Cris Carter Stats

Carter (130 receiving TD’s) compiled an average of 59.4 yds per game receiving and he has 4.7 catches per contest in his career. His longest reception of his career went for 80 yards and he was able to catch 72.7% of the balls thrown to him. He caught 1101 balls for an average of 12.6 YPC. Carter hauled in 13,899 yards as a receiver in 234 games throughout his career.

Carter accumulated 66 receiving yards in his 5 contests in his last season. He hauled in 8 balls thrown his way for an average of 8.3 YPC. His longest catch in his last season went for 80 yds and he was able to catch 61.7% of the passes thrown in his direction. Cris Carter (1 TD through the air) had an average of 13.2 yards per contest receiving and he averaged 1.6 catches per game. Carter tallied 66 yards.

Cris Carter Stats

Year Team Rec Yards Y/R G GS TD 1D Lng R/G Y/G Fmb
Career 1,101 13,899 12.6 234 209 130 499 80 4.7 59.4 0
2002 MIA 8 66 8.3 5 1 1 5 15 1.6 13.2 1
2001 MIN 73 871 11.9 16 16 6 45 52 4.6 54.4 2
2000 MIN 96 1,274 13.3 16 16 9 72 53 6.0 79.6 3
1999 MIN 90 1,241 13.8 16 16 13 66 68 5.6 77.6 0
1998 MIN 78 1,011 13.0 16 16 12 57 54 4.9 63.2 0
1997 MIN 89 1,069 12.0 16 16 13 55 43 5.6 66.8 3
1996 MIN 96 1,163 12.1 16 16 10 57 43 6.0 72.7 1
1995 MIN 122 1,371 11.2 16 16 17 80 60 7.6 85.7 0
1994 MIN 122 1,256 10.3 16 16 7 62 65 7.6 78.5 4
1993 MIN 86 1,071 12.5 16 16 9 58 8 5.4 66.9 0
1992 MIN 53 681 12.8 12 12 6 44 7 4.4 56.8 1
1991 MIN 72 962 13.4 16 16 5 50 0 4.5 60.1 1
1990 MIN 27 413 15.3 16 5 3 78 0 1.7 25.8 0
1989 PHI 45 605 13.4 16 15 11 42 0 2.8 37.8 1
1988 PHI 39 761 19.5 16 16 6 80 0 2.4 47.6 0
1987 PHI 5 84 16.8 9 0 2 25 0 0.6 9.3 0

2002 Stats for Cris Carter

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 5 381st
Games Started 1 297th
Receptions 8 281st
Receiving Yards 66 283rd
Yards Per Reception 8.3 256th
Receiving Touchdowns 1 216th
1st Down Catches 5 248th
Longest Reception 15 299th
Receptions Per Game 1.6 173rd
Receiving Yards Per Game 13.2 194th
Fumbles 1 1093rd

2001 Stats for Cris Carter

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 19th
Games Started 16 13th
Receptions 73 22nd
Receiving Yards 871 31st
Yards Per Reception 11.9 138th
Receiving Touchdowns 6 28th
1st Down Catches 45 26th
Longest Reception 52 60th
Receptions Per Game 4.6 28th
Receiving Yards Per Game 54.4 39th
Fumbles 2 1117th

2000 Stats for Cris Carter

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 5th
Games Started 16 5th
Receptions 96 6th
Receiving Yards 1,274 11th
Yards Per Reception 13.3 98th
Receiving Touchdowns 9 7th
1st Down Catches 72 2nd
Longest Reception 53 49th
Receptions Per Game 6.0 7th
Receiving Yards Per Game 79.6 12th
Fumbles 3 1149th

1999 Stats for Cris Carter

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 4th
Games Started 16 4th
Receptions 90 5th
Receiving Yards 1,241 8th
Yards Per Reception 13.8 91st
Receiving Touchdowns 13 1st
1st Down Catches 66 3rd
Longest Reception 68 30th
Receptions Per Game 5.6 5th
Receiving Yards Per Game 77.6 9th
Fumbles 0 2nd

1998 Stats for Cris Carter

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 9th
Games Started 16 8th
Receptions 78 11th
Receiving Yards 1,011 21st
Yards Per Reception 13.0 135th
Receiving Touchdowns 12 4th
1st Down Catches 57 8th
Longest Reception 54 72nd
Receptions Per Game 4.9 14th
Receiving Yards Per Game 63.2 27th
Fumbles 0 6th

