Doug Mientkiewicz Stats

Mientkiewicz has earned a walk 440 times while striking out on 476 occasions. His on-base percentage is .360 and he is the owner of a lifetime OPS of .365. He has amassed 423 runs and has 406 runs batted in. He has hit the long ball 66 times, as well as 1,345 total bases and also a .005 slugging percentage. Over the course of the 3,328 official at-bats in his pro career, Mientkiewicz has an average at the plate of .271 with 903 base hits.

Mientkiewicz has compiled 4 hits out of 16 at-bats and has a batting average of .250. He has gotten a free base 2 times and has recorded an OBP of .333. During this season, Mientkiewicz has notched 1 runs, recorded 1 runs batted in and has hit 0 home runs. He has earned an OPS of 0.646 and a slugging percentage of .313. He has struck out 4 times while amassing 5 total bases.

Career .271 66 899 438 422 405 .360 3,844 3,312 .765 100 221 11 1,087 .405 14 15 1,340 472
2009 LAD .333 0 6 1 0 3 .400 20 18 .789 115 1 0 20 .389 0 0 7 6
2008 PIT .277 2 79 44 37 30 .374 334 285 .753 103 19 2 125 .379 0 0 108 28
2007 NYY .277 5 46 16 26 24 .349 192 166 .789 106 12 0 72 .440 0 0 73 23
2006 KCR .283 4 89 35 37 43 .359 361 314 .770 99 24 2 91 .411 3 0 129 50
2005 NYM .240 11 66 32 36 29 .322 313 275 .729 93 13 0 87 .407 0 1 112 39
2004 TOT .238 6 93 48 47 35 .326 447 391 .676 75 24 1 127 .350 2 3 137 56
2004 MIN .246 5 70 38 34 25 .340 328 284 .703 83 18 0 78 .363 2 2 103 38
2004 BOS .215 1 23 10 13 10 .286 119 107 .603 54 6 1 49 .318 0 1 34 18
2003 MIN .300 11 146 74 67 65 .393 574 487 .843 122 38 1 142 .450 4 1 219 55
2002 MIN .261 10 122 74 60 64 .365 554 467 .756 102 29 1 143 .392 1 2 183 69
2001 MIN .306 15 166 67 77 74 .387 626 543 .851 123 39 1 151 .464 2 6 252 92
2000 MIN .429 0 6 0 0 4 .400 15 14 .829 108 0 0 3 .429 0 0 6 0
1999 MIN .229 2 75 43 34 32 .324 379 327 .655 66 21 3 118 .330 1 1 108 51
1998 MIN .200 0 5 4 1 2 .310 29 25 .550 46 1 0 8 .240 1 1 6 3