Gabriel Jesus vs Richarlison Stats

Gabriel Jesus Career Stats

Gabriel is averaging 0.53 goals scored per ninety and has collected 333 points so far in his career. Gabriel has accrued 22,593 mins. Gabriel Jesus is averaging 1.311 pts per game. Gabriel Jesus is averaging 2.92 shots if you look at his ability to take his shots, and 88.95 mins per 90 minutes. If you look at his ability to take shots at the goal, Gabriel has accumulated 741 shots and recorded 306 SoT.

Richarlison Career Stats

If you analyze his ability to beat the goalkeeper, the forward has been mediocre, averaging 0.35 goals scored per 90 minutes, and has collected 195 points. He has accrued 21,721 mins during his pro soccer career. When examining his point scoring capabilities, Richarlison averages 0.801 pts per outing. If you analyze his expertise in getting his shot off, he has been remarkable, averaging 2.72 shots and 89.28 minutes per 90 minutes. Richarlison has earned 661 shots and notched 170 SoT, in addition to averaging 0.477 goals plus assists per game.

Gabriel Jesus vs Richarlison Stats

Gabriel Jesus vs Richarlison Stats

Gabriel Jesus Career Richarlison
360 Games Played 307
134 Goals Scored 84
65 Assists 27
333 Points Scored 195
0.53 Goals Per 90 0.35
0.26 Assists Per 90 0.11
1.31 Points Per 90 0.80
306 Shots on Target 170
43.8% Shot on Target Percentage 49.4%
741 Shots 661
2.92 Shots Per 90 2.72
1.20 Shots on Target Per 90 0.70
254.0 90’s 243.3

Gabriel Jesus Last 5 Games

In his last five matchups, Gabriel Jesus has accumulated 5 SoT and recorded 6 pts. He averages 0.6 goals scored, 1.2 points, and 0.0 assists per contest. He is averaging 27.3% when you look at his shot% for the season. Gabriel has compiled 0 helpers, 3 gls plus asts, and has notched 425 mins. In addition to notching 11 shots, the forward is averaging 1.0 shot on target per game.

Richarlison Last 5 Games

In his last five games, he is averaging 33.3% if you look at his shot%. If you examine his ability to kick the ball on goal, he has been below average, averaging 0.6 SoT per contest. He has tallied 3 shots on target and notched 4 points. Richarlison has earned 0 helpers and recorded 251 minutes played, apart from totaling 2 goals + assists. Richarlison averages 0.4 goals scored, 0.8 points, and 0.0 assists per contest.

Gabriel Jesus Last 10 Games

The forward has been lousy when examining his ability to kick the ball on goal, having notched 7 shots on target and 4 gls plus asts. The forward has tallied 1 helper, is averaging 0.7 pts per contest, and has amassed 775 mins. The forward averages 0.3 goals per game, has 8.61 nineties, and 0.1 helpers per game. In his last ten games, the forward has collected 3 goals scored and averages 2.6 shots per contest. He is averaging 26.9% if you’re looking at his shots on target rate, apart from collecting 7 pts. Gabriel has produced 26 shots and averages 77.5 mins per contest.

Richarlison Last 10 Games

The forward has accumulated 11 SoT in his last 10 matchups and recorded 6 gls plus asts. Richarlison has tallied 0 assists in his last 10 outings and notched 681 mins. Richarlison is averaging 0.6 goals scored and 0.0 helpers per outing, apart from totaling 8 90’s played. Richarlison has collected 6 goals scored and is averaging 2.3 shots per outing, apart from scoring on 26.1% of his attempted shots. The forward was around league average when examining his SoT%, averaging 47.8%. In addition to averaging 68.1 mins per game, the forward has notched 23 shots.