Jaden Hardy Stats

Jaden Hardy has racked up 2,338 mins and has taken part in 163 contests so far in his pro basketball career. Hardy is sitting with 1,282 points so far in his NBA career, has a rate of 7.9 points per contest and has started in 15 games. He distributes 3.6 dimes, grabs 4.4 rebounds and racks up 19.7 per 36 mins. Taking the court with a shooting percentage of 42.0%, Hardy has made 462 shots out of his 1,100 tries. Having shot 517 3PT attempts in his NBA career, he has accumulated a rate of 37.7% by converting 195 of those shots. He has accrued a 45.8% shooting percentage of by converting 267 out of his 583 shot attempts. Hardy has amassed a 77.3% clip from the foul line by converting 163 of his 211 attempts. With an effective FG percentage of 50.9%, he has also tallied 168 giveaways and committed 209 infractions. He is sitting with 287 rebounds in total during his pro basketball career by way of 249 on the defensive end and 38 offensive. With respect to making his teammates better, Hardy has tallied 231 assists, as well as adding 60 steals and 16 rejections. He is averaging 1.8 rebounds as well as 1.4 dimes per contest.

Jaden Hardy Stats