Jesse Barfield Stats

Barfield has accumulated a batting average of .254 for his time in baseball in addition to 723 scored runs and an OPS of .290. For his career, he stepped into the batters box 5,499 times and has reached base with a base knock 1,232 times. He is sitting with a career slugging percentage of -.043 and he has totaled 2,239 bases. In his career, Barfield has hit 243 baseballs over the fence while driving in 723 runs. He has been struck out 1,261 times and has taken a walk on 560 occasions, contributing to a .333 OBP.

Barfield has earned 21 total bases with 13 hits out of 95 at-bats. He has amassed an OBP of .210 as well as 9 walks and 27 K’s. So far this year, Jesse Barfield has hit in 7 runs and has tallied a slugging percentage of .221. He has tallied 8 runs on the year and has hit 2 balls out of the park. He is sitting with a batting average when batting of .137 while having an OPS of .431.

Jesse Barfield Stats

Career .256 241 1,219 551 715 716 .335 5,394 4,759 .802 117 216 30 1,428 .466 66 47 2,218 1,234
1992 NYY .137 2 13 9 8 7 .210 105 95 .431 22 2 0 30 .221 1 1 21 27
1991 NYY .225 17 64 36 37 48 .312 321 284 .759 108 12 0 84 .447 1 0 127 80
1990 NYY .246 25 117 82 69 78 .359 570 476 .815 127 21 2 153 .456 4 3 217 150
1989 TOT .234 23 122 87 79 67 .345 615 521 .760 115 23 1 150 .415 5 5 216 150
1989 TOR .200 5 16 5 8 11 .256 86 80 .693 97 4 0 21 .438 0 2 35 28
1989 NYY .240 18 106 82 71 56 .360 529 441 .770 118 19 1 129 .410 5 3 181 122
1988 TOR .244 18 114 41 62 56 .302 520 468 .728 102 21 5 137 .425 7 3 199 108
1987 TOR .263 28 155 58 89 84 .331 654 590 .788 105 25 3 159 .458 3 5 270 141
1986 TOR .289 40 170 69 107 108 .368 671 589 .927 146 35 2 158 .559 8 8 329 146
1985 TOR .289 27 156 66 94 84 .369 612 539 .905 141 34 9 155 .536 22 8 289 143
1984 TOR .284 14 91 35 51 49 .357 360 320 .822 123 14 1 110 .466 8 2 149 81
1983 TOR .253 27 98 22 58 68 .296 420 388 .806 112 13 3 128 .510 2 5 198 110
1982 TOR .246 18 97 42 54 58 .323 446 394 .749 97 13 2 139 .426 1 4 168 79
1981 TOR .232 2 22 4 7 9 .270 100 95 .638 79 3 2 25 .368 4 3 35 19