Dorsey Levens Stats

Levens coughed up the ball 13 times in his career and his longest run was 52 yds. He gained 34.4 yds per contest and crossed the goal line 36 times while carrying the ball. He was given the ball 1,243 different times to the tune of 4.0 YPC. During his NFL career, Levens played in 144 contests and accumulated 4,955 yds carrying the ball.

Levens was handed the ball 94 different times to the tune of 4.4 YPC. During his 15 games in his last year, Dorsey Levens gained 27.3 yards per game and got into the endzone 4 times as a runner. He had a long run of 45 yds.

Dorsey Levens Stats

Year Team Att Yards TD G GS Lng Y/A Y/G Fmb
Career 1,243 4,955 36 144 58 52 4.0 34.4 13
2004 PHI 94 410 4 15 5 45 4.4 27.3 0
2003 NYG 68 197 3 11 0 17 2.9 17.9 0
2002 PHI 75 411 1 16 0 47 5.5 25.7 1
2001 GNB 44 165 0 15 1 40 3.8 11.0 0
2000 GNB 77 224 3 5 5 17 2.9 44.8 0
1999 GNB 279 1,034 9 14 14 36 3.7 73.9 5
1998 GNB 115 378 1 7 4 50 3.3 54.0 0
1997 GNB 329 1,435 7 16 16 52 4.4 89.7 5
1996 GNB 121 566 5 16 1 24 4.7 35.4 2
1995 GNB 36 120 3 15 12 22 3.3 8.0 0
1994 GNB 5 15 0 14 0 5 3.0 1.1 0

2004 Stats for Dorsey Levens

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 15 129th
Games Started 5 149th
Rushing Attempts 94 47th
Rushing Yards 410 44th
Rushing Touchdowns 4 33rd
Longest Run 45 37th
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 4.4 114th
Rushing Yards Per Game 27.3 60th
Fumbles 0 210th

2003 Stats for Dorsey Levens

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 11 220th
Games Started 0 241st
Rushing Attempts 68 61st
Rushing Yards 197 75th
Rushing Touchdowns 3 47th
Longest Run 17 122nd
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 2.9 219th
Rushing Yards Per Game 17.9 76th
Fumbles 0 202nd

2002 Stats for Dorsey Levens

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 32nd
Games Started 0 230th
Rushing Attempts 75 54th
Rushing Yards 411 49th
Rushing Touchdowns 1 81st
Longest Run 47 23rd
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 5.5 77th
Rushing Yards Per Game 25.7 56th
Fumbles 1 138th

2001 Stats for Dorsey Levens

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 15 151st
Games Started 1 189th
Rushing Attempts 44 80th
Rushing Yards 165 81st
Rushing Touchdowns 0 120th
Longest Run 40 40th
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 3.8 154th
Rushing Yards Per Game 11.0 87th
Fumbles 0 211th

2000 Stats for Dorsey Levens

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 5 276th
Games Started 5 150th
Rushing Attempts 77 49th
Rushing Yards 224 64th
Rushing Touchdowns 3 43rd
Longest Run 17 119th
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 2.9 201st
Rushing Yards Per Game 44.8 31st
Fumbles 0 200th

1999 Stats for Dorsey Levens

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 14 152nd
Games Started 14 49th
Rushing Attempts 279 10th
Rushing Yards 1,034 13th
Rushing Touchdowns 9 7th
Longest Run 36 41st
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 3.7 148th
Rushing Yards Per Game 73.9 14th
Fumbles 5 37th

1998 Stats for Dorsey Levens

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 7 246th
Games Started 4 145th
Rushing Attempts 115 37th
Rushing Yards 378 45th
Rushing Touchdowns 1 74th
Longest Run 50 22nd
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 3.3 166th
Rushing Yards Per Game 54.0 28th
Fumbles 0 184th

1997 Stats for Dorsey Levens

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 3rd
Games Started 16 3rd
Rushing Attempts 329 5th
Rushing Yards 1,435 4th
Rushing Touchdowns 7 14th
Longest Run 52 15th
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 4.4 79th
Rushing Yards Per Game 89.7 5th
Fumbles 5 32nd

1996 Stats for Dorsey Levens

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 20th
Games Started 1 188th
Rushing Attempts 121 39th
Rushing Yards 566 33rd
Rushing Touchdowns 5 21st
Longest Run 24 80th
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 4.7 57th
Rushing Yards Per Game 35.4 42nd
Fumbles 2 97th

1995 Stats for Dorsey Levens

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 15 153rd
Games Started 12 82nd
Rushing Attempts 36 84th
Rushing Yards 120 93rd
Rushing Touchdowns 3 45th
Longest Run 22 78th
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 3.3 158th
Rushing Yards Per Game 8.0 110th
Fumbles 0 200th

1994 Stats for Dorsey Levens

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 14 159th
Games Started 0 231st
Rushing Attempts 5 175th
Rushing Yards 15 175th
Rushing Touchdowns 0 179th
Longest Run 5 208th
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 3.0 169th
Rushing Yards Per Game 1.1 184th
Fumbles 0 215th