DeShaun Foster Stats

Foster averaged 45.2 yards on the ground per contest in his career. He has run for 11 TD’s with a long carry of 71 yds. His average yds per carry is at 3.9 and he carried the ball 927 times. DeShaun Foster accumulated 3,570 yds on the ground in 79 games played in his career.

During his 16 games in his last year, DeShaun Foster averaged 14.6 yards per game and got into the endzone 1 time on the ground. His longest run that year was 18 yards. Foster carried the ball 76 different times for an average of 3.1 yards per carry.

DeShaun Foster Stats

Year Team Att Yards TD G GS Lng Y/A Y/G Fmb
Career 927 3,570 11 79 42 71 3.9 45.2 18
2008 SFO 76 234 1 16 2 18 3.1 14.6 2
2007 CAR 247 876 3 16 16 20 3.5 54.8 7
2006 CAR 227 897 3 14 14 43 4.0 64.1 4
2005 CAR 205 879 2 15 5 70 4.3 58.6 2
2004 CAR 59 255 2 4 3 71 4.3 63.8 0
2003 CAR 113 429 0 14 2 21 3.8 30.6 3

2008 Stats for DeShaun Foster

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 25th
Games Started 2 188th
Rushing Attempts 76 57th
Rushing Yards 234 76th
Rushing Touchdowns 1 85th
Longest Run 18 120th
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 3.1 188th
Rushing Yards Per Game 14.6 91st
Fumbles 2 86th

2007 Stats for DeShaun Foster

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 6th
Games Started 16 5th
Rushing Attempts 247 13th
Rushing Yards 876 21st
Rushing Touchdowns 3 41st
Longest Run 20 98th
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 3.5 158th
Rushing Yards Per Game 54.8 32nd
Fumbles 7 19th

2006 Stats for DeShaun Foster

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 14 159th
Games Started 14 61st
Rushing Attempts 227 24th
Rushing Yards 897 26th
Rushing Touchdowns 3 44th
Longest Run 43 31st
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 4.0 134th
Rushing Yards Per Game 64.1 27th
Fumbles 4 49th

2005 Stats for DeShaun Foster

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 15 128th
Games Started 5 143rd
Rushing Attempts 205 24th
Rushing Yards 879 22nd
Rushing Touchdowns 2 57th
Longest Run 70 11th
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 4.3 89th
Rushing Yards Per Game 58.6 29th
Fumbles 2 89th

2004 Stats for DeShaun Foster

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 4 287th
Games Started 3 173rd
Rushing Attempts 59 66th
Rushing Yards 255 63rd
Rushing Touchdowns 2 62nd
Longest Run 71 7th
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 4.3 119th
Rushing Yards Per Game 63.8 25th
Fumbles 0 216th

2003 Stats for DeShaun Foster

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 14 167th
Games Started 2 195th
Rushing Attempts 113 41st
Rushing Yards 429 44th
Rushing Touchdowns 0 116th
Longest Run 21 95th
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 3.8 159th
Rushing Yards Per Game 30.6 51st
Fumbles 3 70th