 125th
Walks 15 199th
Strikeouts 13 245th
Batting Average .244 378th
On-Base Percentage .300 384th
Slugging Percentage .371 271st
OPS .671 324th
OPS+ 78 308th
Total Bases 73 184th
Grounded Into Double Plays 4 91st
Hit By Pitch 1 169th
Sacrifice Hits 0 585th
Sacrifice Flies 0 378th
Intentional Walks 0 462nd

1935 Stats for Cookie Lavagetto

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 78 157th
Plate Appearances 249 162nd
At-Bats 231 159th
Runs Scored 27 190th
Hits 67 155th
Doubles 9 194th
Triples 4 120th
Home Runs 0 530th
Runs Batted In 19 231st
Stolen Bases 1 236th
Caught Stealing 2 128th
Walks 18 180th
Strikeouts 15 211th
Batting Average .290 218th
On-Base Percentage .341 259th
Slugging Percentage .364 291st
OPS .705 282nd
OPS+ 87 269th
Total Bases 84 174th
Grounded Into Double Plays 5 77th
Hit By Pitch 0 486th
Sacrifice Hits 0 611th
Sacrifice Flies 0 379th
Intentional Walks 0 454th

1934 Stats for Cookie Lavagetto

Stat Total MLB Rank
Games Played 87 156th
Plate Appearances 336 132nd
At-Bats 304 131st
Runs Scored 41 132nd
Hits 67 162nd
Doubles 16 125th
Triples 3 131st
Home Runs 3 131st
Runs Batted In 46 104th
Stolen Bases 6 60th
Caught Stealing 1 173rd
Walks 32 102nd
Strikeouts 39 64th
Batting Average .220 440th
On-Base Percentage .295 374th
Slugging Percentage .322 349th
OPS .617 360th
OPS+ 63 369th
Total Bases 98 152nd
Grounded Into Double Plays 3 107th
Hit By Pitch 0 494th
Sacrifice Hits 0 596th
Sacrifice Flies 0 386th
Intentional Walks 1 136th