Curtis Conway Stats

Conway (52 receiving TD’s) had an average of 49.3 yards per contest receiving and he averages 3.6 receptions per game throughout his career. His longest reception of his career went for 85 yards and he was able to haul in 53.9% of the balls thrown in his direction. He snagged 594 balls which means he averaged 13.9 YPC. Conway totaled 8,230 receiving yards in 167 games for his career.

Conway had a tally of 403 yds. Curtis Conway (3 touchdowns through the air) had an average of 25.2 yards per game receiving and he averaged 2.4 catches per contest. His longest catch in his last season went for 85 yards and he was able to catch 61.7% of the balls thrown in his direction. He caught 38 passes thrown his way for an average of 10.6 yards per reception. Conway totaled 403 receiving yards in his 16 games in his last year.

Curtis Conway Stats

Year Team Rec Yards Y/R G GS TD 1D Lng R/G Y/G Fmb
Career 594 8,230 13.9 167 144 52 382 85 3.6 49.3 0
2004 SFO 38 403 10.6 16 5 3 22 37 2.4 25.2 0
2003 NYJ 46 640 13.9 16 15 2 33 45 2.9 40.0 0
2002 SDG 57 852 14.9 13 13 5 42 52 4.4 65.5 2
2001 SDG 71 1,125 15.8 16 16 6 52 72 4.4 70.3 1
2000 SDG 53 712 13.4 14 14 5 30 68 3.8 50.9 0
1999 CHI 44 426 9.7 9 8 4 24 30 4.9 47.3 2
1998 CHI 54 733 13.6 15 15 3 36 47 3.6 48.9 1
1997 CHI 30 476 15.9 7 7 1 18 55 4.3 68.0 0
1996 CHI 81 1,049 13.0 16 16 7 51 58 5.1 65.6 1
1995 CHI 62 1,037 16.7 16 16 12 46 76 3.9 64.8 0
1994 CHI 39 546 14.0 13 12 2 28 85 3.0 42.0 2
1993 CHI 19 231 12.2 16 7 2 38 6 1.2 14.4 1

2004 Stats for Curtis Conway

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 56th
Games Started 5 196th
Receptions 38 85th
Receiving Yards 403 93rd
Yards Per Reception 10.6 195th
Receiving Touchdowns 3 77th
1st Down Catches 22 81st
Longest Reception 37 137th
Receptions Per Game 2.4 109th
Receiving Yards Per Game 25.2 110th
Fumbles 0 18th

2003 Stats for Curtis Conway

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 46th
Games Started 15 61st
Receptions 46 72nd
Receiving Yards 640 46th
Yards Per Reception 13.9 75th
Receiving Touchdowns 2 97th
1st Down Catches 33 45th
Longest Reception 45 89th
Receptions Per Game 2.9 81st
Receiving Yards Per Game 40.0 57th
Fumbles 0 26th

2002 Stats for Curtis Conway

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 13 261st
Games Started 13 102nd
Receptions 57 48th
Receiving Yards 852 34th
Yards Per Reception 14.9 47th
Receiving Touchdowns 5 44th
1st Down Catches 42 33rd
Longest Reception 52 62nd
Receptions Per Game 4.4 36th
Receiving Yards Per Game 65.5 21st
Fumbles 2 1117th

2001 Stats for Curtis Conway

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 24th
Games Started 16 16th
Receptions 71 29th
Receiving Yards 1,125 15th
Yards Per Reception 15.8 38th
Receiving Touchdowns 6 30th
1st Down Catches 52 20th
Longest Reception 72 17th
Receptions Per Game 4.4 35th
Receiving Yards Per Game 70.3 17th
Fumbles 1 1029th

2000 Stats for Curtis Conway

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 14 228th
Games Started 14 82nd
Receptions 53 57th
Receiving Yards 712 50th
Yards Per Reception 13.4 93rd
Receiving Touchdowns 5 39th
1st Down Catches 30 58th
Longest Reception 68 22nd
Receptions Per Game 3.8 56th
Receiving Yards Per Game 50.9 38th
Fumbles 0 17th

1999 Stats for Curtis Conway

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 9 337th
Games Started 8 150th
Receptions 44 70th
Receiving Yards 426 89th
Yards Per Reception 9.7 226th
Receiving Touchdowns 4 60th
1st Down Catches 24 79th
Longest Reception 30 168th
Receptions Per Game 4.9 22nd
Receiving Yards Per Game 47.3 50th
Fumbles 2 1121st

1998 Stats for Curtis Conway

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 15 183rd
Games Started 15 62nd
Receptions 54 47th
Receiving Yards 733 46th
Yards Per Reception 13.6 122nd
Receiving Touchdowns 3 67th
1st Down Catches 36 43rd
Longest Reception 47 90th
Receptions Per Game 3.6 54th
Receiving Yards Per Game 48.9 43rd
Fumbles 1 1034th

1997 Stats for Curtis Conway

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 7 348th
Games Started 7 156th
Receptions 30 114th
Receiving Yards 476 70th
Yards Per Reception 15.9 45th
Receiving Touchdowns 1 149th
1st Down Catches 18 98th
Longest Reception 55 56th
Receptions Per Game 4.3 26th
Receiving Yards Per Game 68.0 15th
Fumbles 0 46th

1996 Stats for Curtis Conway

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 14th
Games Started 16 10th
Receptions 81 15th
Receiving Yards 1,049 16th
Yards Per Reception 13.0 102nd
Receiving Touchdowns 7 22nd
1st Down Catches 51 16th
Longest Reception 58 35th
Receptions Per Game 5.1 18th
Receiving Yards Per Game 65.6 20th
Fumbles 1 1031st

1995 Stats for Curtis Conway

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 30th
Games Started 16 20th
Receptions 62 33rd
Receiving Yards 1,037 20th
Yards Per Reception 16.7 31st
Receiving Touchdowns 12 8th
1st Down Catches 46 23rd
Longest Reception 76 9th
Receptions Per Game 3.9 39th
Receiving Yards Per Game 64.8 21st
Fumbles 0 8th

1994 Stats for Curtis Conway

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 13 237th
Games Started 12 97th
Receptions 39 92nd
Receiving Yards 546 65th
Yards Per Reception 14.0 76th
Receiving Touchdowns 2 102nd
1st Down Catches 28 60th
Longest Reception 85 6th
Receptions Per Game 3.0 74th
Receiving Yards Per Game 42.0 53rd
Fumbles 2 1140th

1993 Stats for Curtis Conway

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 102nd
Games Started 7 158th
Receptions 19 158th
Receiving Yards 231 140th
Yards Per Reception 12.2 128th
Receiving Touchdowns 2 97th
1st Down Catches 38 110th
Longest Reception 6 226th
Receptions Per Game 1.2 182nd
Receiving Yards Per Game 14.4 163rd
Fumbles 1 1067th