Derrick Mason Stats

Derrick Mason took the field in 230 games for his career. His percentage of caught passes sat at 62.3% and he earned that by pulling in 943 out of the 1,514 passes that went his way. He earned 12,061 yards and had an average of 12.8 yards/reception. During his career, Mason caught 66 receiving touchdowns and had a long catch of 79 yards. His receptions per game and yards per game average were 4.1 and 52.4 yards.

Mason contributed 170 receiving yds during his final season. His receptions per game and yards per contest average were 1.6 and 14.2 yards. In his last season, Mason collected 0 touchdowns and had a long catch of 79 yards. He earned 170 yards during his final season and had an average of 8.9 yards per reception. His percentage of passes caught in his final year was 61.7% and he had that by grabbing 19 out of the 31 passes that went in his direction. Mason stepped onto the gridiron in 12 games in his final season.

Derrick Mason Stats

Year Team Rec Yards Y/R G GS TD 1D Lng R/G Y/G Fmb
Career 943 12,061 12.8 230 169 66 645 79 4.1 52.4 0
2011 2TM 19 170 8.9 12 2 0 0 30 1.6 14.2 0
2010 BAL 61 802 13.1 16 15 7 44 42 3.8 50.1 0
2009 BAL 73 1,028 14.1 16 16 7 55 72 4.6 64.3 0
2008 BAL 80 1,037 13.0 16 16 5 60 54 5.0 64.8 2
2007 BAL 103 1,087 10.6 16 16 5 58 79 6.4 67.9 1
2006 BAL 68 750 11.0 16 15 2 45 38 4.3 46.9 1
2005 BAL 86 1,073 12.5 16 16 3 53 39 5.4 67.1 1
2004 TEN 96 1,168 12.2 16 16 7 67 37 6.0 73.0 2
2003 TEN 95 1,303 13.7 16 16 8 69 50 5.9 81.4 0
2002 TEN 79 1,012 12.8 14 14 5 56 40 5.6 72.3 2
2001 TEN 73 1,128 15.5 15 15 9 50 71 4.9 75.2 2
2000 TEN 63 895 14.2 16 10 5 45 34 3.9 55.9 1
1999 TEN 8 89 11.1 13 0 0 5 31 0.6 6.8 0
1998 TEN 25 333 13.3 16 0 3 19 47 1.6 20.8 1
1997 TEN 14 186 13.3 16 2 0 8 38 0.9 11.6 5

2011 Stats for Derrick Mason

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 12 300th
Games Started 2 278th
Receptions 19 193rd
Receiving Yards 170 204th
Yards Per Reception 8.9 280th
Receiving Touchdowns 0 254th
1st Down Catches 0 400th
Longest Reception 30 196th
Receptions Per Game 1.6 192nd
Receiving Yards Per Game 14.2 205th
Fumbles 0 89th

2010 Stats for Derrick Mason

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 28th
Games Started 15 35th
Receptions 61 41st
Receiving Yards 802 35th
Yards Per Reception 13.1 103rd
Receiving Touchdowns 7 25th
1st Down Catches 44 20th
Longest Reception 42 122nd
Receptions Per Game 3.8 56th
Receiving Yards Per Game 50.1 51st
Fumbles 0 13th

2009 Stats for Derrick Mason

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 22nd
Games Started 16 15th
Receptions 73 25th
Receiving Yards 1,028 22nd
Yards Per Reception 14.1 66th
Receiving Touchdowns 7 21st
1st Down Catches 55 16th
Longest Reception 72 20th
Receptions Per Game 4.6 29th
Receiving Yards Per Game 64.3 26th
Fumbles 0 11th

2008 Stats for Derrick Mason

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 13th
Games Started 16 8th
Receptions 80 17th
Receiving Yards 1,037 17th
Yards Per Reception 13.0 102nd
Receiving Touchdowns 5 30th
1st Down Catches 60 7th
Longest Reception 54 70th
Receptions Per Game 5.0 21st
Receiving Yards Per Game 64.8 19th
Fumbles 2 1120th

2007 Stats for Derrick Mason

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 4th
Games Started 16 2nd
Receptions 103 4th
Receiving Yards 1,087 19th
Yards Per Reception 10.6 177th
Receiving Touchdowns 5 36th
1st Down Catches 58 13th
Longest Reception 79 7th
Receptions Per Game 6.4 6th
Receiving Yards Per Game 67.9 25th
Fumbles 1 1019th

