Ernest Givins Stats

Ernest Givins played in 147 contests in his career. His catch percentage was 160.8% and he earned that by grabbing 571 out of the 355 throws that were attempted. He earned a total of 8,215 yards with an average of 14.4 yards/reception. During his professional football career, Givins pulled in 49 TDs and had a long reception of 83 yards. His catches per contest and yards per game average were 3.9 and 55.9 yards.

Givins played in 9 games in his last year. His percentage of caught passes during his final year was 61.7% and he got there by pulling in 29 of the 47 passes that went in his direction. He totaled 280 yards in his final season and earned an average of 9.7 yards per reception. In his final season, Givins caught 3 receiving touchdowns and his longest catch of the season was 83 yards. Givins accounted for 280 yds in his last season.

Ernest Givins Stats

Year Team Rec Yards Y/R G GS TD 1D Lng R/G Y/G Fmb
Career 571 8,215 14.4 147 147 49 37 83 3.9 55.9 0
1995 JAX 29 280 9.7 9 9 3 16 18 3.2 31.1 1
1994 HOU 36 521 14.5 16 16 1 21 76 2.3 32.6 3
1993 HOU 68 887 13.0 16 16 4 80 8 4.3 55.4 2
1992 HOU 67 787 11.7 16 16 10 41 7 4.2 49.2 3
1991 HOU 70 996 14.2 16 16 5 49 0 4.4 62.3 3
1990 HOU 72 979 13.6 16 16 9 80 0 4.5 61.2 1
1989 HOU 55 794 14.4 15 15 3 48 0 3.7 52.9 0
1988 HOU 60 976 16.3 16 16 5 46 0 3.8 61.0 1
1987 HOU 53 933 17.6 12 12 6 83 0 4.4 77.8 2
1986 HOU 61 1,062 17.4 15 15 3 60 0 4.1 70.8 0

1995 Stats for Ernest Givins

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 9 323rd
Games Started 9 142nd
Receptions 29 134th
Receiving Yards 280 135th
Yards Per Reception 9.7 208th
Receiving Touchdowns 3 81st
1st Down Catches 16 117th
Longest Reception 18 260th
Receptions Per Game 3.2 75th
Receiving Yards Per Game 31.1 95th
Fumbles 1 1055th

1994 Stats for Ernest Givins

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 72nd
Games Started 16 34th
Receptions 36 103rd
Receiving Yards 521 73rd
Yards Per Reception 14.5 63rd
Receiving Touchdowns 1 132nd
1st Down Catches 21 85th
Longest Reception 76 19th
Receptions Per Game 2.3 116th
Receiving Yards Per Game 32.6 81st
Fumbles 3 1166th

1993 Stats for Ernest Givins

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 15th
Games Started 16 11th
Receptions 68 17th
Receiving Yards 887 20th
Yards Per Reception 13.0 100th
Receiving Touchdowns 4 36th
1st Down Catches 80 5th
Longest Reception 8 74th
Receptions Per Game 4.3 20th
Receiving Yards Per Game 55.4 24th
Fumbles 2 1112th

1992 Stats for Ernest Givins

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 14th
Games Started 16 10th
Receptions 67 15th
Receiving Yards 787 21st
Yards Per Reception 11.7 154th
Receiving Touchdowns 10 4th
1st Down Catches 41 97th
Longest Reception 7 140th
Receptions Per Game 4.2 18th
Receiving Yards Per Game 49.2 27th
Fumbles 3 1152nd

1991 Stats for Ernest Givins

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 15th
Games Started 16 14th
Receptions 70 16th
Receiving Yards 996 16th
Yards Per Reception 14.2 77th
Receiving Touchdowns 5 21st
1st Down Catches 49 61st
Longest Reception 0 16th
Receptions Per Game 4.4 19th
Receiving Yards Per Game 62.3 19th
Fumbles 3 1142nd

1990 Stats for Ernest Givins

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 8th
Games Started 16 6th
Receptions 72 9th
Receiving Yards 979 12th
Yards Per Reception 13.6 103rd
Receiving Touchdowns 9 3rd
1st Down Catches 80 7th
Longest Reception 0 9th
Receptions Per Game 4.5 10th
Receiving Yards Per Game 61.2 12th
Fumbles 1 1014th

1989 Stats for Ernest Givins

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 15 180th
Games Started 15 50th
Receptions 55 33rd
Receiving Yards 794 29th
Yards Per Reception 14.4 100th
Receiving Touchdowns 3 56th
1st Down Catches 48 77th
Longest Reception 0 33rd
Receptions Per Game 3.7 35th
Receiving Yards Per Game 52.9 33rd
Fumbles 0 11th

1988 Stats for Ernest Givins

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 19th
Games Started 16 11th
Receptions 60 22nd
Receiving Yards 976 14th
Yards Per Reception 16.3 60th
Receiving Touchdowns 5 32nd
1st Down Catches 46 77th
Longest Reception 0 22nd
Receptions Per Game 3.8 25th
Receiving Yards Per Game 61.0 18th
Fumbles 1 1015th

1987 Stats for Ernest Givins

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 12 33rd
Games Started 12 12th
Receptions 53 14th
Receiving Yards 933 7th
Yards Per Reception 17.6 76th
Receiving Touchdowns 6 16th
1st Down Catches 83 3rd
Longest Reception 0 14th
Receptions Per Game 4.4 21st
Receiving Yards Per Game 77.8 11th
Fumbles 2 1086th

1986 Stats for Ernest Givins

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 15 181st
Games Started 15 53rd
Receptions 61 25th
Receiving Yards 1,062 12th
Yards Per Reception 17.4 50th
Receiving Touchdowns 3 60th
1st Down Catches 60 32nd
Longest Reception 0 25th
Receptions Per Game 4.1 22nd
Receiving Yards Per Game 70.8 8th
Fumbles 0 8th