DeAndre Hopkins Stats

Hopkins (78 TD’s) compiled an average of 76.3 yards per contest receiving and he has 5.7 catches per game in his career. His longest reception of his career went for 76 yds and he was able to haul in 61.7% of the passes thrown in his direction. He caught 928 passes thrown his way which averages 13.3 yards per catch. Hopkins racked up 12,355 yards as a receiver in 162 games for his career.

Hopkins had 1,057 yards. DeAndre Hopkins (7 TDs) compiled an average of 62.2 yds per contest receiving and he averaged 4.4 catches per contest. His longest catch in his last season went for 61 yards and he was able to haul in 54.7% of the balls thrown in his direction. He caught 75 balls thrown his way for an average of 14.1 YPC. Hopkins accumulated 1,057 yards as a receiver in his 17 games in his last year.

DeAndre Hopkins Stats

Year Team Rec Yards Y/R G GS TD 1D Lng R/G Y/G Fmb
Career 928 12,355 13.3 162 161 78 643 76 5.7 76.3 12
2023 TEN 75 1,057 14.1 17 16 7 48 61 4.4 62.2 0
2022 ARI 64 717 11.2 9 9 3 35 33 7.1 79.7 2
2021 ARI 42 572 13.6 10 10 8 32 55 4.2 57.2 0
2020 ARI 115 1,407 12.2 16 16 6 75 60 7.2 87.9 3
2019 HOU 104 1,165 11.2 15 15 7 68 43 6.9 77.7 0
2018 HOU 115 1,572 13.7 16 16 11 85 49 7.2 98.3 2
2017 HOU 96 1,378 14.4 15 15 13 69 72 6.4 91.9 1
2016 HOU 78 954 12.2 16 16 4 57 51 4.9 59.6 0
2015 HOU 111 1,521 13.7 16 16 11 83 61 6.9 95.1 1
2014 HOU 76 1,210 15.9 16 16 6 57 76 4.8 75.6 2
2013 HOU 52 802 15.4 16 16 2 38 66 3.3 50.1 1

2023 Stats for DeAndre Hopkins

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 17 21st
Games Started 16 33rd
Receptions 75 32nd
Receiving Yards 1,057 21st
Yards Per Reception 14.1 64th
Touchdown Catches 7 23rd
1st Downs 48 23rd
Longest Catch 61 39th
Receptions Per Game 4.4 42nd
Yards Per Game 62 28th
Fumbles 0 191st

2022 Stats for DeAndre Hopkins

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 9 374th
Games Started 9 158th
Receptions 64 45th
Receiving Yards 717 49th
Yards Per Reception 11.2 183rd
Receiving Touchdowns 3 108th
1st Down Catches 35 50th
Longest Reception 33 186th
Receptions Per Game 7.1 4th
Receiving Yards Per Game 79.7 10th
Fumbles 2 1160th

2021 Stats for DeAndre Hopkins

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 10 347th
Games Started 10 124th
Receptions 42 99th
Receiving Yards 572 69th
Yards Per Reception 13.6 83rd
Receiving Touchdowns 8 21st
1st Down Catches 32 58th
Longest Reception 55 59th
Receptions Per Game 4.2 56th
Receiving Yards Per Game 57.2 37th
Fumbles 0 46th

2020 Stats for DeAndre Hopkins

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 2nd
Games Started 16 1st
Receptions 115 3rd
Receiving Yards 1,407 3rd
Yards Per Reception 12.2 139th
Receiving Touchdowns 6 29th
1st Down Catches 75 2nd
Longest Reception 60 35th
Receptions Per Game 7.2 3rd
Receiving Yards Per Game 87.9 5th
Fumbles 3 1172nd

2019 Stats for DeAndre Hopkins

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 15 156th
Games Started 15 25th
Receptions 104 4th
Receiving Yards 1,165 11th
Yards Per Reception 11.2 196th
Receiving Touchdowns 7 16th
1st Down Catches 68 3rd
Longest Reception 43 120th
Receptions Per Game 6.9 3rd
Receiving Yards Per Game 77.7 8th
Fumbles 0 2nd

2018 Stats for DeAndre Hopkins

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 3rd
Games Started 16 3rd
Receptions 115 3rd
Receiving Yards 1,572 2nd
Yards Per Reception 13.7 93rd
Receiving Touchdowns 11 5th
1st Down Catches 85 1st
Longest Reception 49 93rd
Receptions Per Game 7.2 4th
Receiving Yards Per Game 98.3 2nd
Fumbles 2 1119th

2017 Stats for DeAndre Hopkins

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 15 160th
Games Started 15 33rd
Receptions 96 6th
Receiving Yards 1,378 4th
Yards Per Reception 14.4 74th
Receiving Touchdowns 13 1st
1st Down Catches 69 4th
Longest Reception 72 18th
Receptions Per Game 6.4 6th
Receiving Yards Per Game 91.9 2nd
Fumbles 1 1030th

2016 Stats for DeAndre Hopkins

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 21st
Games Started 16 15th
Receptions 78 26th
Receiving Yards 954 29th
Yards Per Reception 12.2 152nd
Receiving Touchdowns 4 54th
1st Down Catches 57 9th
Longest Reception 51 79th
Receptions Per Game 4.9 33rd
Receiving Yards Per Game 59.6 38th
Fumbles 0 11th

2015 Stats for DeAndre Hopkins

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 3rd
Games Started 16 3rd
Receptions 111 3rd
Receiving Yards 1,521 3rd
Yards Per Reception 13.7 93rd
Receiving Touchdowns 11 7th
1st Down Catches 83 3rd
Longest Reception 61 44th
Receptions Per Game 6.9 4th
Receiving Yards Per Game 95.1 5th
Fumbles 1 1014th

2014 Stats for DeAndre Hopkins

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 18th
Games Started 16 15th
Receptions 76 26th
Receiving Yards 1,210 12th
Yards Per Reception 15.9 40th
Receiving Touchdowns 6 33rd
1st Down Catches 57 14th
Longest Reception 76 22nd
Receptions Per Game 4.8 31st
Receiving Yards Per Game 75.6 15th
Fumbles 2 1122nd

2013 Stats for DeAndre Hopkins

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 43rd
Games Started 16 20th
Receptions 52 68th
Receiving Yards 802 42nd
Yards Per Reception 15.4 64th
Receiving Touchdowns 2 119th
1st Down Catches 38 44th
Longest Reception 66 38th
Receptions Per Game 3.3 91st
Receiving Yards Per Game 50.1 59th
Fumbles 1 1046th