Irving Fryar Stats

Fryar racked up 12,785 receiving yards in 255 games for his career. He snagged 851 passes for an average of 15.0 YPC. His longest reception of his career went for 80 yd and he was able to snag 85.3% of the balls thrown in his direction. Fryar (84 receiving TD’s) compiled an average of 50.1 yards per game receiving and he has 3.3 catches per game in his career.

Fryar accumulated 548 yards as a receiver in his 14 games in his last season. He caught 41 balls for an average of 13.4 yards per reception. His longest reception in his last year went for 80 yards and he was able to catch 61.7% of the balls thrown in his direction. Irving Fryar (5 TDs through the air) had an average of 39.1 yards per game receiving and he had 2.9 catches per game. Fryar accounted for 548 receiving yards.

Irving Fryar Stats

Year Team Rec Yards Y/R G GS TD 1D Lng R/G Y/G Fmb
Career 851 12,785 15.0 255 208 84 308 80 3.3 50.1 0
2000 WAS 41 548 13.4 14 6 5 29 34 2.9 39.1 0
1999 WAS 26 254 9.8 16 1 2 16 30 1.6 15.9 0
1998 PHI 48 556 11.6 16 16 2 32 61 3.0 34.8 0
1997 PHI 86 1,316 15.3 16 16 6 63 72 5.4 82.3 1
1996 PHI 88 1,195 13.6 16 16 11 66 42 5.5 74.7 0
1995 MIA 62 910 14.7 16 16 8 47 67 3.9 56.9 0
1994 MIA 73 1,270 17.4 16 16 7 55 54 4.6 79.4 0
1993 MIA 64 1,010 15.8 16 16 5 65 9 4.0 63.1 0
1992 NWE 55 791 14.4 15 14 4 54 8 3.7 52.7 0
1991 NWE 68 1,014 14.9 16 15 3 56 0 4.3 63.4 2
1990 NWE 54 856 15.9 16 15 4 56 0 3.4 53.5 1
1989 NWE 29 537 18.5 11 5 3 52 0 2.6 48.8 2
1988 NWE 33 490 14.8 15 14 5 80 0 2.2 32.7 2
1987 NWE 31 467 15.1 12 12 5 40 0 2.6 38.9 2
1986 NWE 43 737 17.1 14 13 6 69 0 3.1 52.6 4
1985 NWE 39 670 17.2 16 14 7 56 0 2.4 41.9 4
1984 NWE 11 164 14.9 14 3 1 26 0 0.8 11.7 4

2000 Stats for Irving Fryar

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 14 230th
Games Started 6 182nd
Receptions 41 82nd
Receiving Yards 548 73rd
Yards Per Reception 13.4 95th
Receiving Touchdowns 5 41st
1st Down Catches 29 62nd
Longest Reception 34 140th
Receptions Per Game 2.9 91st
Receiving Yards Per Game 39.1 75th
Fumbles 0 24th

1999 Stats for Irving Fryar

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 92nd
Games Started 1 285th
Receptions 26 138th
Receiving Yards 254 144th
Yards Per Reception 9.8 220th
Receiving Touchdowns 2 112th
1st Down Catches 16 118th
Longest Reception 30 174th
Receptions Per Game 1.6 165th
Receiving Yards Per Game 15.9 169th
Fumbles 0 59th

1998 Stats for Irving Fryar

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 40th
Games Started 16 26th
Receptions 48 56th
Receiving Yards 556 64th
Yards Per Reception 11.6 173rd
Receiving Touchdowns 2 96th
1st Down Catches 32 52nd
Longest Reception 61 52nd
Receptions Per Game 3.0 69th
Receiving Yards Per Game 34.8 80th
Fumbles 0 27th

1997 Stats for Irving Fryar

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 5th
Games Started 16 5th
Receptions 86 5th
Receiving Yards 1,316 5th
Yards Per Reception 15.3 56th
Receiving Touchdowns 6 20th
1st Down Catches 63 4th
Longest Reception 72 15th
Receptions Per Game 5.4 5th
Receiving Yards Per Game 82.3 5th
Fumbles 1 1024th

1996 Stats for Irving Fryar

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 8th
Games Started 16 7th
Receptions 88 9th
Receiving Yards 1,195 7th
Yards Per Reception 13.6 85th
Receiving Touchdowns 11 4th
1st Down Catches 66 3rd
Longest Reception 42 93rd
Receptions Per Game 5.5 10th
Receiving Yards Per Game 74.7 10th
Fumbles 0 5th

