Isaiah Hartenstein Stats

Isaiah Hartenstein Stats

Isaiah Hartenstein has accumulated 6,179 minutes and has taken the court in 335 contests during his pro basketball career. Hartenstein has earned 2,113 pts so far in his NBA career, is averaging 6.3 points/G and started 73 games. He earns 3.4 dimes, snags 11.5 rebounds and tallies 12.3 per 36 mins. Stepping onto the court with a field goal percentage of 59.5%, Hartenstein has made 868 shots out of his 1,459 attempts. Having racked up 91 3PT attempts during his pro basketball career, he has accumulated a shooting percentage of 29.7% by converting 27 of those tries. He has accrued a 61.5% 2pt shooting percentage of by knocking down 841 out of his 1,368 tries. Hartenstein has compiled a 68.6% rate from the free throw line by making 350 out of 510 attempts. Having earned an effective FG rate of 60.4%, he has also recorded 341 giveaways and has 832 fouls. He has accounted for 1,976 total boards in his career by way of 1,250 on the defensive end and 726 of the offensive sort. With respect to helping on baskets, Hartenstein has earned 588 assists, in addition to supplying 237 steals and 304 rejections. He is averaging 5.9 boards and 3.8 assists per game.