Erling Haaland vs Ruben Dias Stats

Erling Haaland Career Stats

When analyzing his ability to score goals, Erling has been super, averaging 0.97 goals scored per 90 minutes, and has amassed 479 points. Thus far in his professional soccer career, the forward has collected 18,504 mins. The forward is averaging 2.144 pts per game thus far in his soccer career. The forward averages 3.43 shots per 90 mins, has 216 goals, and 82.83 mins per 90 mins. Erling Haaland has compiled 767 shots and collected 440 SoT, in addition to averaging 1.343 gls + asts per game.

Ruben Dias Career Stats

Dias averages 0.05 goals scored per 90 minutes in terms of his ability to score goals and has amassed 39 points. Dias has accrued 24,859 minutes and is averaging 0.033 assists per 90 minutes. On top of producing 9 assists, Ruben is averaging 0.141 pts per game. Dias is averaging 0.62 shots during his career and 90.00 mins per 90. So far in his professional soccer career, Dias has tallied 170 shots and notched 39 shots on target.

Erling Haaland vs Ruben Dias Stats

Erling Haaland vs Ruben Dias Stats

Erling Haaland Career Ruben Dias
268 Games Played 289
216 Goals Scored 15
47 Assists 9
479 Points Scored 39
0.97 Goals Per 90 0.05
0.21 Assists Per 90 0.03
2.14 Points Per 90 0.14
440 Shots on Target 39
49.1% Shot on Target Percentage 38.5%
767 Shots 170
3.43 Shots Per 90 0.62
1.97 Shots on Target Per 90 0.14
223.4 90’s 276.2

Erling Haaland Last 5 Games

If you’re looking at his ability to kick the ball on target, he has been extraordinary, having collected 11 SoT and 11 pts. Erling Haaland averages 1.0 goal and 0.2 helpers per outing. Concerning his shot percentage, Erling is averaging 38.5%. He has been pretty impressive if you’re looking at his assisting abilities, having notched 1 helper and 415 mins. Erling is averaging 2.2 shots on target per game in terms of his ability to shoot at the goal.

Ruben Dias Last 5 Games

Ruben is averaging 0.0% concerning his shot percentage. In his last 5 outings, the defenseman averages 0.000 SoT per game. Ruben Dias has accumulated 0 shots on target and collected 0 points. Dias has tallied 0 helpers and collected 450 mins. The defenseman averages 0.0 goals scored and 0.0 helpers per outing.

Erling Haaland Last 10 Games

The forward has been outstanding when analyzing his ability to take his shots, amassing 25 shots. Along with collecting 15 points, Haaland averages 64.0% in terms of his shots on target percentage. Haaland has accumulated 7 goals if you’re looking at his point scoring capabilities and averages 2.5 shots per game. He averages 0.7 goals scored and 0.1 assists per game in his last ten contests. Erling has earned 1 helper and recorded 865 mins. Haaland has earned 16 SoT and notched 8 gls + asts in his last 10 outings.

Ruben Dias Last 10 Games

In his last ten contests, Dias has totaled 11 shots. Ruben is averaging 27.3% in terms of his SoT% in his last 10 games. If you’re looking at his ability to score goals, he has notched 0 goals and is averaging 1.1 shots per game. Ruben Dias is averaging 0.0 goals scored and 0.0 assists per game. In his last ten games, Ruben has earned 0 helpers and notched 900 mins. In terms of his ability to shoot at the goal, Ruben has been lousy, having contributed 3 shots on target and 0 gls + asts.