1995 Stats for Irving Fryar

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 31st
Games Started 16 21st
Receptions 62 34th
Receiving Yards 910 27th
Yards Per Reception 14.7 62nd
Receiving Touchdowns 8 19th
1st Down Catches 47 21st
Longest Reception 67 22nd
Receptions Per Game 3.9 40th
Receiving Yards Per Game 56.9 29th
Fumbles 0 9th

1994 Stats for Irving Fryar

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 19th
Games Started 16 15th
Receptions 73 22nd
Receiving Yards 1,270 6th
Yards Per Reception 17.4 25th
Receiving Touchdowns 7 13th
1st Down Catches 55 14th
Longest Reception 54 54th
Receptions Per Game 4.6 26th
Receiving Yards Per Game 79.4 7th
Fumbles 0 6th

1993 Stats for Irving Fryar

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 22nd
Games Started 16 16th
Receptions 64 25th
Receiving Yards 1,010 9th
Yards Per Reception 15.8 36th
Receiving Touchdowns 5 25th
1st Down Catches 65 26th
Longest Reception 9 55th
Receptions Per Game 4.0 32nd
Receiving Yards Per Game 63.1 12th
Fumbles 0 6th

1992 Stats for Irving Fryar

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 15 176th
Games Started 14 69th
Receptions 55 29th
Receiving Yards 791 20th
Yards Per Reception 14.4 79th
Receiving Touchdowns 4 31st
1st Down Catches 54 49th
Longest Reception 8 112th
Receptions Per Game 3.7 29th
Receiving Yards Per Game 52.7 18th
Fumbles 0 5th

1991 Stats for Irving Fryar

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 18th
Games Started 15 52nd
Receptions 68 19th
Receiving Yards 1,014 13th
Yards Per Reception 14.9 64th
Receiving Touchdowns 3 48th
1st Down Catches 56 39th
Longest Reception 0 19th
Receptions Per Game 4.3 22nd
Receiving Yards Per Game 63.4 15th
Fumbles 2 1090th

1990 Stats for Irving Fryar

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 27th
Games Started 15 51st
Receptions 54 30th
Receiving Yards 856 19th
Yards Per Reception 15.9 45th
Receiving Touchdowns 4 46th
1st Down Catches 56 55th
Longest Reception 0 30th
Receptions Per Game 3.4 34th
Receiving Yards Per Game 53.5 22nd
Fumbles 1 1019th

1989 Stats for Irving Fryar

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 11 285th
Games Started 5 175th
Receptions 29 102nd
Receiving Yards 537 58th
Yards Per Reception 18.5 29th
Receiving Touchdowns 3 65th
1st Down Catches 52 63rd
Longest Reception 0 102nd
Receptions Per Game 2.6 79th
Receiving Yards Per Game 48.8 38th
Fumbles 2 1103rd

1988 Stats for Irving Fryar

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 15 201st
Games Started 14 77th
Receptions 33 85th
Receiving Yards 490 73rd
Yards Per Reception 14.8 87th
Receiving Touchdowns 5 41st
1st Down Catches 80 11th
Longest Reception 0 85th
Receptions Per Game 2.2 93rd
Receiving Yards Per Game 32.7 73rd
Fumbles 2 1107th

1987 Stats for Irving Fryar

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 12 75th
Games Started 12 38th
Receptions 31 76th
Receiving Yards 467 58th
Yards Per Reception 15.1 146th
Receiving Touchdowns 5 31st
1st Down Catches 40 103rd
Longest Reception 0 76th
Receptions Per Game 2.6 132nd
Receiving Yards Per Game 38.9 100th
Fumbles 2 1095th

1986 Stats for Irving Fryar

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 14 222nd
Games Started 13 91st
Receptions 43 58th
Receiving Yards 737 37th
Yards Per Reception 17.1 58th
Receiving Touchdowns 6 23rd
1st Down Catches 69 19th
Longest Reception 0 58th
Receptions Per Game 3.1 55th
Receiving Yards Per Game 52.6 28th
Fumbles 4 1155th

1985 Stats for Irving Fryar

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 61st
Games Started 14 75th
Receptions 39 74th
Receiving Yards 670 48th
Yards Per Reception 17.2 48th
Receiving Touchdowns 7 17th
1st Down Catches 56 43rd
Longest Reception 0 74th
Receptions Per Game 2.4 88th
Receiving Yards Per Game 41.9 56th
Fumbles 4 1157th

1984 Stats for Irving Fryar

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 14 247th
Games Started 3 210th
Receptions 11 215th
Receiving Yards 164 180th
Yards Per Reception 14.9 86th
Receiving Touchdowns 1 170th
1st Down Catches 26 190th
Longest Reception 0 215th
Receptions Per Game 0.8 227th
Receiving Yards Per Game 11.7 194th
Fumbles 4 1169th