Jack Morris Stats

Morris (254-186 career win-loss mark) has a 3.90 earned run average while giving up 8.4 hits per 9 innings. He has a strikeout to walk ratio of 1.78 and he has faced 16,120 opposing batters so far in his career. During his career, Morris has surrendered 3,567 hits while he has accumulated 2,478 punch outs in 3,824 frames. He has given up a total of 1,657 earned runs while earning a WHIP of 1.296 and a FIP of 3.9.

Jack Morris Stats

Jack Morris Stats
Career 549 3824.0 254 186 1.296 3.90 3,567 1,390 2,478 3.94 0 527 389 1,657 1,815 16,120 1.78 8.4 5.8
1994 CLE 23 141.1 10 6 1.627 5.60 163 67 100 4.51 0 23 14 88 96 636 1.49 10.4 6.4
1993 TOR 27 152.2 7 12 1.664 6.19 189 65 103 4.51 0 27 18 105 116 702 1.58 11.1 6.1
1992 TOR 34 240.2 21 6 1.255 4.04 222 80 132 3.78 0 34 18 108 114 1,005 1.65 8.3 4.9
1991 MIN 35 246.2 18 12 1.289 3.43 226 92 163 3.66 0 35 18 94 107 1,032 1.77 8.2 5.9
1990 DET 36 249.2 15 18 1.314 4.51 231 97 162 4.10 0 36 26 125 144 1,073 1.67 8.3 5.8
1989 DET 24 170.1 6 14 1.456 4.86 189 59 115 4.24 0 24 23 92 102 743 1.95 10.0 6.1
1988 DET 34 235.0 15 13 1.311 3.94 225 83 168 3.56 0 34 20 103 115 997 2.02 8.6 6.4
1987 DET 34 266.0 18 11 1.203 3.38 227 93 208 4.27 0 34 39 100 111 1,101 2.24 7.7 7.0
1986 DET 35 267.0 21 8 1.165 3.27 229 82 223 3.97 0 35 40 97 105 1,092 2.72 7.7 7.5
1985 DET 35 257.0 16 11 1.253 3.33 212 110 191 3.60 0 35 21 95 102 1,077 1.74 7.4 6.7
1984 DET 35 240.1 19 11 1.282 3.60 221 87 148 3.73 0 35 20 96 108 1,015 1.70 8.3 5.5
1983 DET 37 293.2 20 13 1.158 3.34 257 83 232 3.38 0 37 30 109 117 1,204 2.80 7.9 7.1
1982 DET 37 266.1 17 16 1.288 4.06 247 96 135 4.59 0 37 37 120 131 1,107 1.41 8.3 4.6
1981 DET 25 198.0 14 7 1.167 3.05 153 78 97 3.75 0 25 14 67 69 798 1.24 7.0 4.4
1980 DET 36 250.0 16 15 1.356 4.18 252 87 112 3.99 0 36 20 116 125 1,074 1.29 9.1 4.0
1979 DET 27 197.2 17 7 1.204 3.28 179 59 113 3.79 0 27 19 72 76 806 1.92 8.2 5.1
1978 DET 28 106.0 3 5 1.472 4.33 107 49 48 4.13 0 7 8 51 57 469 0.98 9.1 4.1
1977 DET 7 45.2 1 1 1.336 3.74 38 23 28 4.16 0 6 4 19 20 189 1.22 7.5 5.5