Gabriel Deck Stats

Gabriel Deck has racked up 268 minutes and has taken part in 17 games so far in his pro basketball career. Deck has accrued 102 points so far in his NBA career, has an average of 6.0 points per game and was named a starter in 0 games. He averages 3.9 assists, snags 6.2 rebounds and tallies 13.7 per 36 minutes. Sitting with a shooting % of 49.4%, Deck has buried 40 baskets of 81 attempts. Having racked up 19 3PT tries in his NBA career, he has accrued a shooting percentage of 21.1% by knocking down 4 of those shots. He has earned a 58.1% two-point shooting percentage of by way of converting 36 out of 62 tries. Deck has garnered a 81.8% percentage at the foul line by making 18 of 22 shot attempts. While he has earned an effective FG percentage of 51.9%, he has additionally accounted for 8 turnovers and has a total of 11 fouls. He has tallied 46 total rebounds so far in his NBA career by grabbing 29 on the defensive side of the court and 17 of the offensive variety. In relation to sharing the basketball, Deck has accumulated 29 assists, as well as contributing 9 steals and 0 rejections. He is averaging 2.7 boards and 0.0 assists per game.

Gabriel Deck Stats