2006 Stats for Derrick Mason

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 22nd
Games Started 15 50th
Receptions 68 30th
Receiving Yards 750 42nd
Yards Per Reception 11.0 163rd
Receiving Touchdowns 2 101st
1st Down Catches 45 24th
Longest Reception 38 118th
Receptions Per Game 4.3 34th
Receiving Yards Per Game 46.9 49th
Fumbles 1 1029th

2005 Stats for Derrick Mason

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 5th
Games Started 16 5th
Receptions 86 8th
Receiving Yards 1,073 16th
Yards Per Reception 12.5 127th
Receiving Touchdowns 3 62nd
1st Down Catches 53 15th
Longest Reception 39 126th
Receptions Per Game 5.4 12th
Receiving Yards Per Game 67.1 19th
Fumbles 1 1030th

2004 Stats for Derrick Mason

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 3rd
Games Started 16 2nd
Receptions 96 2nd
Receiving Yards 1,168 15th
Yards Per Reception 12.2 142nd
Receiving Touchdowns 7 22nd
1st Down Catches 67 4th
Longest Reception 37 135th
Receptions Per Game 6.0 2nd
Receiving Yards Per Game 73.0 16th
Fumbles 2 1113th

2003 Stats for Derrick Mason

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 5th
Games Started 16 4th
Receptions 95 5th
Receiving Yards 1,303 5th
Yards Per Reception 13.7 86th
Receiving Touchdowns 8 14th
1st Down Catches 69 3rd
Longest Reception 50 62nd
Receptions Per Game 5.9 6th
Receiving Yards Per Game 81.4 6th
Fumbles 0 1st

2002 Stats for Derrick Mason

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 14 224th
Games Started 14 73rd
Receptions 79 20th
Receiving Yards 1,012 21st
Yards Per Reception 12.8 104th
Receiving Touchdowns 5 38th
1st Down Catches 56 15th
Longest Reception 40 113th
Receptions Per Game 5.6 15th
Receiving Yards Per Game 72.3 16th
Fumbles 2 1112th

2001 Stats for Derrick Mason

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 15 194th
Games Started 15 55th
Receptions 73 24th
Receiving Yards 1,128 14th
Yards Per Reception 15.5 46th
Receiving Touchdowns 9 10th
1st Down Catches 50 22nd
Longest Reception 71 18th
Receptions Per Game 4.9 24th
Receiving Yards Per Game 75.2 12th
Fumbles 2 1118th

2000 Stats for Derrick Mason

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 36th
Games Started 10 126th
Receptions 63 41st
Receiving Yards 895 27th
Yards Per Reception 14.2 68th
Receiving Touchdowns 5 36th
1st Down Catches 45 27th
Longest Reception 34 139th
Receptions Per Game 3.9 49th
Receiving Yards Per Game 55.9 31st
Fumbles 1 1030th

1999 Stats for Derrick Mason

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 13 272nd
Games Started 0 346th
Receptions 8 278th
Receiving Yards 89 256th
Yards Per Reception 11.1 173rd
Receiving Touchdowns 0 305th
1st Down Catches 5 233rd
Longest Reception 31 164th
Receptions Per Game 0.6 300th
Receiving Yards Per Game 6.8 274th
Fumbles 0 137th

1998 Stats for Derrick Mason

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 86th
Games Started 0 301st
Receptions 25 137th
Receiving Yards 333 110th
Yards Per Reception 13.3 129th
Receiving Touchdowns 3 83rd
1st Down Catches 19 95th
Longest Reception 47 91st
Receptions Per Game 1.6 154th
Receiving Yards Per Game 20.8 123rd
Fumbles 1 1058th

1997 Stats for Derrick Mason

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 122nd
Games Started 2 235th
Receptions 14 209th
Receiving Yards 186 172nd
Yards Per Reception 13.3 107th
Receiving Touchdowns 0 255th
1st Down Catches 8 178th
Longest Reception 38 119th
Receptions Per Game 0.9 227th
Receiving Yards Per Game 11.6 196th
Fumbles 5 1196th