James Stewart Stats

Stewart rushed for 57.8 yards on the ground per contest in his career. He has run for 48 TD’s with a long carry of 56 yds. His YPC is 4.0 and he carried the ball 1,478 different times. James Stewart gained 5,841 yards on the ground in 101 games played in his career.

Stewart carried the ball 231 different times to the tune of 4.4 YPC. During his 14 games played in his last year, James Stewart ran for 72.9 yards per game and got into the endzone 4 times as a runner. His longest run that season was 56 yds.

James Stewart Stats

Year Team Att Yards TD G GS Lng Y/A Y/G Fmb
Career 1,478 5,841 48 101 69 56 4.0 57.8 13
2002 DET 231 1,021 4 14 9 56 4.4 72.9 0
2001 DET 143 685 1 11 10 38 4.8 62.3 0
2000 DET 339 1,184 10 16 16 34 3.5 74.0 4
1999 JAX 249 931 13 14 7 44 3.7 66.5 4
1998 JAX 53 217 2 3 3 30 4.1 72.3 2
1997 JAX 136 555 8 16 5 33 4.1 34.7 0
1996 JAX 190 723 8 13 11 34 3.8 55.6 2
1995 JAX 137 525 2 14 8 22 3.8 37.5 1

2002 Stats for James Stewart

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 14 168th
Games Started 9 124th
Rushing Attempts 231 21st
Rushing Yards 1,021 17th
Rushing Touchdowns 4 37th
Longest Run 56 19th
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 4.4 130th
Rushing Yards Per Game 72.9 14th
Fumbles 0 209th

2001 Stats for James Stewart

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 11 225th
Games Started 10 110th
Rushing Attempts 143 36th
Rushing Yards 685 26th
Rushing Touchdowns 1 65th
Longest Run 38 44th
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 4.8 90th
Rushing Yards Per Game 62.3 20th
Fumbles 0 203rd

2000 Stats for James Stewart

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 4th
Games Started 16 4th
Rushing Attempts 339 4th
Rushing Yards 1,184 14th
Rushing Touchdowns 10 8th
Longest Run 34 43rd
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 3.5 160th
Rushing Yards Per Game 74.0 18th
Fumbles 4 43rd

1999 Stats for James Stewart

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 14 153rd
Games Started 7 117th
Rushing Attempts 249 16th
Rushing Yards 931 17th
Rushing Touchdowns 13 3rd
Longest Run 44 28th
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 3.7 149th
Rushing Yards Per Game 66.5 18th
Fumbles 4 46th

1998 Stats for James Stewart

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 3 275th
Games Started 3 165th
Rushing Attempts 53 61st
Rushing Yards 217 61st
Rushing Touchdowns 2 56th
Longest Run 30 63rd
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 4.1 99th
Rushing Yards Per Game 72.3 16th
Fumbles 2 88th

1997 Stats for James Stewart

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 16 18th
Games Started 5 133rd
Rushing Attempts 136 35th
Rushing Yards 555 33rd
Rushing Touchdowns 8 11th
Longest Run 33 38th
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 4.1 92nd
Rushing Yards Per Game 34.7 39th
Fumbles 0 199th

1996 Stats for James Stewart

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 13 166th
Games Started 11 88th
Rushing Attempts 190 23rd
Rushing Yards 723 22nd
Rushing Touchdowns 8 12th
Longest Run 34 43rd
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 3.8 111th
Rushing Yards Per Game 55.6 21st
Fumbles 2 93rd

1995 Stats for James Stewart

Stat Value NFL Rank
Games 14 175th
Games Started 8 115th
Rushing Attempts 137 32nd
Rushing Yards 525 35th
Rushing Touchdowns 2 47th
Longest Run 22 76th
Rushing Yards Per Attempt 3.8 128th
Rushing Yards Per Game 37.5 36th
Fumbles 1 122nd