Dale Murphy vs Larry Walker Stats

Dale Murphy vs Larry Walker

In his career, Murphy has slapped 398 balls over the fence while knocking in 1,273 runs. Over the course of his time in the league, he came to the plate 9,090 times and has delivered with a hit 2,117 times. He has earned a slugging percentage of -.026 and he has totaled 3,740 bases. He has fanned 1,763 times and has been walked on 991 at-bats, contributing to a .345 on-base %. Murphy has accrued an average at the plate of .265 for his career in addition to 1,198 scored runs and an OPS of .319.

Over the course of the 7,222 at-bats in his baseball career, Walker has compiled an average at the plate of .312 with 2,251 base knocks. His on-base percentage is .400 and he also has a lifetime OPS of .324. He has scored 1,421 runs and has 1,363 RBIs. Walker has earned a walk 954 times while being called out on strikes on 1,295 attempts. He has gone yard 398 times, with 4,062 total bases and also a -.075 slugging percentage.

Dale Murphy vs Larry Walker Stats

Dale Murphy Career Larry Walker
2,206 Games Played 2,088
9,090 Plate Appearances 8,397
8,002 At-Bats 7,222
1,198 Runs 1,421
2,117 Hits 2,251
351 Doubles 491
39 Triples 63
398 Home Runs 398
1,273 Runs Batted In 1,363
161 Stolen Bases 232
68 Caught Stealing 77
991 Walks 954
1,763 Strikeouts 1,295
.265 Batting Average .312
.345 On-Base Percentage .400
-.026 Slugging Percentage -.075
0.319 OPS 0.324
3,740 Total Bases 4,062
214 Grounded Into Double Plays 162
28 Hit By Pitch 147

This year, Murphy has scored 1 runs, knocked in 7 runs batted in and has hit 0 home runs. He has earned a walk 5 times and has recorded an OBP of .224. Murphy has recorded 6 base knocks in 42 AB’s and has a batting average of .143. He has gone down on strikes 15 times while tallying 7 total bases. He has recorded an OPS of 0.391 and a slugging % of .167.

For this campaign, Larry Walker has knocked in 52 runs and has compiled a slugging percentage of .502. He has recorded an on-base percentage of .384 in addition to 41 walks and 64 K’s. Walker has 158 total bases with 91 base hits out of 315 at-bats. He has accumulated a batting average of .289 in addition to having an OPS of .886. He has notched 66 runs for the season and has hit 15 balls over the fence.

Dale Murphy (1993) Stat Larry Walker (2005)
26 Games Played 100
49 Plate Appearances 367
42 At-Bats 315
1 Runs Scored 66
6 Hits 91
1 Doubles 20
0 Triples 1
0 Home Runs 15
7 Runs Batted In 52
0 Stolen Bases 2
0 Caught Stealing 1
5 Walks 41
15 Strikeouts 64
.143 Batting Average .289
.224 On-Base Percentage .384
.167 Slugging Percentage .502
0.391 OPS 0.886
1 OPS+ 130
7 Total Bases 158
5 Grounded Into Double Play 9
0 Hit By Pitch 9