1997 Stats for Cris Carter

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 4th
Games Started 16 4th
Receptions 89 4th
Receiving Yards 1,069 14th
Yards Per Reception 12.0 154th
Receiving Touchdowns 13 1st
1st Down Catches 55 11th
Longest Reception 43 94th
Receptions Per Game 5.6 4th
Receiving Yards Per Game 66.8 19th
Fumbles 3 1140th

1996 Stats for Cris Carter

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 5th
Games Started 16 4th
Receptions 96 5th
Receiving Yards 1,163 10th
Yards Per Reception 12.1 131st
Receiving Touchdowns 10 5th
1st Down Catches 57 9th
Longest Reception 43 89th
Receptions Per Game 6.0 5th
Receiving Yards Per Game 72.7 14th
Fumbles 1 1026th

1995 Stats for Cris Carter

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 3rd
Games Started 16 2nd
Receptions 122 2nd
Receiving Yards 1,371 7th
Yards Per Reception 11.2 155th
Receiving Touchdowns 17 1st
1st Down Catches 80 3rd
Longest Reception 60 29th
Receptions Per Game 7.6 2nd
Receiving Yards Per Game 85.7 7th
Fumbles 0 1st

1994 Stats for Cris Carter

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 1st
Games Started 16 1st
Receptions 122 1st
Receiving Yards 1,256 7th
Yards Per Reception 10.3 169th
Receiving Touchdowns 7 11th
1st Down Catches 62 7th
Longest Reception 65 32nd
Receptions Per Game 7.6 1st
Receiving Yards Per Game 78.5 8th
Fumbles 4 1175th

1993 Stats for Cris Carter

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 4th
Games Started 16 4th
Receptions 86 4th
Receiving Yards 1,071 7th
Yards Per Reception 12.5 114th
Receiving Touchdowns 9 5th
1st Down Catches 58 39th
Longest Reception 8 92nd
Receptions Per Game 5.4 5th
Receiving Yards Per Game 66.9 8th
Fumbles 0 2nd

1992 Stats for Cris Carter

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 12 248th
Games Started 12 98th
Receptions 53 33rd
Receiving Yards 681 37th
Yards Per Reception 12.8 112th
Receiving Touchdowns 6 17th
1st Down Catches 44 83rd
Longest Reception 7 123rd
Receptions Per Game 4.4 12th
Receiving Yards Per Game 56.8 15th
Fumbles 1 1044th

1991 Stats for Cris Carter

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 9th
Games Started 16 8th
Receptions 72 10th
Receiving Yards 962 20th
Yards Per Reception 13.4 97th
Receiving Touchdowns 5 19th
1st Down Catches 50 56th
Longest Reception 0 10th
Receptions Per Game 4.5 12th
Receiving Yards Per Game 60.1 22nd
Fumbles 1 1004th

1990 Stats for Cris Carter

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 81st
Games Started 5 163rd
Receptions 27 112th
Receiving Yards 413 82nd
Yards Per Reception 15.3 60th
Receiving Touchdowns 3 81st
1st Down Catches 78 11th
Longest Reception 0 112th
Receptions Per Game 1.7 123rd
Receiving Yards Per Game 25.8 94th
Fumbles 0 36th

1989 Stats for Cris Carter

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 39th
Games Started 15 53rd
Receptions 45 54th
Receiving Yards 605 55th
Yards Per Reception 13.4 122nd
Receiving Touchdowns 11 3rd
1st Down Catches 42 106th
Longest Reception 0 54th
Receptions Per Game 2.8 66th
Receiving Yards Per Game 37.8 63rd
Fumbles 1 1006th

1988 Stats for Cris Carter

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 47th
Games Started 16 24th
Receptions 39 59th
Receiving Yards 761 31st
Yards Per Reception 19.5 34th
Receiving Touchdowns 6 23rd
1st Down Catches 80 9th
Longest Reception 0 59th
Receptions Per Game 2.4 68th
Receiving Yards Per Game 47.6 36th
Fumbles 0 15th

1987 Stats for Cris Carter

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 9 280th
Games Started 0 466th
Receptions 5 327th
Receiving Yards 84 272nd
Yards Per Reception 16.8 104th
Receiving Touchdowns 2 136th
1st Down Catches 25 250th
Longest Reception 0 327th
Receptions Per Game 0.6 441st
Receiving Yards Per Game 9.3 358th
Fumbles 0 154th