Devon White Stats

Devon White Stats

White has recorded a batting average of .264 for his career in addition to 1,177 runs scored and an OPS of .323. He has gone down on strikes 1,621 times and has walked on 569 attempts at the plate, which contributes in part to a .321 on-base %. In his pro baseball career, White has hit 222 balls over the fence while knocking in 893 runs. He has earned a slugging percentage of .003 and he has totaled 3,257 bases. Over the course of his pro career, he stepped up to bat 8,512 times and came through with a base base knock 2,042 times.

White has compiled 108 hits in 390 at-bats for a batting average of .277. He has gotten a free base 28 times and has earned an on-base percentage of .343. Over the course of the season, White has compiled 52 runs, amassed 47 runs batted in and has hit 14 home runs. He has tallied an OPS of 0.802 and a slugging % of .459. He has gone down on strikes 95 times while amassing 179 bases in total.

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Career .263 208 1,934 541 1,125 846 .319 8,080 7,344 .739 98 378 71 1,941 .419 346 98 3,078 1,526
2001 MIL .277 14 108 28 52 47 .343 432 390 .802 108 25 2 126 .459 18 3 179 95
2000 LAD .266 4 42 9 26 13 .310 168 158 .696 79 5 1 47 .386 3 6 61 30
1999 LAD .268 14 127 39 60 68 .337 526 474 .744 92 20 2 134 .407 19 5 193 88
1998 ARI .279 22 157 42 84 85 .335 627 563 .792 106 32 1 146 .456 22 8 257 102
1997 FLA .245 6 65 32 37 34 .338 308 265 .707 90 13 1 74 .370 13 5 98 65
1996 FLA .274 17 151 38 77 84 .325 611 552 .779 106 37 6 146 .455 22 6 251 99
1995 TOR .283 10 121 29 61 53 .334 465 427 .765 99 23 5 101 .431 11 2 184 97
1994 TOR .270 13 109 21 67 49 .313 435 403 .770 96 24 6 100 .457 11 3 184 80
1993 TOR .273 15 163 57 116 52 .341 668 598 .779 108 42 6 146 .438 34 4 262 127
1992 TOR .248 17 159 47 98 60 .303 696 641 .693 90 26 7 153 .390 37 4 250 133
1991 TOR .282 17 181 55 110 60 .342 715 642 .797 116 40 10 156 .455 33 10 292 135
1990 CAL .217 11 96 44 57 44 .290 503 443 .633 79 17 3 125 .343 21 6 152 116
1989 CAL .245 12 156 31 86 56 .282 678 636 .653 85 18 13 156 .371 44 16 236 129
1988 CAL .259 11 118 23 76 51 .297 486 455 .686 94 22 2 122 .389 17 8 177 84
1987 CAL .263 24 168 39 103 87 .306 696 639 .749 99 33 5 159 .443 32 11 283 135
1986 CAL .235 1 12 6 8 3 .316 57 51 .669 83 1 1 29 .353 6 0 18 8
1985 CAL .143 0 1 1 7 0 .333 9 7 .476 37 0 0 21 .143 3 1 1 3