Isaac Okoro Stats

Isaac Okoro has accumulated 8,373 minutes and has taken the court in 314 contests so far in his NBA career. Okoro has earned 2,569 pts during his career, is averaging 8.2 points per contest and was named a starter in 234 contests. He dishes out 2.2 assists, snags 3.8 boards and scores 11.0 per 36 mins. Sitting with a shooting percentage of 46.4%, Okoro has buried 922 baskets of 1,985 tries. Having taken 852 long distance attempts during his NBA career, he has recorded a shooting percentage of 35.2% by knocking down 300 of those tries. He has accrued a 54.9% shooting percentage of by making 622 out of his 1,133 tries. Okoro is sitting with a 73.1% percentage at the charity stripe by knocking down 425 of his 581 shots. Holding an effective FG rate of 54.0%, he has also had a total of 253 giveaways and recorded 715 infractions. He has accumulated 879 total rebounds during his NBA career by pulling in 592 on the defensive side of the court and 287 of the offensive sort. With respect to making his teammates better, Okoro has compiled 519 assists, as well as contributing 251 steals and 125 rejections. He is averaging 2.8 rebounds in addition to 1.7 assists per outing.

Isaac Okoro Stats