Ferran Torres Career Stats
Ferran is averaging 0.817 pts per outing so far in his pro soccer career. So far in his pro soccer career, Ferran is averaging 0.32 goals scored per 90 and has tallied 128 points. On top of averaging 0.562 goals + assists per game, Ferran has accumulated 373 shots and collected 129 shots on target. If you examine his ability to get PT, the forward has accumulated 13,748 mins. Ferran Torres has been solid if you analyze his ability to take shots at the goal, averaging 2.38 shots and 87.73 minutes per 90 minutes.
Stefan Savic Career Stats
Stefan Savic had an average of 0.061 points per game in terms of his ability to score points. Steven accumulated 62 shots in terms of his ability to take shots at the goal and collected 24 shots on target. If you’re looking at his goal scoring capabilities, the defenseman averaged 0.02 goals per 90 mins and accumulated 26 pts. Stefan Savic had an average of 0.15 shots and 90.00 mins per ninety, as well as recording 10 goals. Stefan Savic notched 38,600 mins, when analyzing his ability to get on the field.
Ferran Torres vs Stefan Savic Stats
Ferran Torres | Career | Stefan Savic |
257 | Games Played | 461 |
50 | Goals Scored | 10 |
28 | Assists | 6 |
128 | Points Scored | 26 |
0.32 | Goals Per 90 | 0.02 |
0.18 | Assists Per 90 | 0.01 |
0.82 | Points Per 90 | 0.06 |
129 | Shots on Target | 24 |
38.8% | Shot on Target Percentage | 41.7% |
373 | Shots | 62 |
2.38 | Shots Per 90 | 0.14 |
0.82 | Shots on Target Per 90 | 0.06 |
156.7 | 90’s | 428.9 |
Ferran Torres Last 5 Games
He has totaled 7 shots on target if you analyze his ability to shoot at the goal and contributed 5 points. On top of accruing 1.0 pt per game, Ferran averages 0.4 goals scored and 0.2 helpers per outing. He averages 14.3% in terms of his shooting rate, apart from accruing 2 goals scored. Torres has been good in terms of his ability to get assists, having collected 1 helper and 286 minutes. If you’re looking at his shooting accuracy, he averages 1.4 shots on target per outing.
Stefan Savic Last 5 Games
Stefan Savic earned 0 SoT in terms of his ability to put the ball on the goal and notched 0 points. In his last five contests, Steven averaged 0.0 goals scored and 0.0 assists per game. The defenseman had an average of 0.0% concerning his shot percentage. Stefan Savic tallied 0 assists concerning his assisting abilities and notched 360 minutes. The defenseman averaged 0.0 SoT per game and amassed 1 shots.
Ferran Torres Last 10 Games
The forward has earned 9 SoT in his last 10 outings and notched 3 gls + asts. Ferran Torres has tallied 1 assist, is averaging 0.5 points per game, and has notched 618 minutes. The forward has been average in terms of his ability to put the ball in the net, averaging 0.2 goals scored and 0.1 assists per game. In his last ten games, Torres has accumulated 2 goals and averages 2.0 shots per game. Along with amassing 5 pts, the forward is averaging 45.0% when analyzing his shots on target percentage. If you’re looking at his ability to take his shots, Torres has notched 20 shots.
Stefan Savic Last 10 Games
Stefan Savic collected 0 goals and averages 0.4 shots per outing. He totaled 1 SoT if you analyze his ability to shoot at the goal and contributed 0 gls + asts. Stefan Savic totaled 4 shots and had an average of 81.0 mins per contest. Steven accumulated 0 assists in terms of his ability to assist on a goal and collected 810 mins. Steven was below average when you look at his shots on target rate, averaging 25.0%. If you’re looking at his scoring capabilities, the defenseman had an average of 0.0 goals and 0.0 assists per game.