Guy Lafleur vs Marcel Dionne Stats

With a shooting rate of 15.9%, he has attempted a shot at the opposing goalie 3,516 different times throughout his career. In addition to his 560 goals, Guy Lafleur has helped his team score 793 times with a helper. Over the course of his NHL career, Lafleur has tallied 1,353 pts during his 1,126 games. He has visited the bad box for a total of 399 minutes while his plus/minus for his career is 446.

Over the course of his career, Marcel Dionne has accumulated 731 goals on 5,363 attempts at the net. Having skated onto the ice 1,348 times over the course of his NHL career, Dionne has a plus/minus of 27 during those games. Dionne has been of service to his teammates 1,040 times with an assist, but he has harmed his team by spending 600 minutes in the bad box. With a career points total of 1,771, Marcel Dionne has also accounted for a shooting percentage of 13.6%.

Guy Lafleur vs Marcel Dionne Stats

Guy Lafleur Career Marcel Dionne
1,126 Games Played 1,348
560 Goals Scored 731
793 Assists 1,040
1,353 Points Scored 1,771
446 Plus/Minus (+/-) 27
399 Penalty Minutes 600
403 Even Strength Goals 478
154 Power Play Goals 234
3 Short-Handed Goals 19
98 Game-Winning Goals 73
3,516 Shots on Goal 5,363
15.9% Shooting Percentage 13.6%
1.2 Points Per Game 1.3

He has a shooting percentage of 13.3% (90 shots on goal) and has registered 2 mins in the penalty box. He has played 59 different times and he also has tallied 28 pts over the course of the season. Guy Lafleur comes in with an average of 0.5 pts per outing with 16 assists. Guy Lafleur has amassed 12 goals and he also has accounted for a +/- of -10.

Dionne has earned a +/- of -6 while having 23 points. Dionne has earned 74 shots on net and sports an average of 0.6 pts per contest in his 37 games played. Dionne has accumulated 16 assists and he has accounted for a shooting percentage of 9.5%. He has notched 20 minutes in the bad box and he has accumulated 7 goals for the year.

Guy Lafleur – 1990-91 Most Recent Season Marcel Dionne – 1988-89
59 Games Played 37
12 Goals Scored 7
16 Assists 16
28 Points Scored 23
-10 Plus/Minus (+/-) -6
2 Penalty Minutes 20
9 Even Strength Goals 3
3 Power Play Goals 4
0 Short-Handed Goals 0
0 Game-Winning Goals 0
90 Shots on Goal 74
13.3% Shooting Percentage 9.5%
0.5 Points Per Game 0.6