Craig Biggio vs Derek Jeter Stats

Craig Biggio vs Derek Jeter

Biggio has an average at the plate of .280 in his time in baseball in addition to 1,912 runs scored and an OPS of .366. Over the course of his time in the league, he came to bat 13,059 times and has delivered with a base hit 3,190 times. His slugging percentage is .006 and he has racked up 4,908 bases. For his career, Biggio has drilled 301 baseballs over the fence while driving in 1,225 runs. He has been struck out 1,865 times and has gotten a free base on 1,183 occasions, contributing to a .360 on-base percentage.

Jeter has drawn a free base 1,117 times while fanning on 1,927 chances. His on-base percentage is .374 and he also has a lifetime OPS of .459. He is sitting with 1,970 runs in addition to having 1,361 RBIs. He has gone yard 264 times, as well as 5,103 total bases and a .085 slugging percentage. For the 11,776 official at-bats in his MLB career, Jeter has hit .307 with 3,614 base hits.

Craig Biggio vs Derek Jeter Stats

Craig Biggio Career Derek Jeter
2,991 Games Played 2,892
13,059 Plate Appearances 13,236
11,393 At-Bats 11,776
1,912 Runs 1,970
3,190 Hits 3,614
699 Doubles 563
58 Triples 67
301 Home Runs 264
1,225 Runs Batted In 1,361
418 Stolen Bases 368
127 Caught Stealing 99
1,183 Walks 1,117
1,865 Strikeouts 1,927
.280 Batting Average .307
.360 On-Base Percentage .374
.006 Slugging Percentage .085
0.366 OPS 0.459
4,908 Total Bases 5,103
155 Grounded Into Double Plays 302
288 Hit By Pitch 176

Biggio has compiled 197 bases in total with 130 base hits in 517 at-bats. He has a total of 68 runs this season and has knocked 10 balls out of the park. He has earned a batting average when batting of .251 in addition to having an OPS of .666. He has accounted for an on-base percentage of .285 as well as 23 walks and 112 K’s. Over the course of this year, Craig Biggio has batted in 50 runs and also has accumulated a slugging percentage of .381.

Over the course of the season, Jeter has scored 47 runs, recorded 50 runs batted in and has earned 4 home runs. He has struck out 87 times while having 182 total bases. He has recorded an OPS of 0.617 in addition to a slugging percentage of .313. He has taken a base 35 times and has an OBP of .304. Jeter has 149 hits out of 581 at-bats and has a batting average of .256.

Craig Biggio (2007) Stat Derek Jeter (2014)
141 Games Played 145
555 Plate Appearances 634
517 At-Bats 581
68 Runs Scored 47
130 Hits 149
31 Doubles 19
3 Triples 1
10 Home Runs 4
50 Runs Batted In 50
4 Stolen Bases 10
3 Caught Stealing 2
23 Walks 35
112 Strikeouts 87
.251 Batting Average .256
.285 On-Base Percentage .304
.381 Slugging Percentage .313
0.666 OPS 0.617
71 OPS+ 76
197 Total Bases 182
5 Grounded Into Double Play 15
3 Hit By Pitch 6