Jake Marisnick Stats

Marisnick has accumulated a batting average of .229 in his time in baseball with 297 runs scored and an OPS of .667. He has been struck out 692 times and has gotten a free base on 122 occasions, which has contributed to a .281 on-base percentage. For his MLB career, Marisnick has drilled 67 balls out of the park while knocking in 233 runs. His career slugging percentage is .386 and he has accumulated 821 bases. For his career, he came to the plate 2,330 times and has delivered a base hit 487 times.

Marisnick has accounted for 31 total bases with 18 hits out of 76 at-bats. He has scored 10 runs on the year and has knocked 2 balls over the fence. He has amassed a batting average of .237 while holding an OPS of .688. He has accrued an on-base percentage of .280 in addition to 3 walks and 21 K’s. For the current season, Jake Marisnick has knocked in 10 runs and has accumulated a slugging percentage of .408.

Jake Marisnick Stats

Career .229 67 487 122 297 233 .281 2,330 2,129 .667 N/A 99 17 923 .386 83 35 821 692
2023 TOT .237 2 18 3 10 10 .280 83 76 .688 85 3 2 46 .408 2 3 31 21
2022 PIT .234 2 18 4 9 6 .272 82 77 .661 84 6 0 31 .390 2 1 30 24
2021 TOT .216 5 38 11 21 24 .286 198 176 .661 78 7 3 99 .375 4 1 66 65
2021 CHC .227 5 29 9 17 22 .294 144 128 .731 94 6 3 65 .438 3 1 56 43
2021 SDP .188 0 9 2 4 2 .264 54 48 .472 35 1 0 34 .208 1 0 10 22
2020 NYM .333 2 11 1 4 5 .353 34 33 .959 158 3 0 16 .606 0 0 20 10
2019 HOU .233 10 68 17 46 34 .289 318 292 .700 80 16 3 120 .411 10 3 120 95
2018 HOU .211 10 45 15 34 28 .275 235 213 .674 83 8 1 103 .399 6 2 85 84
2017 HOU .243 16 56 20 50 35 .319 259 230 .815 119 10 0 106 .496 9 4 114 90
2016 HOU .209 5 60 16 40 21 .257 311 287 .588 62 18 1 118 .331 10 5 95 83
2015 HOU .236 9 80 18 46 36 .281 372 339 .665 84 15 4 133 .383 24 9 130 105
2014 TOT .249 3 55 8 21 19 .281 237 221 .607 72 8 0 65 .326 11 3 72 67
2014 MIA .167 0 8 3 3 0 .216 51 48 .382 10 0 0 14 .167 5 0 8 19
2014 HOU .272 3 47 5 18 19 .299 186 173 .669 89 8 0 51 .370 6 3 64 48
2013 MIA .183 1 20 6 6 5 .231 118 109 .478 32 2 1 40 .248 3 1 27 27