Holton Ahlers College Stats

In his collegiate career, Ahlers has completed 575 of 830 tries for a total of 8,123 yds, and has a completion percentage of 69.3%. He averages 9.8 yards per pass through the air with a 182.4 QB rating. Ahlers has passed for 85 touchdowns while tossing 12 interceptions and his adjusted pass yards per attempt is at 11.2 yards. He’s run for 136 yds while crossing the goal line 1 different times via the ground. His TD rate on pass attempts is 10.2% and his interception rate is 1.4%.

Ahlers has connected on 315 of his attempted 469 throws for a completion percentage of 67.2%. In his 13 games played, he has recorded an average of 285.2 yards per outing. This season, Ahlers has passed for a total of 3,708 yds with 28 touchdowns and 5 interceptions. His QB rating is 151.1 with a TD rate of 6.0% and an interception percentage of 1.1%. Since the start of the year, he had attempted a rush 72 times for a total of 182 yds.

Holton Ahlers Stats

Year Games TD TD% Cmp Att Cmp% Pass Yds QB Rate Y/A AY/A Y/C Y/G Int Int% Rush Att Rush Yds Rush Avg
Career 85 10.2% 575 830 69.3% 8,123 182.4 9.8 11.2 14.1 12 1.4% 80 136 1.7
2022 13 28 6.0% 315 469 67.2% 3,708 151.1 7.9 8.6 11.8 285.2 5 1.1% 72 182 2.5
2021 12 18 4.3% 256 414 61.8% 3,126 134.8 7.6 7.3 12.2 260.5 10 3.9% 116 204 1.8
2020 8 18 6.7% 165 269 61.3% 1,927 136.9 7.2 7.0 11.7 240.9 9 5.5% 54 109 2.0
2019 12 21 4.8% 264 442 59.7% 3,387 135.3 7.7 7.6 12.8 282.3 10 3.8% 108 359 3.3
2018 10 12 4.6% 127 263 48.3% 1,785 118.1 6.8 7.2 14.1 178.5 3 2.4% 119 592 5.0

2022 Stats for Holton Ahlers

Stat Value NCAA Rank
Games 13 22nd
Completions 315 11th
Passing Attempts 469 12th
Completion Percentage 67% 15th
Passing Yards 3,708 10th
Touchdown Passes 28 16th
TD Percentage 6.0% 40th
Interceptions 5 87th
Interception Percentage 1.1% 102nd
Yards Per Pass Attempt 7.9 42nd
Average Yards Per Pass Attempt 8.6 25th
Yards Per Completion 11.8 66th
Passing Yards Per Game 285.2 14th
QB Rate 151.1 27th
Rushing Attempts 72 62nd
Rushing Yards 182 54th
Rushing Average 2.5 50th
Rushing Touchdowns 6 26th

2021 Stats for Holton Ahlers

Stat Value NCAAF Rank
Games 12 64th
Completions 256 24th
Passing Attempts 414 20th
Completion Percentage 61.8% 63rd
Passing Yards 3,126 29th
Yards Per Attempt 7.6 66th
Average Yards Per Attempt 7.3 73rd
Passing Touchdowns 18 63rd
Interceptions 10 30th
Quarterback Rating 134.8 70th
Rushing Attempts 116 23rd
Rushing Yards 204 45th
Rushing Average 1.8 59th
Rushing Touchdowns 6 25th
Touchdowns Percentage 4.3% 78th
Interception Percentage 3.9% 46th
Yards Per Completion 12.2 61st
Passing Yards Per Game 260.5 19th

2020 Stats for Holton Ahlers

Stat Value NCAAF Rank
Games 8 65th
Completions 165 43rd
Passing Attempts 269 40th
Completion Percentage 61.3% 55th
Passing Yards 1,927 49th
Yards Per Attempt 7.2 62nd
Average Yards Per Attempt 7.0 60th
Passing Touchdowns 18 28th
Interceptions 9 18th
Quarterback Rating 136.9 51st
Rushing Attempts 54 59th
Rushing Yards 109 51st
Rushing Average 2.0 48th
Rushing Touchdowns 1 77th
Touchdowns Percentage 6.7% 30th
Interception Percentage 5.5% 27th
Yards Per Completion 11.7 66th
Passing Yards Per Game 240.9 30th

2019 Stats for Holton Ahlers

Stat Value NCAAF Rank
Games 12 58th
Completions 264 20th
Passing Attempts 442 13th
Completion Percentage 59.7% 66th
Passing Yards 3,387 21st
Yards Per Attempt 7.7 49th
Average Yards Per Attempt 7.6 55th
Passing Touchdowns 21 40th
Interceptions 10 30th
Quarterback Rating 135.3 61st
Rushing Attempts 108 35th
Rushing Yards 359 33rd
Rushing Average 3.3 32nd
Rushing Touchdowns 6 27th
Touchdowns Percentage 4.8% 68th
Interception Percentage 3.8% 46th
Yards Per Completion 12.8 37th
Passing Yards Per Game 282.3 12th

2018 Stats for Holton Ahlers

Stat Value NCAAF Rank
Games 10 93rd
Completions 127 94th
Passing Attempts 263 87th
Completion Percentage 48.3% 107th
Passing Yards 1,785 90th
Yards Per Attempt 6.8 82nd
Average Yards Per Attempt 7.2 63rd
Passing Touchdowns 12 86th
Interceptions 3 105th
Quarterback Rating 118.1 91st
Rushing Attempts 119 25th
Rushing Yards 592 13th
Rushing Average 5.0 8th
Rushing Touchdowns 6 32nd
Touchdowns Percentage 4.6% 71st
Interception Percentage 2.4% 92nd
Yards Per Completion 14.1 11th
Passing Yards Per Game 178.5 77th